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General Election 2024

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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

The ferries are a constant millstone round their neck. People watch the news on TV and these regularly crop up. This perpetuates a narrative that the SNP can’t get things done. It’s a drip drip drip effect.

Deceny? It’s a side issue. You say the Ferries isn’t a vote winner. Neither is GRA. All It did was get them into a media frenzy. If they don’t want to be politically popular then they shouldn’t grumble when the electorate bin them. Like last night.

If the SNP can’t improve things for the majority then why would the majority of people vote for them? I get that the Tories knew this too and had been turning off the funding taps, but I see first hand the SNP government’s policies and how that has affected the public sector. That’s not a funding issue, that’s a policy issue leading to piss poor public services.

They have two years to turn things around and I’m not confident they’ll do this.

The one thing out of their control is how Labour do at Westminster.

It might not take that long before they too become unpopular - the electorate is much more volatile than the past - your single party lifetime voters are a dwindling bunch.

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19 minutes ago, TxRover said:

So nice to have a distraction from the house being on fire already over here, as it looks like some smoke at your place. Not sold on PR as an improvement over FPTP, as Corbyn proved a connection with your constituency can work in FPTP, where in PR “the Party” chooses, and you all know where the choices will be from…it’s not your town. The beauty of FPTP or RV is it gives a real chance to third (and fourth plus) party candidates who are actually connected to an area, where with PR it’s the party figureheads that generally reward themselves.

STV retains the constituency link, you just end up with more people in a single larger constituency. 

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1 hour ago, HibeeJibee said:

Arguing that Reform don't deserve coverage here is now difficult as polled 15x Alba, 2x Greens, not far behind LDs.

Substantially more Scots voted RUK than attend the football each weekend.

They would not have performed as well if they did not get overproportionate coverage in the first place.

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2 hours ago, MazzyStar said:

The people that brexit has been worst for are the rich, so it’s not all bad imo. 

Wtf, it's been bad for everyone,  all the prices have risen for everything,  to an even greater degree than they have on the continent 

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49 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

If English/Welsh voters are twice as likely to vote Reform than Scottish voters is it dog whistle politics to suggest/imply that English/Welsh people living in Scotland are more likely to vote reform than Scots?

Exactly my point, and rather than even consider it I see that a couple of posters have resorted to innuendo.  Of course there are many thousands of native Scots who will have voted Reform yesterday but their overarching policy would have appealed well beyond that group.

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1 minute ago, Binos said:

Wtf, it's been bad for everyone,  all the prices have risen for everything,  to an even greater degree than they have on the continent 

It was great for me; having a mortgage in GBP and getting paid in USD worked tremendously well when Boris shat the currency into the bin. 

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

You are right about being well south of £70k for a £1k difference but wrong about it being a vast majority. 

I'm not wrong, because I never claimed the vast majority of tax payers in Scotland were paying over £1k more.

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28 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

For SNP, yes there is some appeal to removal of FPTP but they can't afford full PR either as that translates to f**k all seats even if every Scottish voter voted for them.

I'd be fine with this. They don't achieve anything anyway and it would be a clear attack point in regard to self-determination 

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Fucking right.  These council workers should be grateful to have a job let alone be paid a decent wage.


2 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Dont pay competitive wages then public sector jobs like police, fire, ambulance, teaching and doctors walk away. Wife and I would earn 2/3 times our wages in Canada, she’d comfortably be a millionaire in the states alone and we’d double the household income in Australia, but we stay because we believe in what Scotland could be, but theres got to be a fair wage paid. 

If a Private Company awarded pay rises that they could not afford, the company would collapse. Why should the public sector act differently? Teachers in particular were already being paid extremely competitive wages, but bumped their gums because they felt the increases in the cost of living shouldn't apply to them and the SG caved in.

I'll accept that the issue has arisen over a long period but a knee jerk unaffordable increase in wages because you want to look better than England isn't the answer either.

The bit in bold is simply Birthday Caird Pish i'm afraid. You stay because you're comfortable here and haven't got the balls to move to the other side of the world. I don't blame you for that - I don't think I could do that.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


If a Private Company awarded pay rises that they could not afford, the company would collapse. Why should the public sector act differently? Teachers in particular were already being paid extremely competitive wages, but bumped their gums because they felt the increases in the cost of living shouldn't apply to them and the SG caved in.

I'll accept that the issue has arisen over a long period but a knee jerk unaffordable increase in wages because you want to look better than England isn't the answer either.

The bit in bold is simply Birthday Caird Pish i'm afraid. You stay because you're comfortable here and haven't got the balls to move to the other side of the world. I don't blame you for that - I don't think I could do that.

Havent got the balls to be millionaires is quite the take. 

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1 hour ago, JS_FFC said:

With a few outlying seats*, you can pretty much split Scotland into four regions now. The far South and borders are Tory, the central belt is Labour, the North East is SNP and the far north is Lib Dem



*The few exceptions are the pockets of central belt Lib Dem support, the two Tory seats in Aberdeenshire, and Labour winning the Western Isles 

Never has the division been more apparent.

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55 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The one thing out of their control is how Labour do at Westminster.

It might not take that long before they too become unpopular - the electorate is much more volatile than the past - your single party lifetime voters are a dwindling bunch.

Very much this.  In Scotland at the next GE people could well be disillusioned by Labour doing sweet FA.  The vote stays at home or returns to the SNP and the SNP voters who blanked the election this time around decide to participate again and it could be 2015 type results all over again.

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27 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:


If a Private Company awarded pay rises that they could not afford, the company would collapse. Why should the public sector act differently? Teachers in particular were already being paid extremely competitive wages, but bumped their gums because they felt the increases in the cost of living shouldn't apply to them and the SG caved in.

I'll accept that the issue has arisen over a long period but a knee jerk unaffordable increase in wages because you want to look better than England isn't the answer either.

The bit in bold is simply Birthday Caird Pish i'm afraid. You stay because you're comfortable here and haven't got the balls to move to the other side of the world. I don't blame you for that - I don't think I could do that.

As someone who was a local Councillor for 10 years then ran his own business for 25+ years I would suggest comparing local authorities and private businesses is the height of stupidity.*

Their objectives and modus operandi are completely different.


But you’re not alone, the Tory Councillors used to do it all the time.

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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

As someone who was a local Councillor for 10 years then ran his own business for 25+ years I would suggest comparing local authorities and private businesses is the height of stupidity.*

Their objectives and modus operandi are completely different.


But you’re not alone, the Tory Councillors used to do it all the time.

25 years and retirement to Spain is a pretty lucrative contract to award yourself. Top grift. 

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Just now, coprolite said:

25 years and retirement to Spain is a pretty lucrative contract to award yourself. Top grift. 

Never did any local authority work.  I imagine they’d be a pain in the arse to work for.

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