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US Presidential Election 2024


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16 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

The sooner 2024 comes around and The Don is back in power the better. IMO.

America is totally fucked now.

Thank you.

You and your fascist sympathies  :rolleyes:

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America is exactly the same for me under Biden as it was under Trump. It took me a wee while, but folk need to get their heads round it not being a country, it's more like a big UK. Laws here in Connecticut are different than they are in Texas, and they're different from those in Oregon. Just a bunch of weird wee countries with one gaffer who is more or less just to stick on the front page of the paper and sell copy.

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55 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:

America is exactly the same for me under Biden as it was under Trump. It took me a wee while, but folk need to get their heads round it not being a country, it's more like a big UK. Laws here in Connecticut are different than they are in Texas, and they're different from those in Oregon. Just a bunch of weird wee countries with one gaffer who is more or less just to stick on the front page of the paper and sell copy.

That’s shite.

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8 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

America is exactly the same for me under Biden as it was under Trump. It took me a wee while, but folk need to get their heads round it not being a country, it's more like a big UK. Laws here in Connecticut are different than they are in Texas, and they're different from those in Oregon. Just a bunch of weird wee countries with one gaffer who is more or less just to stick on the front page of the paper and sell copy.

7 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

That’s shite.

5 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

It might be, but I'm out on the deck drinking cheap piss same as I was 6 year ago. Ok I've got a 401k now but that's it.

He’s not wrong. The United States is a much looser group than people think, at least in the laws, customs and financials. While there are National laws (income tax, interstate commerce, etc.), a large portion of the code is State based. Even then, there are two different basis for those laws, with 49 States working under a variant of English Common Law, and Louisiana playing its own fiddle under the Napoleonic Code.

The U.S. doesn’t have consistent laws on a number of items, things like the drink driving limit, punishment for crimes, carrying/owning guns, health care and qualifying for it, welfare, etc. There are Federal laws that touch on and modify these local items, but in many cases the Federal government has to use the purse strings to compel States to fall in line. Years ago Louisiana refused to raise the drinking age to 21 from 18. The Feds said OK, we’ll cut your Federal highway funds…Louisiana said, OK, we make more money from alcohol taxes than you give us…the Feds doubled down and threatened more and more funds until Louisiana folded and complied,

The President and the a federal Government are in control of a huge supertanker, and can change the course slowly over the years, but very little can be changed quickly. As a Federal Employee for four years under Trump, they got very little done that actually changed anything from how it was under Obama…likewise GWBush, Clinton, GHWBush and Reagan.

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4 hours ago, TxRover said:

He’s not wrong. The United States is a much looser group than people think, at least in the laws, customs and financials. While there are National laws (income tax, interstate commerce, etc.), a large portion of the code is State based. Even then, there are two different basis for those laws, with 49 States working under a variant of English Common Law, and Louisiana playing its own fiddle under the Napoleonic Code.

The U.S. doesn’t have consistent laws on a number of items, things like the drink driving limit, punishment for crimes, carrying/owning guns, health care and qualifying for it, welfare, etc. There are Federal laws that touch on and modify these local items, but in many cases the Federal government has to use the purse strings to compel States to fall in line. Years ago Louisiana refused to raise the drinking age to 21 from 18. The Feds said OK, we’ll cut your Federal highway funds…Louisiana said, OK, we make more money from alcohol taxes than you give us…the Feds doubled down and threatened more and more funds until Louisiana folded and complied,

The President and the a federal Government are in control of a huge supertanker, and can change the course slowly over the years, but very little can be changed quickly. As a Federal Employee for four years under Trump, they got very little done that actually changed anything from how it was under Obama…likewise GWBush, Clinton, GHWBush and Reagan.

Under Trump the complexion of SCOTUS changed significantly.  The overturning of Roe v Wade being the most prominent, though not the only, ruling.   We have also seen the Court being willing to interfere in previously settled matters and Clarence Thomas’s utter contempt for any sort of accountability.

Also under Biden there has been real and material support for Ukraine, something that would likely disappear under a Republican President.

I contend that whilst maybe none of this has impacted @JamieThomas directly it’s a nonsense to say that things under Trump were no different.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Under Trump the complexion of SCOTUS changed significantly.  The overturning of Roe v Wade being the most prominent, though not the only, ruling.   We have also seen the Court being willing to interfere in previously settled matters and Clarence Thomas’s utter contempt for any sort of accountability.

Also under Biden there has been real and material support for Ukraine, something that would likely disappear under a Republican President.

I contend that whilst maybe none of this has impacted @JamieThomas directly it’s a nonsense to say that things under Trump were no different.


Trump appointed who his party told him to appoint to the supreme court, as any Republican president would've done. The problem is the system. Something about Roe v Wade too, it relates to a health issue which as well as poor women also affects wealthy women. We should consider why poor women's lack of healthcare generally in USA continues on without receiving the same outrage. What was Hilary Clinton doing running against a candidate who promised universal health care in 2016 (Sanders)? Then what was Biden doing running against two candidates who were promising universal health care in 2020 (Sanders and Warren)? For as long as only a rich woman's right to abortion matters and not a poor woman's right to cancer treatment, there's a problem that goes far beyond Trump.

On Ukraine, Obama refused to send lethal military aid between 2014 and 2016, despite having the approval of congress. Trump from late 2017 began sending lethal military aid. He fucked around with it, of course, at one point in 2019 he tried to make it contingent on Ukraine investigating Hunter Biden. Yet his party made sure it got sent because the Republicans love their military industrial complex. For that reason, it's very hard to believe the Republican party wouldn't have jumped at the chance to provide further military aid to Ukraine from February 2022, regardless of whatever was going on between Trump's ears.

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7 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Under Trump the complexion of SCOTUS changed significantly.  The overturning of Roe v Wade being the most prominent, though not the only, ruling.   We have also seen the Court being willing to interfere in previously settled matters and Clarence Thomas’s utter contempt for any sort of accountability.

Also under Biden there has been real and material support for Ukraine, something that would likely disappear under a Republican President.

I contend that whilst maybe none of this has impacted @JamieThomas directly it’s a nonsense to say that things under Trump were no different.


Slow change. The threats to Roe have been posited for three decades now. The States interested mostly had trigger laws in place, and now we will see if the turn they have started will be completed or reversed. Support for Ukraine has little bearing, short-term, on life in these United States.

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Also worth noting that the SCOTUS has been ruling in a surprisingly Democrat friendly way rencently where Republican attempts to gerrymander congressional districts in the Deep South are concerned.

There are plenty of checks and balances in the US system. Last time around Herr Drumpf wasn't able to build his wall, had his ban on people visiting from lots of Muslim countries overturned, wasn't able to withdraw from Syria and was unable to get his VP to go along with the Jan 6th coup.

Talk of there being a deep state and US foreign and defence policy carrying on in much the same direction regardless of who is in power has an element of truth to it.

Hope Trump gets locked up but it's important to bear in mind that some of the stuff the Democrats peddle is more about galvanising their voter base than what actually is likely to happen if he wins. 

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Maybe there is hope after all.

Waiting to go into a fringe comedy show tonight and I mentioned to our friends that I was watching reruns of " The West Wing" on Amazon prime. This American bloke behind us interrupted me to say that nothing much had changed since the series was made. He informed us that "Republicans are still insane".

Not statistical evidence, but interesting nonetheless.

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And again, in Florida…after DeSantis refuses to meet with Biden in the area hit by the hurricane…


…and Ron is busy hunting Transgender kids and such, no time to disavow Nazi’s.

Edited by TxRover
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2 hours ago, TxRover said:

And again, in Florida…after DeSantis refuses to meet with Biden in the area hit by the hurricane…


…and Ron is busy hunting Transgender kids and such, no time to disavow Nazi’s.

Your twitter source is not reliable.


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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I know his behavior is questionable, but the pictures are current, and not “made up”, it was just an easy copy of the pictures. They’re out protesting nearly every day now by DisneyWorld. It’s fascinating, some of the time it’s the rebel flags and others it’s the Nazi one. You’d think people protesting to “save ‘Merica” wouldn’t use the flags of defeated traitors or mass murderers.

Here’s another article from a less reliable source:


And one from a more reliable source:


But they both lack pictures.

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No i can vouch for this one having seen it with my own eyes, saw them with southern cross flags and swastikas at the road that leads from lake buena vista down to disney springs in orlando, they were beside someone flipping a subway sandwiches advert board. Fucking mutants and i hope someone crashes into them (but misses the subway guy). 

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The flags on display at various protests and Trump events are fascinating:

Nazi/swastikas - Adopted by the Christian Nationalists, White Identity and White Power movements.

Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (R. Lee)/Stars and Bars - Was never the Confederate States of America flag, but is widely believed to be such by the undereducated ‘Merican Southerner. Adopted as a symbol of Confederate heritage, starting in the 1940’s it’s morphed into a symbol of White Supremacy.

American Flag with Trump on it in some form - One of the weirder marketing choices, given Trump’s statements about not desecrating the flag. All constitute a violation of the U.S. Flag Code.

3%’ers Flag/Betsy Ross flag with “III” inside the 13 circle stars - Represents a group of far-right, anti-governmental militias and takes their name from the myth that only 3% of the population in Revolutionary times fought against the British.

Release the Kraken flag - QAnon flag, referring to Sidney Powell’s reported huge trove of data/facts/stories/evidence.

Kekistan flag - Looks like an altered, green Nazi flag with “K”s in the middle - Young, 4chan far-right protestors.

Gadsden flag/“Don’t Tread On Me”/Rattlesnake flag - Revolutionary era flag co-opted for small government and anti-government protestors.

Gonzales flag/“Come and Take It” - Second Amendment protestors flags, also co-opted by the far-right.

Variations: Camp Auschwitz, National Social Club, American First, and MAGA Civil War flags…all self explanatory.

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