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4 minutes ago, GordonS said:

But he *is* a footballer. And if someone spat at me during the course of my work I definitely wouldn't react in kind. If I did I would expect to be fired for gross misconduct.

Sadly people who face the public like police, train conductors etc get spat at often enough that spit kits are a thing. They don't get to overreact.

I'm not condoning Scullion's reaction but you cannot equate a professional athlete being spat on at the end of a highly emotive and crucial match with a 9-5 office type being spat on by a disgruntled colleague. 

Emotions were obviously running high (thank God - it's been missing all season for our lot) and he lashes out in the heat of the moment with like for like. Both acts are disgusting and cannot be excused but the instigator (Bonnyrigg fanny) is obviously more at fault here. 

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5 minutes ago, Crow said:

I’ll not be going down I just went along as the non league game I was going to was off. 

On the subject of shite … it’s maybe worth noting … with the greatest of respect … they are still above Clyde in table, get bigger crowds and have a ground. 

I think you need an intervention!

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2 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:

I'm not condoning Scullion's reaction but you cannot equate a professional athlete being spat on at the end of a highly emotive and crucial match with a 9-5 office type being spat on by a disgruntled colleague. 

Emotions were obviously running high (thank God - it's been missing all season for our lot) and he lashes out in the heat of the moment with like for like. Both acts are disgusting and cannot be excused but the instigator (Bonnyrigg fanny) is obviously more at fault here. 

Don’t think Police, train conductors etc are 9-5 types and they are not getting spat on by colleagues, just saying.

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7 minutes ago, GordonS said:

As the league table shows you have an even worse team; you obviously don't have better fans; and you have no ground at all so are playing on a plastic pitch in front of 6,000 empty plastic seats in a two-sided stadium miles from your home community - wherever that is - looking onto the loading docks of two supermarkets.

Are you really comfortable throwing stones in that glass house?

Prior to the January transfer window I would absolutely agree with you on the team front but since we got rid of most of the Duffy garbage we actually have a few footballers now and we are absolutely a better team than Bonnyrigg. Like I said, anyone who thinks Kieran McGachie is a footballer is taking the absolute piss. He's a big strong, overweight boy and yet spent most of the game on his arse. 

Yes, we have no stadium to call our own but I'd much rather be tenant bitches to Accies than have the misshapen quagmire and accompanying portashitters you guys call home. 

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3 minutes ago, RutherGlen said:

I'm not condoning Scullion's reaction but you cannot equate a professional athlete being spat on at the end of a highly emotive and crucial match with a 9-5 office type being spat on by a disgruntled colleague. 

Emotions were obviously running high (thank God - it's been missing all season for our lot) and he lashes out in the heat of the moment with like for like. Both acts are disgusting and cannot be excused but the instigator (Bonnyrigg fanny) is obviously more at fault here. 

Workers who face the public do get spat on from time to time - not office workers, you've brought that it to soften the blow, I'm talking about police, healthcare, transport workers, hospitality staff. I would definitely equate that with a footballer and would expect them to show some restraint and not lash out. If they did retaliate I'd expect them to be seriously disciplined.

I don't think the fan is more at fault, Scullion lost the right to claim that when he spat back. But FWIW I think the fan should be banned indefinitely.

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1 minute ago, GordonS said:

I don't think the fan is more at fault, Scullion lost the right to claim that when he spat back. But FWIW I think the fan should be banned indefinitely.

Of course the Bonnyrigg fan is more at fault. Switch out the spitting for a punch. If the fan swung first and Scullion retaliates with a punch of his own, is the fan who threw the first punch not more at fault? Get a grip. 

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7 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Workers who face the public do get spat on from time to time - not office workers, you've brought that it to soften the blow, I'm talking about police, healthcare, transport workers, hospitality staff. I would definitely equate that with a footballer and would expect them to show some restraint and not lash out. If they did retaliate I'd expect them to be seriously disciplined.

I don't think the fan is more at fault, Scullion lost the right to claim that when he spat back. But FWIW I think the fan should be banned indefinitely.

Incidentally, what is your job? I think this is important given you used the example of someone spitting on you in the course of your work as the yardstick.

Edited by RutherGlen
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2 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Workers who face the public do get spat on from time to time - not office workers, you've brought that it to soften the blow, I'm talking about police, healthcare, transport workers, hospitality staff. I would definitely equate that with a footballer and would expect them to show some restraint and not lash out. If they did retaliate I'd expect them to be seriously disciplined.

I don't think the fan is more at fault, Scullion lost the right to claim that when he spat back. But FWIW I think the fan should be banned indefinitely.

This is ridiculous. You don’t think the person who spat at someone in the first place, causing the ensuing reaction is more to blame? This is why these things happen, because there are apologists on the internet absolving horrible actions because they don’t like the inevitable recourse. If you spit at someone expect to get physical retaliation- what you do as a job makes no difference!

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Just now, Briggsy's Ghost said:

This is ridiculous. You don’t think the person who spat at someone in the first place, causing the ensuing reaction is more to blame? This is why these things happen, because there are apologists on the internet absolving horrible actions because they don’t like the inevitable recourse. If you spit at someone expect to get physical retaliation- what you do as a job makes no difference!

Well said! Thank God there are at least some sensible people still posting on here. 

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7 hours ago, GordonS said:

But he *is* a footballer. And if someone spat at me during the course of my work I definitely wouldn't react in kind. If I did I would expect to be fired for gross misconduct.

Sadly people who face the public like police, train conductors etc get spat at often enough that spit kits are a thing. They don't get to overreact.

They’re given a spit hood to apply to the person most often after they’ve already spat at them. They don’t routinely go around applying said spit hood to every person they interact with before the conversation gets beyond “hello”…

Edited by BullyWeeStonehouse
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7 hours ago, 1993 said:

Think he is alluding to the fact some Clyde fans have been giving it to Bonnyrigg big style re their ground, pitch etc when you have not got either🤔

I think most of us would rather that than ground share at a soulless concrete monstrosity out the back of Morrisons!

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3 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Scullion literally walks over and offers him onto the pitch for a fight then spits back at the guy. He's not some poor wee guy caught up in a situation, he goes over purposefully to start an altercation and by the end of it he's spat at someone. He'll be hammered for it and rightly so. "How many of us would turn and walk away?" is emotional nonsense, spitting on someone is assault whether you were spat on first or not. You're not carrying out "self defence" by spitting at someone 6 feet away. Both fan and player have fucked themselves and I find it mad folk are excusing it.

Exactly, defending a player because he plays for your team is a bizarre reaction that football fans indulge in, authorities won’t and both individuals should be punished for a pretty unsavoury incident.

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7 hours ago, GordonS said:

As the league table shows you have an even worse team; you obviously don't have better fans; and you have no ground at all so are playing on a plastic pitch.

  1. I’m happy enough to come back to the ‘“worse team” end of the season.
  2. You can’t even hit double figures on your own supporters forum.
  3. I’d rather ground-share than get forced to play on your crappy stadium every week. Your stadium just forces boring old school boot it up the park systems. Instead of actually being able to watch your team play proper football on the deck.

All in all Bonnyrigg are wasted space, I couldn’t care less what happens to their future. I would prefer Stranraer to go down but the Rose really do look doomed.

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16 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Scullion literally walks over and offers him onto the pitch for a fight then spits back at the guy. He's not some poor wee guy caught up in a situation, he goes over purposefully to start an altercation and by the end of it he's spat at someone. He'll be hammered for it and rightly so. "How many of us would turn and walk away?" is emotional nonsense, spitting on someone is assault whether you were spat on first or not. You're not carrying out "self defence" by spitting at someone 6 feet away. Both fan and player have fucked themselves and I find it mad folk are excusing it.

Finally, some sense and reality brought to the situation.

The "emotional response" argument is nonsense. You've won the game so go over and celebrate with your fans instead of offering the home fans a square go and escalating the situation.

Again, we're faced with a scenario within a football ground, brought on by a mindset of not being able to rise above and walk away from a confrontational goading. Have to be smarter.

Anyway, loving the three points this morning!

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Scullion was a dickhead going over, the supporter was a scumbag spitting at him, he was an idiot spitting back.

Hopefully Bonnyrigg fans in the area are able to identify their scumbag and get him banned. If Scullion had spat at him unprovoked I'd say get rid, as he was retaliating I think a few game ban which will likely be imposed is fair.

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