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US Presidential Election 2024


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9 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Primarily coz your weather is pish :) 

Opportunity for success in the USA is far greater than UK, its not even close. Almost all expats around my age (55yo) that have been here a good few years and plan on staying, will have a very financially comfortable retirement. 

There’s plenty wrong with America, but I feel I’m providing a better life for my kids here than they would get in the UK. 

Well that's fair comment and I wish you all well, and especially good health.  I'm an egalitarian and I'm pretty risk-averse so a society of extremes is not for me.

Unfortunately though an increasingly divided UK is heading down the same path.

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24 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Primarily coz your weather is pish :) 

Opportunity for success in the USA is far greater than UK, its not even close. Almost all expats around my age (55yo) that have been here a good few years and plan on staying, will have a very financially comfortable retirement. 

There’s plenty wrong with America, but I feel I’m providing a better life for my kids here than they would get in the UK. 

Material wealth is important, particularly as you get older and are looking for security and being able to assist your family if required.

Personally I wouldn’t swap that for a country where there are so many nut jobs, so many guns and so many nut jobs with guns.  My children are way past school age but I wouldn’t want my 13 year old granddaughter going to school in the USA.

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27 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Primarily coz your weather is pish :) 

Opportunity for success in the USA is far greater than UK, its not even close. Almost all expats around my age (55yo) that have been here a good few years and plan on staying, will have a very financially comfortable retirement. 

There’s plenty wrong with America, but I feel I’m providing a better life for my kids here than they would get in the UK. 

Are you eating pets too? Or is that only the immigrants?

Agree generally though, I've been to good ol USA a few times and enjoyed it. Seems like it's becoming very divided, not unlike here.

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30 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Primarily coz your weather is pish :) 

Opportunity for success in the USA is far greater than UK, its not even close. Almost all expats around my age (55yo) that have been here a good few years and plan on staying, will have a very financially comfortable retirement. 

There’s plenty wrong with America, but I feel I’m providing a better life for my kids here than they would get in the UK. 

*immigrant not expat

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44 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Well that's fair comment and I wish you all well, and especially good health.  I'm an egalitarian and I'm pretty risk-averse so a society of extremes is not for me.

Unfortunately though an increasingly divided UK is heading down the same path.

Agree about divided UK trying its best to emulate the political clusterfook that is America. 

The age of social media, surround yourself with like minded people and silence all the others. 

Immigrants eating pet cats and dogs ffs :) 

Legally killing new born babies ffs :) 

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When I visited or stayed in the US for summers I always found it weird. My family's garage was full of boats, golf clubs, water skiing gear, camping gear and stuff yet they very rarely left their home unless it was to visit Costco or get takeaway food. They have a society who want money and trinkets at all costs but seem to have not much else beyond these aspirations, maybe it's the lack of free healthcare and social security that leaves them being this way but I find it kinda sad.

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46 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Material wealth is important, particularly as you get older and are looking for security and being able to assist your family if required.

Personally I wouldn’t swap that for a country where there are so many nut jobs, so many guns and so many nut jobs with guns.  My children are way past school age but I wouldn’t want my 13 year old granddaughter going to school in the USA.

Its been a long standing debate with the Mrs (a yank) and I (a Fifer). She was all about moving to UK when the kids were young. We ended up trying Dubai (2010/11) for a year but chucked it and came back to Texas. 

The gun issue has been a constant worry, probably my  biggest WTF about living here. The reasons they come away with for owning guns are nuts. In my experience it boils down to it making them (the guys anyway) feel macho and a good husband/father, regardless of the actual gun ownership stats. 

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59 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Are you eating pets too? Or is that only the immigrants?

Agree generally though, I've been to good ol USA a few times and enjoyed it. Seems like it's becoming very divided, not unlike here.

Don’t tell anyone, but ’m an immigrant ;) 

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Utterly laughable performance from Trump. Eating cats and dogs FFS.🤣

That will probably be seen as the moment a lot of undecided voters switched off from his ranting nonsense.

Harris pretty much painted the walls with him putting the boot in about the Central Park 5 case, international allies thinking he's a joke, and female body autonomy. Trump was completely shambolic over the abortion issue. Where he is supposedly stronger is on the economy (not convinced) but he goes off script and ends up in batshit alley spouting gibberish.

All Harris had to do was appear normal and she did that. She also got right under his thin skin pressing all the buttons that causes him to go off script.

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42 minutes ago, bigmarv said:

Its been a long standing debate with the Mrs (a yank) and I (a Fifer). She was all about moving to UK when the kids were young. We ended up trying Dubai (2010/11) for a year but chucked it and came back to Texas. 

The gun issue has been a constant worry, probably my  biggest WTF about living here. The reasons they come away with for owning guns are nuts. In my experience it boils down to it making them (the guys anyway) feel macho and a good husband/father, regardless of the actual gun ownership stats. 

Oh come on.  Have you never heard of the second amendment? 

You need a gun to protect your state and your nation from any wrong-doers in case there is no military there to do it for you.


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5 hours ago, RiG said:

lmao This MF genuinely went into the spin room and just started shouting out random numbers claiming they were polls that showed he was the winner of the debate :lol:

He's spent his entire life living in a world where he can just say whatever he wants and never have to face the fact that it isn't true. The cushioning effect of wealth.

He'll never have to, either. If he loses this election too, it's all rigged, end of story. When he's unable to stop investigations into his crimes, he's being persecuted unfairly. He'll never see a day in jail, and will likely be confined to his Florida golf resort, which would suit him down to the ground. The only effective punishment for Donald J. Trump would be to end up completely ignored and forgotten, which will never happen because we like the performance. This should all be a real eye-opener for the rest of us; if you're a wealthy psychopath, there's no effective downside to life.

5 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Re the last few pages on the real fears about medical insurance in the US, and appreciating personal relationships, work placements, etc., I'm genuinely wondering why anyone who wasn't born in America would choose to live there.

And that's before Trump......

The whole "no more immigrants" things has been hilarious, as the US has spent most of its history advertising itself to the world as the land of milk and honey. The propaganda has been intense for generations. The reality is that it's a country for gamblers - the potential rewards are much higher, but if you go bust you're going to be ruined in a manner that you likely wouldn't have experienced in your own country.

5 hours ago, Cheese said:

Who actually votes based on Taylor Swift ? Won't most of her fans be too young anyway ?

Seeing a few MAGA lads very unhappy at some other MAGA lads for making up the pets thing and Donald repeating it.

There's something very calculating about that. She was obviously waiting to see how the debate went before coming out against Trump, like a political endorsement is a business decision. That'll be true of a whole load of rich and influential people who don't have any particular beliefs other than what's in their own self-interest, but there's something creepy about seeing creatives doing it.

As for the pets thing, how can anyone possibly realise their guy just repeats whatever bullshit and patent lies they read off the internet and get mad at the bullshit artists for making it up? At what point does it finally click that the emperor's pants are fully off?

4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Having watched a few clips of the debate it looks like Harris was well prepped and Trump not so, probably because he won’t listen to advice from anyone.  He rambled, seemed to be easily baited and his body language was terrible.

I think the Walz v Vance debate could be interesting.  I hope the couch f**ker tries to be humorous because that will fall flat.

Oh, and Taylor Swift’s endorsement is huge.  Pity she hadn’t held back for 24 -48 hours though, might have been more impactful.

Oh, this is happening?! That ought to be fun. Never mind policies, Walz just seems like a fairly regular person and Vance is a f**king creep manufactured in a 4chan lab. The former could end up just copying Harris and pulling WTF? faces for a couple of hours while the latter cements his reputation.

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1 minute ago, carpetmonster said:

Looks like the pussy doesn’t want to get grabbed anymore. 

Oh what fun.

"I will do a debate on ABC, any time, any place."

"Will you do a debate on ABC?"

"No but I will do one on Fox."

"Will you do a debate on Fox."



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