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Kelty versus Clyde

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1 hour ago, BullyWeeStonehouse said:

Sadly, If we lose this tomorrow then I think Danny’s time will be up. Even a draw isn’t much use atm for us.

I don’t see that happening. If we did get beaten, and despite it being a “six pointer” already, Danny looked pretty relaxed at the interview tonight. He’s going nowhere soon. 

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Were you expecting Lennon to be sitting all nervous and uptight? 

Thought he spoke well as he usually does, well aware going to the 3 at the back didn’t work and I doubt we’ll be trying it again. The issues need resolved now though or it’s time up. 

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A Braw windy pishing with rain kinda day here today , hopefully keep up our half decent form at home and thought before we eventually got gubbed by you guys we should’ve or could’ve been 2 of 3 up if chances were taken , 6 pointer already this one 


Mon Kelty 

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14 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:

Where’s the best shout for parking? At the stadium or streets nearby?

Parking at community centre usually ok if early enough or just in the streets next to ground (Bath st) tends to get a bit more busy , couple of streets up from Main Street as well but you should get parked at community centre neeb and that’s right at the away end turnstiles 1 minute walk 

Edited by Kelheart
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