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What is the point of labour ?


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8 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Just you said Sarwar's comment was a fair one and that tweeting out ACAB was prejudice so I'm trying to work out where it falls on the spectrum.

Do you think everyone who joins the police is inherently bad and intent on doing evil? Or do you think they just become that way? 

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9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Do you think everyone who joins the police is inherently bad and intent on doing evil? Or do you think they just become that way? 

I don't think it's got anything to do with human nature and everything to do with the institution much like how even a 'good' person that becomes a CEO is more than likely going to have a net negative benefit to the planet and their workers.


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Surely it can't come as a shock to anybody that the only thing Tom Watson has ever been interested in, is furthering the profile and desires of Tom Watson. The expenses scandal showed him up for the typical troughing Labour careerist that he is. For all the flaws of the House of Commons, Tom Watson no longer being there isn't one of them. The man spent his entire parliamentary career generating hot air about nothing in particular, and pontificating about things that turned out to be complete nonsense. He's the very definition of 'loves the sound of his own voice'. 

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The role with Flutter, first reported by the Financial Times, is not the first post Watson has taken in the private sector since leaving Westminster. He also became chairman of UK Music, where his close friend and fellow former Labour MP Michael Dugher was chief executive until he left to lead the Betting & Gaming Council, which lobbies on behalf of bookmakers and online casinos.


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'A lot of people are telling me' f**k off you c**t, with your shite patter.

I wonder, like the old 'how much is a pint of milk ?' question that they ask politicians, if you gave Sir Keith 10 random powers and asked him if they were devolved or reserved, how many would he get right ? 

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Sir Keir wants us to know that he's very, very disappointed with the Scottish electorate but, if we're good and eat our cereal, he'll let us have more devolved powers. 

His problem is, unless he looks like winning a UK election, he's got no chance in Scotland. And the things he needs to say to make that possible are going to make his position here worse (expect more British Patriotism with a red rosette on it until the next general election).


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Perhaps if Labour didn't have previous for promising Scotland all sorts, then straining every sinew to ensure that not a single shred of any of the things they promised actually came to pass, some folk might be gullible enough to believe him.

They're still smarting at getting their fingers burnt over the whole Devolution and Scottish Parliament thing. Until Labour's leader is making cast-iron guarantees of referenda, I wouldn't take the blindest bit of notice of anything that comes out of their mouth regarding constitutional matters in Scotland.

There's currently no value in debating granting extra powers to the devolved administration anyway, as we're seeing made manifest right now, Westminster believes it can simply legislate above Holyrood's head to render it pointless in any case.

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When I heard him say "now is not the time" I was looking for the Maybot to materialise. More powers from a party that had minimal desire for that in the Smith commission.? And as we all now know it is merely a convention that Westminster does not normally legislate/exercise authority in devolved areas, so more devolved powers are still powers retaIned..

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