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What is the point of labour ?


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6 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

Take a long hard look at what an utter clown Swinson is. Then dwell on this, the UK voters think she is less of a clown than Corbyn. 

Like most of the sad losers who support him, you cannot explain how these purges are meant to win marginal continuances and swing voters who voted Conservative in the last 3 general elections to return to voting Labour. It is fringe loonies seeking to make a party that only appeals to fringe loonies. 

I don’t think the “purges” are meant to do anything other than remove people who shouldn’t be Labour MPs to start with.

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57 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I don’t think the “purges” are meant to do anything other than remove people who shouldn’t be Labour MPs to start with.

People who do not worship the cretinous buffoon in charge of the party. A huge signal to the vast majority of the people of the United Kingdom that Labour is a party of and for quacks and cranks only. 

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Can't quite ever recall Hodge ever criticising Boris for anything and God knows, there's plenty to be going on with.

Maybe this might provide a partial explanation.


Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather was a Russian Jewish immigrant named Elias Avery Lowe. Lowe was not a practicing Jew but was descendent of a strictly Orthodox Jewish rabbi from Lithuania. 

Throughout his political career, Johnson has been a strong advocate for Israel. Writing for The Jewish Chronicle, Daniella Peled reported in 2007 that Johnson is, “an enemy of politically correct anti-Zionism and immensely proud of his own Jewish ancestry.” She quoted Johnson saying, “I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out. When I suddenly get a whiff of antisemitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.”

More ties

In addition to his Jewish ancestry, Johnson has even stronger ties to Israel through his Jewish stepmother, Jennifer Kidd Johnson, who married his father Stanley in 1981.

In 1984, Johnson, age 20, and his sister Rachel spent six weeks in Israel, volunteering on Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi, approximately 22 miles north of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel.

The visit was coordinated by Michael Comay, a career Israeli diplomat and close family friend of Johnson’s stepmother. Comay and his wife Joan connected the Johnson siblings with the overseas volunteer program at Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi.


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16 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

There's literally nothing the IDF


So much to take in with one comment. Just reflect on the priorities of this poster. Not the UK Labour party at large, not Corbyns grovelling to the likes of the Provos, not the appalling polling and ineffectual leadership of Labour. The parties focus should be on ..... how zealous you are at criticising the "IDF". If you lack sufficient zeal on that matter you are out. But pander to Iran, Putin's Russia or whatever and its ok. 

Anyone getting thrown out for their lack of commitment to criticising Chinese treatment of Uighurs? Turkeys treatment of the Kurds?  Burma's treatment of the Rohingya?

So elect-ability is out. Zeal on one issue is now the only issue Momentum weirdos care about. 


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11 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

n 1984, Johnson, age 20, and his sister Rachel spent six weeks in Israel, volunteering on Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi, approximately 22 miles north of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel.

As did half the gap year students and folk looking for a cheap working holiday in the sun. It's stretching it to make some conspiracy theory out of that. 

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19 minutes ago, dorlomin said:


So much to take in with one comment. Just reflect on the priorities of this poster. Not the UK Labour party at large, not Corbyns grovelling to the likes of the Provos, not the appalling polling and ineffectual leadership of Labour. The parties focus should be on ..... how zealous you are at criticising the "IDF". If you lack sufficient zeal on that matter you are out. But pander to Iran, Putin's Russia or whatever and its ok. 

Anyone getting thrown out for their lack of commitment to criticising Chinese treatment of Uighurs? Turkeys treatment of the Kurds?  Burma's treatment of the Rohingya?

So elect-ability is out. Zeal on one issue is now the only issue Momentum weirdos care about. 


If anyone was actually supporting oppression of Kurds, Uighurs or Rohingya they should be thrown out.

The issue is that Hodge and the other LFI arseholes are actively participating in the oppression of the Palestinians due to providing legitimacy and support to an Apartheid government.

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17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

As did half the gap year students and folk looking for a cheap working holiday in the sun. It's stretching it to make some conspiracy theory out of that. 


It wasn't just that. Did you read the rest of that article?


Throughout his political career, Johnson has been a strong advocate for Israel. Writing for The Jewish Chronicle, Daniella Peled reported in 2007 that Johnson is, “an enemy of politically correct anti-Zionism and immensely proud of his own Jewish ancestry.” She quoted Johnson saying, “I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out. When I suddenly get a whiff of antisemitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.”


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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

When I get a whiff of antisemitism, I feel angry and protective too. Where did you find the article?


I've been searching for anything, from anywhere, trying to find criticism of BJ from Margaret Hodge.  Wouldn't you think as a Labour MP she would have been on record as saying something unflattering or uncomplementary on our recently appointed PM?

These quotes you queried came from this :


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2 hours ago, dorlomin said:

People who do not worship the cretinous buffoon in charge of the party. A huge signal to the vast majority of the people of the United Kingdom that Labour is a party of and for quacks and cranks only. 

You seem upset.

I’m a democrat.  I believe that we have had a political deficit for decades in the U.K.  A genuine left-of-centre Labour Party would help address that deficit.  If people choose not to vote for it then that’s fine.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

If anyone was actually supporting oppression of 

Funny old world. An MP s expulsion is justified by stating that they are being thrown out for not being sufficiently critical of one specific regime.

You defend this by saying only those vocally supportive of other regimes should be thrown out. All the other expulsions are not yet linked to being sufficiently "on message" against one state. Imagination and rationalisation can be invented. 


Jezza grovels and arse licks up to the Provos, Hezbollah and Iran and no one has any issues with this. 

No defence is offered. 

What is the great moral principle on show here. Clearly not its wrong to "hate jews". Clearly not "oppressing Muslims is wrong".   Nor is it killing catholics for being Christian is wrong. What is this great moral principle guiding modern Labour?

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m a democrat.

This is a lie. Hodge for all her faults was voted for by her electorate.  

You want the Labour party purged of anyone you disagree with. 

You are too stupid and too vain to ever allow the people of Britain democracy. You want people to be given a choice between people you like to choose them and endorse your low IQ  desperation for validation. 

Your views on Jews are also clear., 

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3 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

This is a lie. Hodge for all her faults was voted for by her electorate.  

You want the Labour party purged of anyone you disagree with. 

You are too stupid and too vain to ever allow the people of Britain democracy. You want people to be given a choice between people you like to choose them and endorse your low IQ  desperation for validation. 

Your views on Jews are also clear., 



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Labour are saying a lot of nice things just now but should an election happen soon then I hope people up here remember the utter contempt Labour hold for Scotland and Scottish citizens.

I'm a bit worried that some folk are falling for their pish though.

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