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House of the Dragon


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3 hours ago, Elixir said:

It's not as good as S1-S4, but obviously that's an insanely high bar. It's certainly superior to the bulk of S5-S8, though. If they never fucked the ending of Thrones, HotD would probably be far bigger than it is.

I see some people on X are complaining about the lack of action. 🥴 It wasn't the action and battles that made GoT the phenomenon it was. That certainly added a lot to it, but it was the scheming and politicking that made it special. The last two seasons in particular were a disaster precisely because dialogue and plot were sacrificed for set pieces, with not enough time to let things build. At least HotD will end properly because GRRM actually finished this part of the overall story.

There certainly won't be a lack of action or 'things happening' for much longer...

And the nudity.

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Surprised nobody has posted about last night's episode yet. As expected, it delivered, and I very much enjoyed the adaptation. Up there with peak Game of Thrones. There will be more like this (and better) still to come.

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13 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Great episode, less of Daemon’s dreams and the guy who saved Corlys though. Anyone else who can’t stand Jace? Him having a go at Rhaenyra was Joffrey levels of cringe, he’s not intimidating at all. 

The guy who saved Corlys I believe is quite important. But yeah Daemons descent into madness might be on brand but the visions are boring. Agree with Monkman. Dragons paggering is what we're here for at this point. Iv enjoyed the set up and feel the tone re futility of war has been well struck, but still..... Let's rumble! 

Rhaenys it has to be said went out like a bit of a boss, and it also has to be said big Vhagar is a proper brute. 

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Great episode, less of Daemon’s dreams and the guy who saved Corlys though. Anyone else who can’t stand Jace? Him having a go at Rhaenyra was Joffrey levels of cringe, he’s not intimidating at all.

The show leaning into the fact that Harrenhal is meant to be haunted can only be a good thing, especially surrounding Daemon. It's fantasy after all. Alys Rivers is also an interesting character, so pretty cool they cast a Scottish actress and kept her accent.


6 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

The guy who saved Corlys I believe is quite important. But yeah Daemons descent into madness might be on brand but the visions are boring. Agree with Monkman. Dragons paggering is what we're here for at this point. Iv enjoyed the set up and feel the tone re futility of war has been well struck, but still..... Let's rumble!

Rhaenys it has to be said went out like a bit of a boss, and it also has to be said big Vhagar is a proper brute.

Rushing into all out dragon battles with no build-up would be trash, though. Peak Thrones was so good because plots were given enough time to simmer beforehand. House of the Dragon will be a pretty special series when it's finished, so long as they remember what helped make GoT so good in the first place. Granted, having a finished source material will help.

Also, you're right about Addam of Hull.


2 hours ago, Venti said:

Underwhelming tbh.

Was hyped to be like Battle of Winterfell/BotB.

Battle of the B*****ds is ludicrously overrated fan service. Great cinematography, but objectively that's all it is. It doesn't hold a candle to Blackwater or the Battle of Castle Black and is part of the reason why the last two seasons fell off so badly - all visuals, little substance, and poor dialogue. Also, the Battle of Winterfell was just a bit shit really.

There will be some tremendous stuff to come. Well, so long as they do the necessary adaptations justice.

Edited by Elixir
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On 09/07/2024 at 11:35, Bairnardo said:

The guy who saved Corlys I believe is quite important. But yeah Daemons descent into madness might be on brand but the visions are boring. Agree with Monkman. Dragons paggering is what we're here for at this point. Iv enjoyed the set up and feel the tone re futility of war has been well struck, but still..... Let's rumble! 

Rhaenys it has to be said went out like a bit of a boss, and it also has to be said big Vhagar is a proper brute. 

Aye I assume he does become important later on but it just seems like we’ve had a good few scenes with him but we’ve not really learned anything, can properly judge it later depending on what he does I suppose. Seen people on Twitter last week asking why Alys has an American accent and I think everyone needs their ears tested.  

Seeing lots of people compare Criston Cole to Joffrey and Ramsay which is just absolute lunacy. They’re fully evil and he’s just mainly an idiot with a temper, still hate him but he can’t be compared with two of the biggest villains in tv history. 

The only person I semi like at this point is Aegon, so much of this could’ve been avoided if anyone in his life was ever nice to him, poor guy just needs a hug. 

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2 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Aye I assume he does become important later on but it just seems like we’ve had a good few scenes with him but we’ve not really learned anything, can properly judge it later depending on what he does I suppose. Seen people on Twitter last week asking why Alys has an American accent and I think everyone needs their ears tested.  

Seeing lots of people compare Criston Cole to Joffrey and Ramsay which is just absolute lunacy. They’re fully evil and he’s just mainly an idiot with a temper, still hate him but he can’t be compared with two of the biggest villains in tv history. 

The only person I semi like at this point is Aegon, so much of this could’ve been avoided if anyone in his life was ever nice to him, poor guy just needs a hug. 

They’ve certainly made him more sympathetic this series but given last series he raped a servant and had a thing for watching young children fight each other not sure his family calling him out for being an arrogant dullard is enough to make up for it.

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On 11/07/2024 at 23:45, Rodhull said:

They’ve certainly made him more sympathetic this series but given last series he raped a servant and had a thing for watching young children fight each other not sure his family calling him out for being an arrogant dullard is enough to make up for it.

Yeah I totally get that, in most shows that would make him the worst person ever but in this it’s just kinda your average guy. 

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I don’t know if it’s the writing of the character or the actor himself but Jace has absolutely zero charisma and is not at all intimidating. He’s spent the whole time getting told to shut up by his mum and then bitching about it to his sister/wife? I don’t buy him as a good political figure or Prince at all. 

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Yeah I don’t know if it’s because of the way the source book is written as a historical record rather than the straightforward plotting of the main game of thrones/ASOIAF books but it leaves certain characters like Jace with no solid description of what they’re doing at any time and the writers seem to have to scramble to come up with stuff. Even Allicent and Rhaenyra did not seem that involved in this part of the book so that’s probably why they made up the part about them meeting in the Sept. Certain characters like Daemon, Aemond, Corlys etc as you’d expect have a lot of stuff written about them whilst others are just kind of there and the show writers have had varying degrees of success fleshing them out.

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52 minutes ago, Venti said:

Didn't like Emma D'arcy to begin with.

She's not as amazing as Emila.

Grown on me, She's good.

I complained about one actor earlier but I think the overall acting in this show is of a higher standard than GoT. Probably because the general age of the characters are older, there’s not been any Dinklage or Gleeson performances yet but there’s been less duds.

Also Emma D’Arcy goes by they/them, apologies for being so woke. 

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As was touched upon above, the way Fire and Blood was written compared to ASoIaF certainly does give the writers a bit more freedom to easily add things here and there.

Many great characters and performances, but Aemond and Daemon are the absolute bois.

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7 hours ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

Seasmoke was Laenor's before Milli Vanilli got him, right?

Too many dragons, never mind characters.


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