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Batshit Mental Away Supporter Rules

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1 hour ago, NorthernLights said:

Have they confirmed if a Scotch egg is considered a "substantial meal"?

One is considered a snack, two is a starter, and a full four pack can be counted as a full meal. Although I wouldn't want to be sitting next to you on the bus back.

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22 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Does it include people who just hire minibuses?

You could maybe just privately create a fund, people put money in, then you hire a minibus for the day. Getting the pub booked might be the hard part.

I don’t think it can include private hire minibuses, not unless the companies have to start asking everyone where they are planning on going with the vehicle.

Our group hire 7/9 seaters quite often for games and while it is pretty obvious on days like the cup semi and final last year what we are up to, the other run of the mill league games probably wouldn’t cross their mind.

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37 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The most police I've ever seen at a Caley game was our cup tie with Elgin - police everywhere, lins of riot police seperating the fans, police dogs surrounding the pitch at full time.  There was still some trouble between the young lads on both sides.

The Swansea v Cardiff stuff seems crazy but that has been the situation with that fixture for a long time.  It has some of the worst history of hooliganism in the English leagues and I think if it was run as a 'normal' game there's a pretty high chance that there could be serious crowd trouble.  Aside from an Old Firm game, which is slightly different I think, I don't think there are any fixtures in Scottish football like that.  

Welcome to Hell.


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1 hour ago, Crawford said:

Fucking state of that Swansea statement regarding travel.

If you live in Cardiff, you can "apply to travel directly" but you still have to purchase the bus travel package. If accepted you will get a refund.

As others have said, police Scotland will be positively jizzing about arrangements like this down south and will be pushing hard for them up here. Couple that with teams, for all intents and purposes banning away supporters, only makes that request more "reasonable".

The same police Scotland that just announced they will no longer be putting resources into investigating certain "low level" crime ?

They are stretched beyond the limits as it is so I doubt they will be "jizzing" at any prospect, no matter how remote of having to put more resources into football. They have spent the last few years vastly cutting back on policing football matches (most games in Scotland including many in the top division are non policed in and around the stadium) so not sure where your take comes from ?

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Sad thing is that it's become normalised to treat football supporters as a separate category when looking at legal and regulatory stuff - and I'm not sure why that's acceptable. It's actually quite surreal when you stop and think about it.

If I swap my football scarf for a gilet, some salmon pink jumbo cords and an affected accent, I would miraculously become a Rugby fan in the eyes of the law, able to get an executive minibus to Murrayfield unencumbered, be directed to my unsegregated seat by a helpful steward where I could enjoy my pint (even though one of my companions had probably pished in it for larks) and then go and harass the bar staff and waitresses of west Edinburgh for the rest of the night with only an indulgent chuckle from the nearest policeman for my trouble.

If I was running a supporters bus, I'd just be booking every coach under "Stewart's Melville FP Rugby Tour" and the problem would magically disappear.


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1 hour ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

I see there is a proposed requirement for "at least one responsible adult for the minors carried" to be nominated. That being the case, would they have to be checked by 'Disclosure Scotland' for suitability?

Noting too that the PSV operators would have to undergo increased paperwork and their vehicles have to arrive "not later than one hour before the scheduled start of the game", this would potentially mean a longer hire required: it's going to cost more to book buses.

And pick ups from pubs potentially will be refused unless they serve 'sunstantial meals'. It's a kick in the balls to the licensed trade as well.

Everyone affected should be writing to that penpusher in Leeds, insisting on a response.

Mark Richardson
Policy and Business Support Officer
Traffic Commissioner Corporate Office
Hillcrest House
386 Harehills Lane

If the poor b*****d is sitting in an office in Harehills, it's no wonder he's out to make other people's lives miserable.

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All jokes aside, it seems that there has been a dedicated effort by some of those in positions of power/influence - to make life difficult for football supporters.

When was the last time there was widescale violence at a football match in Scotland? Rangers v Hibs cup final? 

I guess if you've never followed football, you read some of the clickbait headlines about a small skirmish and assume that football fans are marauding around Scotland torching towns and smashing up pubs...

I've rarely been to a pub on our supporters bus that hasn't greeted us warmly. They are always glad of our arrival and generally it's a polite and friendly experience. 

I guess the least nefarious way of looking at it is that those in the positions of power/influence need to do something to justify their job role, and football supporters are an easy target. 

The skeptical, conspiracy theorist part of my brain points to the fact that governments have been becoming more and more authoritarian over the past decade, and football supporters make up a large percentage of the working class population that could pose a threat to them, if club supporters came together to resist them. 

Unsure which version is closer to the truth

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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I can’t help but feel that restricting the ability for the bus to stop at pubs will do nothing but encourage people to bring more alcohol onto the bus itself. Which seems counterproductive. 

Probably the ideal scenario gor them - means they can stop busses, confiscate the booze (some of which will go missing) and they can fine the bus company.

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How many arrested at last weekend's matches?

99.9% at one game, yet eveyone else getting tarred with the same brush.

As a coach driver a few years ago , I only once witnessed any drink related trouble ,at Celtic Park.

Once at Raith Rovers, one of the fans nipped to the offy after the game for a carry out, was refused entry to the coach by me. A cop approached and tried to persuade me to let him on, with the drink going in the luggage hold(still illegal ).

Not happening..you will be right on the phone to Tayside polis with my reg. no.

Boy had to go get his money back.

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Can see this proposal being lumped straight into the shredder. Logistically I just don't see how it can work.

Take Tayside for instance; St Johnstone, Dundee, Dundee United, Arbroath, Montrose, Brechin and Forfar.

You cannot tell me for a second that they will have the manpower to receive handovers from various other police divisions and check that busses are both stopped at their pre-agreed place at the pre-agreed time while also checking that all supporters on those busses are consuming a substantial meal. All while handing over information of the outgoing teams.

There's a possibility that you have say Celtic, Dunfermline, Falkirk and Spartans all coming into the area on any given Saturday with clubs one or two of the clubs leaving the region. How many busses is that to keep track of? In and around mid teens I would imagine and we all know it won't be one police car per bus..

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9 minutes ago, Chinatoon Bairn said:

Can see this proposal being lumped straight into the shredder. Logistically I just don't see how it can work.

Take Tayside for instance; St Johnstone, Dundee, Dundee United, Arbroath, Montrose, Brechin and Forfar.

You cannot tell me for a second that they will have the manpower to receive handovers from various other police divisions and check that busses are both stopped at their pre-agreed place at the pre-agreed time while also checking that all supporters on those busses are consuming a substantial meal. All while handing over information of the outgoing teams.

There's a possibility that you have say Celtic, Dunfermline, Falkirk and Spartans all coming into the area on any given Saturday with clubs one or two of the clubs leaving the region. How many busses is that to keep track of? In and around mid teens I would imagine and we all know it won't be one police car per bus..

Joking aside, I strongly suspect that the occasional stop / drop off will be treated in the same way as the crime of hoovering one's house after 1pm on a Sunday.

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15 minutes ago, billyg said:

Gavin Newlands MP , SNP Transport Minister ? says it's a devolved issue to Scotland and won't be happening up here !

I get the impression this is backtracking. 

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