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Elgin City vs Clyde

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8 minutes ago, percyboy said:

Aye you deserved your win the day but pay homage? We still finished above you

Enjoy mate. I understand Elgin’s club honours list is getting updated on Wikipedia as we speak.

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15 minutes ago, percyboy said:

Aye you deserved your win the day but pay homage? We still finished above you

Can’t we both just be happy our clubs turned things around and we get to do it all again next season?! 

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Mon the Clyde! They never make it easy, do they? Not convinced by this squad (aside from 3 or 4) or McCall but I do trust Maitland so let's see what happens next season. Can't wait to see EK get absolutely pumped off Stranny.

Roll on next season....

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An absolutely superb day that is right up there for me, despite the horrible couple of years overall. We brought a great support up given the distance to travel and I felt they were absolutely terrific today.

Remarkably, it was a pretty comfortable game and I felt like we were in control for the vast majority of the game. Of course we were helped by an Elgin side who looked like they were in holiday mode but I didn’t feel like we were in any real trouble after we went ahead. Scullion, Ballantyne and Cuddihy were all terrific. Hamilton and Howie put their bodies on the line plenty of times too. I truly started to feel we may be okay when Elgin started things like subbing their keeper. Scoring a minute or so after obviously confirmed that and the celebrations and relief after the third went in were absolutely tremendous.

Credit to the stewards and the small number of police officers present who allowed the small and good-natured pitch invasion without being overly officious about the whole thing. Obviously I’m biased, but I feel we deserve a chance to celebrate the few good moments in what has been a pretty awful couple of years.

I’m very much looking forward to next season and with survival ensuring that we should have a very competitive budget next season, a potential new home on the horizon, an experienced manager with a full summer to shape a squad (assuming McCall’s here next season), and a popular, charismatic Chairman taking the helm, we’ve gone from potential oblivion to potentially exciting times for the club. We have to learn from this season of course but I have every confidence that the club is in a far better place than it was this time last season.

Finally, whilst I thoroughly enjoyed getting it right up Stranraer for their antics in February, I hope they comprehensively stuff EK in the play-offs.

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Whether McCall fancies hanging around or not, the key thing is that we've now got a guy as chairman who is a football man and won't oversee the kind of insanity that was Duffy in his de facto overlord position at the start of this season. I'm very keen to hear more about his vision for the club and how he plans to achieve it over the coming months. If McCall is to depart, then it is obviously with everyone's best wishes given the magnitude of the task he inherited, but my preference would most likely be for him to stay if you pushed me for the sake of continuity. If he doesn't, though, then we've got the perfect guy as chairman to identify a successor, and that's the key thing for me. Hopefully there's been work going on in the background with regards to identifying targets for next season's squad, as a few teams will have had a jump on us in the last couple of weeks.

Today's was an enormously gutsy display from all and, although part of me is disappointed that I didn't have the minerals to make the trek up there, I'm extremely relieved that it's all over. Better times lie ahead and hopefully everyone at the club capitalises on the mood around the place over the coming days and weeks, ahead of what should be a much more auspicious season following a richly-earned summer de-stress.

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3 hours ago, CrispyMelon said:

We were far less direct than usual, almost a reluctance to play long balls. Was very reminiscent of our opening day defeat to Stranraer

And when you did go direct I thought you caused us most problems. Felt you did start quite direct but changed approach. Fair enough when you go behind I suppose but it was a bit early

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You’d like to think McCall will only go if he has something else to go to, plus he’s probably on alright money for part time and now able to get rid of every jobber he wants. 

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We just weren’t on it today, in every part of the pitch. Clyde showed up with the desire that a team needing a result should. Disappointing from us given how much we’ve improved in the second half of the season but pleased for the Clyde fans. Football at this level doesn’t give you much so getting a much needed result to keep you in the league must feel amazing (we’d all like them games to be at the right end of the league).

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