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US Presidential Election 2024


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Possible signs of creaks in the Trump edifice? In the last two weeks, Trump has had two high profile endorsements in State level races both lose. It’s not evidence yet, but it’s a couple of bread crumbs on the possible loss of influence of DJT.

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Trump's lead shorn to 1 point in latest NY Times poll, with a similar Echelon poll (Republican thinktank) showing an almost identical narrowing after conviction. Still doesn't mean s**t this far out, but he's clearly got a problem and bleeding support. If he can't reverse the trend, he's in deep trouble. 

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2 hours ago, TxRover said:

Trump's lead

Exsqueeze me? For a rapist and convicted felon?  :lol:

The fat lady has sung. Time for the world to withdraw and enjoy what little time we have left while America concentrates on the alchemy of turning items of value into Bitcoin, fixing mass slaughter in schools with thoughts and prayers, and working out what those nuclear launch buttons used to do by hitting them with rocks.

Hopefully they end the world before our own brand of geniuses murder everyone who looks a bit furrin to save the NHS or some shit  :1eye

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Exsqueeze me? For a rapist and convicted felon?  :lol:

The fat lady has sung. Time for the world to withdraw and enjoy what little time we have left while America concentrates on the alchemy of turning items of value into Bitcoin, fixing mass slaughter in schools with thoughts and prayers, and working out what those nuclear launch buttons used to do by hitting them with rocks.

Hopefully they end the world before our own brand of geniuses murder everyone who looks a bit furrin to save the NHS or some shit  :1eye

In the polls, yes, a slight lead...the open debate is how accurate the polls are. There's a bigger and bigger correction factor being applied to polls, as they find fewer and fewer people willing to respond and/or having landlines. The basic problems are low information voters, the removal of the fairness doctrine, and talk radio.

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New polling data, while still noting both that it’s five months to go and all the results fell within the margin of error of each poll:

 1) Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—which likely will prove vital in determining who wins the 2024 election— Biden came out on top (50 percent to 49). The poll was conducted among 2,063 U.S. adults from June 5-7, just days after Trump was found guilty. (CBS News/YouGov)

2) Biden is preferred by independents over Trump by two points (50 percent to 48 percent). CBS News noted in its analysis of the data that there is some anti-Trump sentiment among the independents who are now backing Biden, and that "a larger majority of them are doing so now to oppose Trump." (CBS News/YouGov)

3) Yahoo News/YouGov poll conducted from June 3-6 found that 41 percent of independents said they would support Biden in November, compared to 38 percent supporting Trump. Ten percent said they weren't sure who they'd vote for, with 11 percent saying they wouldn't vote at all.

4) Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Biden (46 percent) overtook Trump (44 percent) to lead the race for the first time since October 2023.

5) Financial Times/University of Michigan's Ross School of Business poll found that an increasing number of voters are saying they trust Biden to better handle the U.S. economy. While Trump (41 percent) still leads Biden (37 percent), back from -11 points in February.


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16 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Give it up mate. The c**t is going to win. He always does better than the polls, and will have every means of voter repression on his side.

Actually, that’s clearly false. Certainly, we know the base for this election is at least 52% Biden and 48% Trump, ON A NATIONAL RAW VOTE BASIS.

Now, the import is the States where the battle is more balanced. It will be those States that decide the election, and Trump’s ongoing  issues with Independent voters are something his campaign is seriously worried about. They’re now back to bashing the debate, trying to suggest Trump will throw the first debate to “ensure Biden is the nominee” of the Democrats. The push to put “pro-life” bills on the ballot is a demographically suspect move, and recently actions by the Republican Party to threaten contraception and IVF are adding more woes to their outreach beyond the Reich-wing core.

Hell, Trump is now out there shilling for early and mail voting because they’ve looked at the number and realised their previous position was actually costing them votes. Down ballot races aren’t getting RNC money at any significant pace, something that could really hurt the Republicans going forward, because they are laser focused on the top of the ballot race.

The significant result from this recent polling report is in those seven swing states. It has gone from Trump leading in five to Biden leading in all seven. Now, again, this is WAY too far from November to draw any conclusions or call any races, but it shows a movement away from Trump on an ongoing basis. Team Trump needs to arrest (😉) and overturn (😉😉) this trend if they want to win in November. Note that Trump’s begging his supporters to mail vote started in the last week or two, right after the conviction. This suggests Republican polling is showing the same weakness, and they’re moving to shore up a critical constituency, the elderly voter who may die or be unable to vote on Election Day.

The next RNC move will be a push for Independent voters, and this tariffs to replace income tax may be exactly that…hoping to swing lower information Independent voters his way with a headline issue.

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

Actually, that’s clearly false. Certainly, we know the base for this election is at least 52% Biden and 48% Trump, ON A NATIONAL RAW VOTE BASIS.

Now, the import is the States where the battle is more balanced. It will be those States that decide the election, and Trump’s ongoing  issues with Independent voters are something his campaign is seriously worried about. They’re now back to bashing the debate, trying to suggest Trump will throw the first debate to “ensure Biden is the nominee” of the Democrats. The push to put “pro-life” bills on the ballot is a demographically suspect move, and recently actions by the Republican Party to threaten contraception and IVF are adding more woes to their outreach beyond the Reich-wing core.

Hell, Trump is now out there shilling for early and mail voting because they’ve looked at the number and realised their previous position was actually costing them votes. Down ballot races aren’t getting RNC money at any significant pace, something that could really hurt the Republicans going forward, because they are laser focused on the top of the ballot race.


The significant result from this recent polling report is in those seven swing states. It has gone from Trump leading in five to Biden leading in all seven. Now, again, this is WAY too far from November to draw any conclusions or call any races, but it shows a movement away from Trump on an ongoing basis. Team Trump needs to arrest (😉) and overturn (😉😉) this trend if they want to win in November. Note that Trump’s begging his supporters to mail vote started in the last week or two, right after the conviction. This suggests Republican polling is showing the same weakness, and they’re moving to shore up a critical constituency, the elderly voter who may die or be unable to vote on Election Day.

The next RNC move will be a push for Independent voters, and this tariffs to replace income tax may be exactly that…hoping to swing lower information Independent voters his way with a headline issue.


Hunter Biden's conviction could be something thst helps Sleepy Joe.

in normal circumstances, it would be a problem but this year it might be an asset - it makes it harder for Trump to claim  the President is weaponising the US justice system to pursue him.



Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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56 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Hunter Biden's conviction could be something thst helps Sleepy Joe.

in normal circumstances, it would be a problem but this year it might be an asset - it makes it harder for Trump to claim  the President is weaponising the US justice system to pursue him.



You’ve obviously not seen of the right-wing media clips; as an avid watcher of Meyers, Colbert and Kimmel I (unfortunately) have.

The Hunter Biden conviction is just a distraction to cover up the real transgressions of the Biden Crime Family.


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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Hunter Biden's conviction could be something thst helps Sleepy Joe.

in normal circumstances, it would be a problem but this year it might be an asset - it makes it harder for Trump to claim  the President is weaponising the US justice system to pursue him.

First polls showed it as a mild positive…

34 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You’ve obviously not seen of the right-wing media clips; as an avid watcher of Meyers, Colbert and Kimmel I (unfortunately) have.

The Hunter Biden conviction is just a distraction to cover up the real transgressions of the Biden Crime Family.

The fun bit is Trump has admitted he still possesses a firearm in Florida. As a convicted felon*, that’s a Federal crime, similar to what Hunter just got done for. It is possible that the Southern District of Florida may elect to pursue Trump for that crime.

*All sorts of arguments on if he is or isn’t officially yet…but it is established law that upon his conviction for a felony, with a more than one year possible sentence, he was required to dispose of that gun via a legal transfer or surrender to Palm Beach police. It was apparently discovered during the probation meeting, and may well come up in the probation report,

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36 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

You’ve obviously not seen of the right-wing media clips; as an avid watcher of Meyers, Colbert and Kimmel I (unfortunately) have.


The Hunter Biden conviction is just a distraction to cover up the real transgressions of the Biden Crime Family.


Who's their audience though?

Fruitloops who'd never vote Democrat never mind Biden.

You also have to remember that the same people were saying that Sleepy Joe would stop Hunter being prosecuted.

Their audience isn't who matters - it's those disillusioned Democrats and independents who'll decide the election not to mention the US economy.

Biden's biggest issue isn't Trump it's Biden himself.

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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Who's their audience though?

Fruitloops who'd never vote Democrat never mind Biden.

You also have to remember that the same people were saying that Sleepy Joe would stop Hunter being prosecuted.

Their audience isn't who matters - it's those disillusioned Democrats and independents who'll decide the election not to mention the US economy.

Biden's biggest issue isn't Trump it's Biden himself.

Fox News is the most viewed news channel on the USA.

I wish it was only the screwballs who were influenced by the nonsense but the polls suggest otherwise.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Fox News is the most viewed news channel on the USA.

I wish it was only the screwballs who were influenced by the nonsense but the polls suggest otherwise.

2.1 million in prime time, and 1.3 million all day. Numbers fluctuating, but generally up or down 5% or less, with a general downward trend.

To put that in context, that’s less than 1.5% of registered voters in the U.S. (160-165 million) during prime time, and less than 1% all day.

”The most viewed news channel” is doing some heavy lifting there.

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8 hours ago, TxRover said:

2.1 million in prime time, and 1.3 million all day. Numbers fluctuating, but generally up or down 5% or less, with a general downward trend.

To put that in context, that’s less than 1.5% of registered voters in the U.S. (160-165 million) during prime time, and less than 1% all day.

”The most viewed news channel” is doing some heavy lifting there.

Most Americans will get their TV news from their local station.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Most Americans will get their TV news from their local station.

Yeah, local news seems to be a much bigger thing in the US than it is here (understandably, considering we're the size of a single state).

But yeah, saying Fox News is easily the most popular news source in America is like saying the Daily Heil is the most popular newspaper here - it's a very small section of the population who actually watch/read them. The bigger problem is how their tendrils extend on to the internet, subconsciously influencing reasonable people into thinking that certain things are "facts" because they keep seeing them pop up in their social media feeds. You can only hope the generations who've never known a world without the internet will be more savvy.

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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Most Americans will get their TV news from their local station.

According to Google most get their news from social media which of course begs the question as to which sources are feeding the social media.

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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

According to Google most get their news from social media which of course begs the question as to which sources are feeding the social media.

I said tv news. 

We were talking about Fox.

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