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What is the point of labour ?


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I really have to laugh at those heaping scorn on Sturgeon for declaring last week that the SNP will fight the next GE on the basis of an independence mandate.

Starmer's speech is just further evidence that the dominant issue in contemporary UK politics is not maintaining the Union but how best to appeal to and pacify aggressive English nationalism.  And I have no confidence that would alter were Labour to form a Government.

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1 hour ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Exactly. I find it hard to believe there are no independence minded people within SLab. If there isn't a breakaway group willing to argue for indy then the whole of SLab are going to be treated with even more contempt when they have their Damascene conversion to supporting Scotland and working for all the Scottish people the day after independence. 

Indeed. I don't believe for a minute that there's not a single pro-indy MSP in the "Scottish Labour" ranks. Based on what I've read in the past or only just recently, I'm inclined to believe that Monica Lennon, Mercedes Villalba and Alex Rowley are all very much either pro-indy or at the very least pro-referendum. But I suspect they've ben told to keep their mouths shut or find themselves losing their roles in a similar fashion to those (now former) Scottish Labour councillors. 

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21 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Who are the SNP to claim the next UK election is to be fought on a single issue? 

The next election won't be fought on independence it will be fought on this, erm other single issue we want it to be about. 




Thanks to FPTP Labour are a complete electoral irrelevance in Scotland. 

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So, let me get this right. 

Starmer is set to say that the position of his party is to make sure that the UK under his leadership will not be looking at rejoining the single market or the customs union. 

Sarwar wants to legally compel two Parliaments to work together even in areas where they fundamentally disagree and even in areas where they can claim political mandates for their stances. 

Can someone explain to me in what sense there is now any meaningful difference between the Tories and Labour on Europe, and

does Sarwar's stance equate to anything except "shut up Scotland and do what you are told?

I'm not entirely sure what Starmer and Sarwar think these positions will do for Labour's electability in Scotland, but to slightly change a well known expression "if it looks like it's f#cked, and sounds like it's f#cked, the chances are, it's actually f#ucked."

Did Sarwar know in advance how Starmer was going to pish on his chips today, so he had to come up with this "Oi! You two! Please play nice!"? 

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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The are two bad aspects to Labour chasing Tory policy

  1. Nobody will really believe them so they won't win many votes from the Redwall Rednecks and will likely demotivate their core support leading to a net vote loss.
  2. It lets  the Tories of scot-free to pursue even more spiteful policies which Labour are then liable to chase.
Edited by btb
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10 minutes ago, btb said:

The are two bad aspects to Labour chasing Tory policy

  1. Nobody will really believe them so the won't win many votes from the Redwall Rednecks and will likely demotivate their core support leading to a net vote loss.
  2. It lets  the Tories of scot-free to pursue even more spiteful policies which Labour are then liable to chase.

A totally bizarre situation where rather than fix the mistakes the tories have made and which have fucked up peoples lives, Labour want to get elected so they can fix the Tories policies for them and presumably f**k up people's lives more effectively. 

I fucking despise the Conservative and Unionist party but i'm really not sure whether I would rather have incompetents implementing their cunty policies badly or competents implementing demonstrably cunty things well. 

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There's just a hint of Gordon Brown here, Anas:

as well as a new governance forum which would "bring together the leaders of the UK and the nations on an equal footing"

"Mr Sarwar also called for the House of Lords to be abolished..."


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1 hour ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

There's just a hint of Gordon Brown here, Anas:

as well as a new governance forum which would "bring together the leaders of the UK and the nations on an equal footing"

"Mr Sarwar also called for the House of Lords to be abolished..."



Hah effing hah! 

It's the way he tells them.... 

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Hundreds of thousands of members, many more members of affiliates, hundreds of MPs/MSPs/Senedd members and thousands of Councillors; yet policy in the Labour Party seems to be getting made by a single individual.


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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Hundreds of thousands of members, many more members of affiliates, hundreds of MPs/MSPs/Senedd members and thousands of Councillors; yet policy in the Labour Party seems to be getting made by a single individual.


Nigel Farage, Johnny "mad dog" Adair or Oswald Moseley?

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Labour had 4-5 years to convince England that there's a better alternative to voting Tory (they've given up on Scotland and Wales don't have many seats). Instead they're trying to persuade them that voting Labour won't change anything, so why not flip a coin and give Labour a chance? Nice dependable man instead of that nasty Boris eh? Please?

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46 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

They’ve been promising this for as long as I can remember 

They really should be called out for it, cause we know they are serious especially as they keep electing people to it 

Tony was going to do this, it was one of their manifesto pledges way back when. They didn't manage it when they were popular, unlikely to happen today. I think that's why it was handed down to Anas to announce, it just a turd repolished.



Sarwar said: “Labour will do no deal with the SNP.

“No deal. No pact. No behind-closed-doors arrangement. No coalition. At the next election, we will be fighting for every vote and we are aiming to form a majority Labour government. Should we fall short of that, and be in a position to form a minority government, the SNP will face a simple choice.

“It can choose to keep the Tories in power, or choose to back a Labour government. And I dare Nicola Sturgeon to back the Tories and put them back in power, and see how Scotland responds.”


I don't forsee a SNP contingent at Westminster who sticks to their demands and places Labour in uncomfortable position as being quite the vote-loser he thinks it would be. In any event, my hunch is that Labour are so thirsty for power that they would immediately fold like the cheap suits they are and if Anas' words were brought to their attention it would be pointed out that Anas is not the Leader of the Labour Party and is just a sub-functionary who can be safely ignored.

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