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What is the point of labour ?


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Why have police had training from Israeli sources, to learn how to weave baskets?

They probably get training from Israel because they have experience in counter terrorism, specifically suicide bombing. A lot of places have had training from Israeli police on how to deal with suicide attacks, they have a lot of experience in it.
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Do you have evidence of this, given that thousands of American police have been given training in Israeli techniques, of which this is clearly one? I'd imagine it would be passed on fairly quickly to colleagues after the course, if included.



There is no evidence that the MPD, or indeed anyone else, have been trained by Israeli police in this specific technique. The link you posted elsewhere about this says that they trained in bomb disposal and also how to respond to a suicide bombing at a commander level.


I haven’t seen any evidence that knee on neck is specifically an Israeli technique either.

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If the Swiss Guard used this technique and trained with the American police, would it be anti Catholic to suggest so ?

If the Saudi security services used this technique and trained with the American police, would it be islamaphobic to suggest so ?

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

This wasn’t a criticism of Israeli policy. It was a false claim, attributing the chokehold that was used to kill George Floyd to Israeli training. That isn’t true. Linking Israel to the death of George Floyd is conspiratorial nonsense. It’s a typical trope that you see these days - something bad happened, eh? Israel are behind it!

Why do you think US forces are training with Israeli trainers and not Ghanian or Estonian police?

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It's so class that this was clearly done in bad faith to get Long Bailey out the cabinet at the first opportunity after weeks of undermining her and letting Racial Reeves act as the Shadow Education Minister and yet you still get people like ICT Chris trying to sincerely defend their position. Mate, nobody involved in this decision actually believes it's anti-semitic.

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On 20/06/2020 at 21:33, BucksburnDandy said:

It is incredible just how tone deaf Labour are these days. There is absolutely no way back while they continue to try to out staunch the Tories.

They have lost too much of their voter base to the SNP and rather than try to win them back by being more sensitive to the constitutional question, they continue to lose these voters by their intransigence.

I'd probably class myself as a natural Labour voter in terms of the party's general left wing stances under Corbyn but their tone deafness on the constitution means I won't vote for them.

The one size fits all approach might have worked back in the 90s when Scotland was still quite an obedient, meekly Unionist electorate. Not now, those days have gone.

What's your view on Labour and Trident in Scottish waters?

They've never changed their position on that.

And I've never heard or seen anything from UK or Scottish Labour objecting to Scotland paying a share of HS2 or other expensive English projects.

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What's your view on Labour and Trident in Scottish waters?
They've never changed their position on that.
And I've never heard or seen anything from UK or Scottish Labour objecting to Scotland paying a share of HS2 or other expensive English projects.

I imagine he disagrees but party politics always involves a compromise. You’re a natural SNP voter but do you agree with their retention of the monarchy and membership of NATO?
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Labour clearing out the dead wood. 

A kerfuffle that will be forgotten in a week, other than by the crank activists that nurse grievances for decades anyway. But from now on anyone in a shadow cabinet position will double check the credibility of claims before retweeting them instead of the braindead clowns leaving open goals for the Tory party to make hay with. 

Some positive press during the dead air of a long summer. But its only an incidental positive. 

Perhaps we are seeing the slow death of the shitposting and populism of the past few years. Something we can all support. 

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43 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

The SNP are pro HS2

I didnae ken that. Do you mean they are in favour of Scotland paying her share? Can you explain?

39 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I imagine he disagrees but party politics always involves a compromise. You’re a natural SNP voter but do you agree with their retention of the monarchy and membership of NATO?


Of course and I accept that but biding in Scotland I would have thought that nuclear weapons being based at Faslane would be a very strong deterrent to supporting a political party that is in favour of it.

In a way that is irrelevant as the SNP are a means to an end. Once we are independent then I will vote for the most left-wing party I can find (and provided they stand in my constituency).

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Labour clearing out the dead wood. 
A kerfuffle that will be forgotten in a week, other than by the crank activists that nurse grievances for decades anyway. But from now on anyone in a shadow cabinet position will double check the credibility of claims before retweeting them instead of the braindead clowns leaving open goals for the Tory party to make hay with. 
Some positive press during the dead air of a long summer. But its only an incidental positive. 
Perhaps we are seeing the slow death of the shitposting and populism of the past few years. Something we can all support. 
Anyone who defends this kind of sacking should never be associated with the Labour Party.

The centrists are willing to use the language of progressive reforms without making any actual changes to our society. The neoliberal hegemony continues and power remains with the wealthy and privileged.

But you know that anyway, as that's arguably what you want.

Maybe the party splitting badly would be a good thing in the long run.
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Think of HS2 as a means to get more people moved up and down the country rather than a train that can get 1 person to Manchester 40 minutes faster. Every day thousands of people will use it and if there's more capacity then there's more economic activity stimulated away from London. If more of that moves north there's a residual benefit to places that are not on the HS2 network but nonetheless connected to it. Economic modelling suggests that's a good thing for both England and Scotland. And the up-front cost of HS2 sounds eye watering but it's not a case of writing a cheque for however many tens of billions of quid it is now costing, this is costs spread over quite a few years. It's a few billion quid a year which compared to the 300 billion the UK government will have spent on Covid response this year, isn't really that much.
Still doesn't change the fact Scotland pays a population of share of bullshit that doesn't benefit them then pays a population share of the interest on the debt accrued on said bullshit. I await our cheque for 90% of the cost of the Forth bridge with baited breath.
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Maybe the party splitting badly would be a good thing in the long run.

They tried it for decades and died in electoral oblivion. 

About all they ever got for their endless efforts was a couple of wins by Galloway\Yaqoob's Respect.

Without the Labour brand name they are nothing. Seethe away in the forgotten corners of the internet. No one cares. 

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