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General Election 2024

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53 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I'm sure I said a wee while ago that folk shouldn't underestimate the ability of Labour to f things up in the run-up to the election.

Starmer is now having trouble with his left wing and deseletion/non-selection of apparently popular candidates.

Early days. Plenty more time to f things up even more.

Kicking Black and Muslim women out his party will be a vote winner. It'll be a vote loser too but the lost votes will be in Labour safe seats. Starmer only cares about peeling away Tory voters in marginal districts. Some of those Tory voters will've been considering Labour but a nagging racial anxiety was stopping them. Starmer doing this will reassure them. 

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4 minutes ago, RiG said:


Ed Davey has said f**k this for a game of soldiers and decided to take on a Mr Tumble on holiday persona, he'll be turning up to Question  Time in a hawaiian shirt wearing flip flops and fighting with a four foot candyfloss 

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On 26/05/2024 at 14:45, BFTD said:

Capital punishment tends to be divisive, but I bet there'd be massive support for using prison slave labour to fill potholes.

Isn't "voluntary national service" just joining the army?  :huh:

Only if it's military.

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2 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Ed Davey has said f**k this for a game of soldiers and decided to take on a Mr Tumble on holiday persona, he'll be turning up to Question  Time in a hawaiian shirt wearing flip flops and fighting with a four foot candyfloss 

I was thinking exactly the same.  Maybe he’s thinking that he has to show face but is better doing non controversial things and riding on the wave of Tory unpopularity.

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On 27/05/2024 at 09:16, JS_FFC said:

A lot of talk of Portillo moments for the Conservatives, but I think we will also see some Alex Salmond moments (Or Angus Robertson moments if you prefer for the SNP). Looking at their current front bench, the likes of Tommy Sheppard, Deirdre Brock, John Nicholson and all of the Glasgow MPs are all potentially in trouble.

There won't be any Portillo moments this time. They  will jump ship before the election. 

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13 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Ed Davey has said f**k this for a game of soldiers and decided to take on a Mr Tumble on holiday persona, he'll be turning up to Question  Time in a hawaiian shirt wearing flip flops and fighting with a four foot candyfloss 


9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I was thinking exactly the same.  Maybe he’s thinking that he has to show face but is better doing non controversial things and riding on the wave of Tory unpopularity.

He is totally look a kid on his summer holidays. I fully expect his first speech back in Parliament to start,

'Well Mr Speaker on my holidays I went paddle boarding, biking in Wales, races on a giant flume thing, and had a super time'.

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Posted (edited)
On 29/05/2024 at 12:24, Salt n Vinegar said:


Junior doctors in England will be going on strike for 5 days in the week leading up the general election.

Gammons will see it as more reason to vote fascist.

We won't see the right wing media pointing out that the issue has already been  settled in Scotland.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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1 hour ago, RiG said:


I reckon Davey is just on holiday and the cameras are following him about. 

This isn't campaigning. He's just having days out. 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I'm sure I said a wee while ago that folk shouldn't underestimate the ability of Labour to f things up in the run-up to the election.

Starmer is now having trouble with his left wing and deseletion/non-selection of apparently popular candidates.

Early days. Plenty more time to f things up even more.

The SNP (quite rightly) have jumped right on the selections/deselections.

It clearly is a purge of the left and sny dissent on Israel/Palestine.

Letting fucking genocide-supporting warmongering b*****ds like Luke Akehurst be selected is just a disgrace.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Posted (edited)

Is this election the most depressing for quite some time? I remember the Thatcher years well, but nothing beyond that.

SNP are not in a good shape at all however you try to spin it. Labour are even more 'Tory' than they ever were under Blair! Blair is probably seen as slightly 'left wing' by Starmer! Sunak a terrible, weak leader of the Tory party who has pobably already lined up a much better job and doesn't truely care as he has ticked a 'goal' of being leader. Lib Dems pretty irrelevant. Greens going nowhere. Let's completely ignore Reform at least, one positive.

I am struggling to find an option here other than the least worse option which doesn't give any hope. It's pretty bad I reckon! Wonder when the last one was as bad as this? Not a political historian, it's a terrible time to be going to the ballot box.

Edited by Sonam
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8 minutes ago, Sonam said:

Is this election the most depressing for quite some time? I remember the Thatcher years well, but nothing beyond that.

SNP are not in a good shape at all however you try to spin it. Labour are even more 'Tory' than they ever were under Blair! Blair is probably seen as slightly 'left wing' by Starmer! Sunak a terrible, weak leader of the Tory party who has pobably already lined up a much better job and doesn't truely care as he has ticked a 'goal' of being leader. Lib Dems pretty irrelevant. Greens going nowhere. Let's completely ignore Reform at least, one positive.

I am struggling to find an option here other than the least worse option which doesn't give any hope. It's pretty bad I reckon! Wonder when the last one was as bad as this? Not a political historian, it's a terrible time to be going to the ballot box.

As shit as the SNP are at present, and that’s undeniable, the people of Scotland still have them as a credible alternative.

I feel sorry for folk living in England; Tory, Tory-Lite, or Tory-Lite II.  The lack of PR makes most other options wasteful.

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I think we should be spared the concern trolling from the same Tory MPs that spent half a decade throwing thinly veiled racist and sexist bile at Diane Abbott when she was shadow Home Secretary and are now suddenly her biggest cheerleaders. 

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10 minutes ago, JS_FFC said:

I think we should be spared the concern trolling from the same Tory MPs that spent half a decade throwing thinly veiled racist and sexist bile at Diane Abbott when she was shadow Home Secretary and are now suddenly her biggest cheerleaders. 

It's not just about Abbott though.

Other leftist MPs binned as well yet warmongering c***s like Akehurst are parachuted into constituencies.

I'd personally be delighted if Labour are exposed more on this as it might give some voters in Scotland pause for thought about voting for these shitebags.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

As shit as the SNP are at present, and that’s undeniable, the people of Scotland still have them as a credible alternative.

I feel sorry for folk living in England; Tory, Tory-Lite, or Tory-Lite II.  The lack of PR makes most other options wasteful.

Yes, that's right. I'm pretty much undecided on independence. I know people like me get shouted down from both sides on here, but sometimes geniually not knowing is a positive thing. Despite her religious views, Kate Forbes is a highly competent politician who genuinely cares. I hear that even from staunch unionists in the Highlands. Politicians that are like that stand out. Charles Kennedy in the Highlands was another who got my vote at the time because he was sincere.

I genuinely believe that long term, independence can be a very positive thing. Particularly if the party governing England at the time of spilt are reasonable. Short term, I do feel it may hurt though I don't know either way if I'm honest as I am not an educated economist who looks at the issue with a balanced viewpoint.

I thought Salmond & Sturgeon during most of their reigns were actually very accomplished politicians which helped a lot. They both fell spectacularly though and the SNP have to learn from this and ensure that such a fall from grace never happens again. I have no view yet how Swiney will do, but hope he gets the SNP back on their feet. I hope that Labour in government & Tories in opposition improve too. England deserves better and Scotland and the SNP will do better too with stronger parties in power than what has passed. Even Sunak at least was a big improvement over Boris Johnson. So the Tories too have improved since he has been in power. Boris was awful.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

As shit as the SNP are at present, and that’s undeniable, the people of Scotland still have them as a credible alternative.

I feel sorry for folk living in England; Tory, Tory-Lite, or Tory-Lite II.  The lack of PR makes most other options wasteful.

This is exactly what we do have and it is very frustrating.

My MP is the Tory that sends dick pics and passes on other MPs phone numbers but he is chucking it.

We now have a choice of an ex army Tory, a Lib Dem Councillor or a Labour Councillor (LD will win).

Honestly, it's going to take a lot of effort to go and spoil my paper.

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I've been spamming the Labour thread more than anyone with my disappointment at the recent developments with them but I don't think for a moment any of it will affect the general election results. Here's a good example of why. Clare Short was Secretary of State in the Blair government so she's a significant voice and what she says here will be reflective of many voters. However, as she also points out, she lives in a Labour safe seat. 


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1 hour ago, eindhovendee said:

This is exactly what we do have and it is very frustrating.

My MP is the Tory that sends dick pics and passes on other MPs phone numbers but he is chucking it.

We now have a choice of an ex army Tory, a Lib Dem Councillor or a Labour Councillor (LD will win).

Honestly, it's going to take a lot of effort to go and spoil my paper.

Cock and balls party please

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Does anyone have a link as to the odds for individual constituencies or polls for them, genuinely curious as to whether Labour or the SNP are best placed to beat the Tories in the constituencies in my area.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Flybhoy said:

Does anyone have a link as to the odds for individual constituencies or polls for them, genuinely curious as to whether Labour or the SNP are best placed to beat the Tories in the constituencies in my area.


ETA - actually, that might only work if you've got a Tory incumbent; apologies if so. (in either context)

Edited by carpetmonster
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