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2 minutes ago, Matty-RCFC said:

Transfers Scotland has you boys interested in him. I don’t know how credible that dude is, if at all, though. 

Aye, they've linked us with him, Logan Chalmers who was with us in 21/22 and the young boy Smith from Hearts.  I know someone who works at the club, who is usually in the know, and says he's heard nothing about any of them.

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25 years old is a perfect age to sign a bit of experience but plenty time left to get a decent sale fee , previous experience in Spanish 2nd division, English league one and two, 6ft 3” 

nothing not to like about that signing on paper at least, look forward to seeing him play.

feel our squad is just about complete now!

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1 hour ago, Matty-RCFC said:

If we receive offers for him in January, I still believe we should hold onto him until the end of the season. Yes - he’s available to leave on a free at the end of the season. However, the difference between him in the team and not is night and day so I’d rather have him leave for a free in June and get a full season out of probably the best player in the bottom six, than get a pittance of a fee that we will definitely not be able to find a player of his calibre for and slide down the table. 

Feel like Turner and Sheaf were probably signed in the expectation Dhanda will leave at somepoint and they hope one of them will step up to the plate.

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6 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

@RandomGuy. can you do your shit on this fella. I’ve never seen him play but he seems exactly what County are crying out for.  


Looks a very smart signing. Possession figures probably boosted in some ways by playing in a good side, but every other season I look at has him solid defensively and also a threat in the box. Probably as good a Iacovitti replacement as you could get as he looks like he might be an upgrade.

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29 minutes ago, Rcfc fan said:

25 years old is a perfect age to sign a bit of experience but plenty time left to get a decent sale fee , previous experience in Spanish 2nd division, English league one and two, 6ft 3” 

nothing not to like about that signing on paper at least, look forward to seeing him play.

feel our squad is just about complete now!

And left sided 👍

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5 hours ago, forkboy said:

I see Malky has come out in the P&J to say Yan Dhanda is going nowhere. Which I certainly didn't expect 2 months ago, I figured there was no way County would hold on to him. Would be nice if we didn't just hoof the ball from back to front so much so we could actually utilise him but hey, baby steps.

I'm very suprised as well that Yan Dhanda is still here. A superb quality player who really stands out most matches. Usually County can only keep such quality for 1 season these days. Wouldn't be suprised if some club puts an offer in that they just can't refuse. IF that happens, as long as there is time to find a replacement otherwise my optimism will sink for the season. Seriously doubt though that they would find someone as good in a short time.

If he stays, then superb! Keep him for the season. His attitude seems great as well and I'm sure he would play to his full potential right to the end of his contract. Either way, good as long as he isn't snapped up on last day of the window.

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1 hour ago, Rcfc fan said:

25 years old is a perfect age to sign a bit of experience but plenty time left to get a decent sale fee , previous experience in Spanish 2nd division, English league one and two, 6ft 3” 

nothing not to like about that signing on paper at least, look forward to seeing him play.

feel our squad is just about complete now!

Know nothing about Ryan Leak, but sounds an interesting signing and agreed, a perfect age and good experience.

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5 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:


Looks a very smart signing. Possession figures probably boosted in some ways by playing in a good side, but every other season I look at has him solid defensively and also a threat in the box. Probably as good a Iacovitti replacement as you could get as he looks like he might be an upgrade.

You do gods work, RandomGuy. 

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This has nothing to do with Ryan Leak as a player, but his name instantly gives me the fear. Not for any good reasons mind, it just makes me think of Ryan Leaf, a notable NFL player from 25 years ago who is generally regarded as one of the worst draft picks in the sport.

So I hope Ryan Leak is better than that 

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8 hours ago, Rcfc fan said:

Now @RandomGuy. here’s a challenge any chance of a Iacovitti v Leak comparison stat chart?

Not until tonight now, but i looked last night and Leak was much better.

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