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US Presidential Election 2024


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Yesterday’s Supreme Court rulings mean the election of a Democratic President is more vital than ever.  Hopefully Thomas and Alito pop their clogs in the next couple of years.

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I wonder how much more of this we will see leading up to the 2024 elections.  I’m guessing much more, with not necessarily as acceptable outcomes.


There’s barely an attempt to disguise voter repression these days in the good ol’ land of the free.


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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I wonder how much more of this we will see leading up to the 2024 elections.  I’m guessing much more, with not necessarily as acceptable outcomes.


There’s barely an attempt to disguise voter repression these days in the good ol’ land of the free.


Latest numbers show the youth voters (Gen Z) have increased their percentage of the voter base by 7%, while Trump's base is down 7%. Gen Z voting is tilted 27% more Democratic. Record youth turnout on 2022 seems to have moderated possible Republican gains, 2024 could be interesting with the R's staying hard right.

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I read that Trump has had a rant about the drugs found in the White House.


I confess that I find that attitude odd, as Republicans seem to come out such bizarre stuff I kind of assumed that most of them were off their t!ts on something or other most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
44 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

DeSantis is a crackpot but his level of crackpottery would never have been tolerated by the GOP had it not been for four years of Trump as President.  His antics in office, and following, have completely changed the script as to what is acceptable to Republican voters.

I’m not sure if or when a modicum of ‘normality’ will return for the Republican Party but Trump’s defeat in 2024 will be an essential requirement of it.


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21 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I think DeSantis might turn out to be more of a c**t than Trump. Or, at least, a more effective and therefore more dangerous one.

He knows full well that acting the c**t is by far the biggest vote winner amongst that demographic. It's just a race to see who can out-c**t who on their way to the top trophy.

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47 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

He knows full well that acting the c**t is by far the biggest vote winner amongst that demographic. It's just a race to see who can out-c**t who on their way to the top trophy.

DeSantis is almost out of money and his campaign is laying off staffers by the barrowload. Trump c***s only want Trump. Meanwhile the donor classes are desperately hoping Chris Christie (can’t, because he publicly slags Trump) or Tim Scott (can’t, because he’s got a bit too much of the old melanin) will make a run up the outside strait. It’s Biden’s to lose. 

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11 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

DeSantis' polling has been funny. He's tanked so badly since announcing he was running, fully halving his popularity in that time. His latest pitch is to sue Bud Light for being Woke (https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-wants-sue-bud-light-1814445). 

There appears to be consensus in most of the US media that his ability to govern as President would be as bad as, if not worse than, Trump’s.

That seems a bit bizarre given that, unlike Trump, he actually has experience at a political level.

However you would be hard pushed to identify any ‘normal’ worthwhile policies that he has enacted in Florida.  He seems obsessed by nothing more than the ‘anti-woke’ stuff.


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12 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

There appears to be consensus in most of the US media that his ability to govern as President would be as bad as, if not worse than, Trump’s.

That seems a bit bizarre given that, unlike Trump, he actually has experience at a political level.

However you would be hard pushed to identify any ‘normal’ worthwhile policies that he has enacted in Florida.  He seems obsessed by nothing more than the ‘anti-woke’ stuff.

It was said a lot in 2016 that Trump winning the nomination was a relief compared to the absolute danger that is Ted Cruz. And not just because his father assassinated JFK.

Tends to happen with the Republicans. The eventual nominee, no matter how odious, seems almost pleasant compared to one of their uber-fascist zealots that are always disturbingly popular.

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On 21/07/2023 at 20:41, Bully Wee Villa said:

I think DeSantis might turn out to be more of a c**t than Trump. Or, at least, a more effective and therefore more dangerous one.

So clearly more of a c**t then, imagine a World where Trump was effective, No Thank You.

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20 hours ago, BTFD said:

It was said a lot in 2016 that Trump winning the nomination was a relief compared to the absolute danger that is Ted Cruz. And not just because his father assassinated JFK.

Tends to happen with the Republicans. The eventual nominee, no matter how odious, seems almost pleasant compared to one of their uber-fascist zealots that are always disturbingly popular.

The problem there is with the election system. With what is effectively a locked two party system, and in almost all states Partisan Primaries, what happens is the (bare) majority of eligible voters only show up for the General Election. In the Party Primaries, a small number of motivated (and normally radical) voters chose the candidates for the General. Most Democratic Candidates have managed to be “normal”, but the Republicans have been nominating more and more radically Reich-wing candidates who are now failing to tack to the center for the General.

Unfortunately, now generally less than 100 U.S. House and probably less than 35 U.S. Senate seats are genuinely contested, so the clearest results are only seen in the big ticket races (President, Governor, etc).

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