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Sure he had a horror show one game against us but Imagine he'd be more than able for the Championship, and we're in need of an experienced centre half. If he can cover for Naismith as well that's an added bonus.

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Sure he had a horror show one game against us but Imagine he'd be more than able for the Championship, and we're in need of an experienced centre half. If he can cover for Naismith as well that's an added bonus.

I'm thinking the 2-1 win in January with 10 men, but I have strong opinions on that. I'll post something on the St Mirren thread when I get the chance later.

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When he's fit Saunders is a fairly competent centre-back, certainly good enough for the top end of the Championship. Unfortunately he's never fit - 10 starts in two seasons (7 full games).

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For anyone like me who is sad enough to be interested in squad numbers:

1 - S Fox

2 - M Fraser

3 - J Reckord

4 - R Quinn

5 - S Boyd

6 - C Robertson

7 - M Gardyne

8 - I McShane

9 - B Graham

10 - L Boyce

11 - C Curran

12 - R Foster

15 - A Davies

17 - J Franks

18 - S Murdoch

19 - T Dingwall

20 - K MacLeod

Not sure about De Vita or Holden

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Where did you pick that up from?

I'm happy that Gardyne reprises 7. I thought Graham, Boyce and Curran might be 9, 10 and 11: Graham gets the poacher's shirt, Boyce gets the creative forward's shirt and Curran keeps his number from before.

I'm not surprised Quinn and Boyd keep their numbers as the two senior "stalwarts", to use a favourite word of Jim's.

Sorry Stagsby, Biscuitty Boyce is my new favourite username. Welcome to P&B.

I wonder if Davies got 15 because 5 and 6 were already taken, reminding me of when Ronaldo joined Inter and Zamorano reluctantly took 1+8.

Edited by bunglebonce
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Does Liam Boyce actually like biscuits? I'm incline to think he very much does, especially custard creams, but if he doesn't it's a potentially litigious username which could get Div into serious bother.

May I suggest the following user names based on facts:

Orange juicy Boyd

Lemsip Maximum Strengthy Curran

Bready Reckord

Smoked Salmony Franks

Flumpy Fox.

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No idea if you lads care, but thought it was worth sharing, in amongst the usual 'Once the manager spoke to me, there was only one place I wanted to go' fluff, Kevin Holt revealed that County were in for him and that it was a very hard decision for him to turn down McIntyre.

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No idea if you lads care, but thought it was worth sharing, in amongst the usual 'Once the manager spoke to me, there was only one place I wanted to go' fluff, Kevin Holt revealed that County were in for him and that it was a very hard decision for him to turn down McIntyre.

Dund££. We know how this ends.

Jim talks the talk. That's why Roy liked him in the first place. Sold him a vision.


"It's more a Shelbyville idea, Mr. MacGregor"

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