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What is the point of labour ?


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15 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Settling the cleaners pay claim and (briefly) banning marches was progress imo.

I didn't say nothing had been done.  marches are a minor issue in comparison to waste management and elderly care facilities which I have ran into recently.  And the less said about some of the local infrastructure 'upgrades' the better.  The river area is still a dump.  The bellgrove hilton is still permitted.  A disgrace anyone from the city knows well and can see with their own eyes.  I just don't see any great vision for the city being put forward.   I maybe hoped for too much but i'm not impressed.  There seems to be real lack of investment in improving infrastructure; or if there are plans they take far longer and are poorly executed (i.e. southside cycle route). 

I've ran into a few issues recently and found the attitude to be appalling.  I understand things go wrong but you won't even get an apology.   


but they'll tweet all day long one upping on the latest twitter fad.  absolute losers most of them.

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8 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:




I thought the amount of cycling routes has been a real improvement in the city, though I dare say Labour's administration also had a hand in this.



in some isolated areas it has been.  sauchiehall street is definitely better.  In other areas you're talking about 50ft stretches that lead to nothing.  it's like it's been put together by different companies that haven't spoken to each other.  lt's the length of time they take to make it a shambles as well.  It's almost amusing how bad it is.  They will try to make an improvement but they just somehow miss the mark every time whether it's the materials or the layout.  Just one thing but it's typical.  

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I didn't say nothing had been done.  marches are a minor issue in comparison to waste management and elderly care facilities which I have ran into recently.  And the less said about some of the local infrastructure 'upgrades' the better.  The river area is still a dump.  The bellgrove hilton is still permitted.  A disgrace anyone from the city knows well and can see with their own eyes.  I just don't see any great vision for the city being put forward.   I maybe hoped for too much but i'm not impressed.  There seems to be real lack of investment in improving infrastructure; or if there are plans they take far longer and are poorly executed (i.e. southside cycle route). 
I've ran into a few issues recently and found the attitude to be appalling.  I understand things go wrong but you won't even get an apology.   
but they'll tweet all day long one upping on the latest twitter fad.  absolute losers most of them.
Quite a tirade that. In keeping with my 2020 resolution I'm going to challenge every whingeing post with these simple questions....

How would you change/improve the situation ? Who would you rather see in charge and why ? Which of the alternative political parties offers tangible solutions ?
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I'm giving an honest opinion on my experiences with quite basic and essential services in Glasgow (in some cases for elderly people). I don't need to go into details for you or anyone else. Unacceptable services are just that. In some cases its laziness in others poor managment, in some poor design. I couldn't give a monkeys what political party they are when it comes to local services but some competition and accountability might help. If wanting decent services is a tirade so be it.

Just for awareness your resolution is utterly facile. It's like a receiving a pizza without any toppings.. "Do you have some tangible solutions.??. Who do you want in charge..

..whit..? Aye ok, no worries."

Folk are allowed to expect better than crap.

Quite a tirade that. In keeping with my 2020 resolution I'm going to challenge every whingeing post with these simple questions....

How would you change/improve the situation ? Who would you rather see in charge and why ? Which of the alternative political parties offers tangible solutions ?

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8 minutes ago, Sir Tarmo Kink said:


The last line of the headline is an unnecessary and irrelevant cheap shot, and the type of attitude shared among the studenty/Nando’s/dark fruits drinking Labour activists. It’s a big part of the reason Corbyn and Labour were hated.@


Poor stereotyping. Dark Fruits is a Brexity drink. 

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3 minutes ago, Sir Tarmo Kink said:


Is it f**k. It’s the drink 90% of students drink, and most of them are soundbite believing, avocado munching, #NotMyPM #FreePalestine #FreeTayK social media obsessed Corbynistas. It’s the Labour drink.


This is possibly the most yerDa thing ever posted on here.

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3 minutes ago, Sir Tarmo Kink said:


I was a student less than 3 years ago, so hardly Yer Da. I know the student demographic inside out. They all drink dark fruits and the majority vote Labour.

Don't put yourself down, theres no age limit to the yerDa mindset.

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9 minutes ago, Sir Tarmo Kink said:


I was a student less than 3 years ago, so hardly Yer Da. I know the student demographic inside out. They all drink dark fruits and the majority vote Labour.


Strongbow Dark Fruits is (first and foremost) the drink of post-industrial wasteland towns whose names adorn Union Flags at England games and EDL marches. 

When I was a student people drank White Lightning and Glens Vodka (not mixed together, I hasten to add). That doesn't make those studenty drinks. 

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Strongbow Dark Fruits is (first and foremost) the drink of post-industrial wasteland towns whose names adorn Union Flags at England games and EDL marches. 
When I was a student people drank White Lightning and Glens Vodka (not mixed together, I hasten to add). That doesn't make those studenty drinks. 

Glens is a semi-studenty drink. Although it’s definitely not the most popular Vodka.

Dark Fruits is unquestionably a studenty drink up in Scotland. If you disagree you haven’t got a clue about student life I’m afraid.
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4 minutes ago, Sir Tarmo Kink said:


Glens is a semi-studenty drink. Although it’s definitely not the most popular Vodka.

Dark Fruits is unquestionably a studenty drink up in Scotland. If you disagree you haven’t got a clue about student life I’m afraid.


Ruel Street, the mora, 4.45pm?

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