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What is the point of labour ?


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34 minutes ago, Wile E Coyote said:

Gordon Brown is a lying b*****d and anything he says should be immediately filled in the bin. Remember the last referendum when he promised Scotland more powers. How much of that came to pass.

He was an absolute no-mark as PM and in 10 years time people will have forgotten he even was PM

It’s easy to be angry with Brown, in truth I’m more angry with the stupid/gullible cùnts that believe a word he says.

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The Conservatives had once been wiped out in Scotland by the Westminster FPTP system.
The PR of the Holyrood system allowed them to rebuild a representation here to levels where they are now the second party.
If only Labour would realised that Independence may allow them a similar way start to win back their previous levels of support.
Waiting on another U.K. Labour government for a chance to implement there policies looks like a non starter.

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2 hours ago, Donathan said:

For all that Hartlepool and the north of England was a disaster, Labour’s dominance in London seems to be expanding into the surrounding counties these days.

Very weird times when Hartlepool is voting Tory and Oxfordshire is voting Labour.

Quite a few defeats defeats/losses in the South East for the Conservatives. 

The opposition in many of the South East seats is however the Lib Dems, who barring a few impressive gains in some places have largely failed to make much of a dent. I don't sense a wholesale change coming in a mirror image of the red wall, but it's interesting to see. 

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4 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Quite a few defeats defeats/losses in the South East for the Conservatives. 

The opposition in many of the South East seats is however the Lib Dems, who barring a few impressive gains in some places have largely failed to make much of a dent. I don't sense a wholesale change coming in a mirror image of the red wall, but it's interesting to see. 


Places like Canterbury have surprisingly gone red in recent years, it's a sign of Labour becoming a party of the well educated, socially liberal middle class. If Boris continues down the route of wooing red wall seats with a mixture of small c conservativism and big state spending, these long time Tory heartlands will move more and more away from the Tories. I think what voters in those areas want is low taxes and progressive social values. I agree that the Lib Dems are more likely to take a lot of them than Labour but it does open up the potential for a Lab/Lib coalition government in the future even if the red wall has turned blue for good.

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21 minutes ago, G51 said:

Well, it's finally happened. Rachel Reeves has replaced Anneliese Dodds as Shadow Chancellor.

A win for Labour Accelerationists.

Vice chair of Labour Friends of Israel.  I’m shocked!

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37 minutes ago, G51 said:

Well, it's finally happened. Rachel Reeves has replaced Anneliese Dodds as Shadow Chancellor.

A win for Labour Accelerationists.

Shadow cabinet members already briefing against each other over what their roles now entail within minutes of the reshuffle going public.


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3 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Shadow cabinet members already briefing against each other over what their roles now entail within minutes of the reshuffle going public.


Can you imagine what Rachel Reeves is going to be like as Shadow Chancellor. Looking forward to Labour proposing to give tax relief to fucking debt collectors or something.

Edited by G51
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32 minutes ago, Donathan said:


Places like Canterbury have surprisingly gone red in recent years, it's a sign of Labour becoming a party of the well educated, socially liberal middle class. If Boris continues down the route of wooing red wall seats with a mixture of small c conservativism and big state spending, these long time Tory heartlands will move more and more away from the Tories. I think what voters in those areas want is low taxes and progressive social values. I agree that the Lib Dems are more likely to take a lot of them than Labour but it does open up the potential for a Lab/Lib coalition government in the future even if the red wall has turned blue for good.

Agreed. Tories have all but given up on London despite electing a mayor there as recently as 2012 and they seem blind also that many of the voters moving to places like Canterbury are moving out of London. They are young, often well-off professionals that are starting families and can't afford whatever hilarious sum a suitable property in London would cost. These people don't just turn into classic Tory voters overnight, and having lived in one of the most multi-cultural cities on the planet, Brexit isn't doing anything for them either. 

I also agree that the Johnson government's attitude towards spending is tetanus to them. Be interesting to see how this trend goes, along with how long "he delivered Brexit" and money being chucked at the North of England will keep the red wall voters happy. 

Saying this, I think the last thing the Labour Party needs to win back the voters it needs to win elections is more success in the South. You and I both know Canterbury and Oxfordshire are not in London, but they're filed under "metropolitan elite" as if they were London. Pretty much in the same way southerners categorise Northern England tbf. 

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Starmer wants to reduce internal party opposition to the extent that when he offers Tory-Lite policies at the next GE there will be no dissent from the PLP.

It’s not going to happen.

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6 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Genuinly think you might see a change in some Scottish Labour politicians once Johnson romps in at next General Election

I think the best you'll see is folk like Lennon or Rowley saying there should be another referendum. 

I reckon posters on here and Twitter could easily tie Paul Sweeney into enough knots that he backs another referendum as well. He loves getting into increasingly tortured arguments about federalism.

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I think the best you'll see is folk like Lennon or Rowley saying there should be another referendum. 
I reckon posters on here and Twitter could easily tie Paul Sweeney into enough knots that he backs another referendum as well. He loves getting into increasingly tortured arguments about federalism.
I say big bad broon is up to his tricks. Would he ever just go away......
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Just now, John Lambies Doos said:

Genuinly think you might see a change in some Scottish Labour politicians once Johnson romps in at next General Election

The only thing that will allow the tories to win next time is if Labour continue to rip themselves apart. I for one am of the opinion that we should be getting rid of not only starmer, but also the whole back-room meddlers like Mandelson. There are still real socialists in the Party, many of whom (like me) are not willing to give it back to the red tories of the Bliar years. We even have socialists in the PLP, and the likes of John Trickett, Ian Lavery, Richard Burgon, and RLB understand the North more than Starmer ever will. As does one Laura Pidcock, who will soon be back to the fore of the Party.  And no, I am not advocating ripping the party apart. I am advocating reclaiming the Party for the workers. 

Gove was pathetic on Ridge yesterday - every question answered with "look at the vaccines" - the one piece of shit which stuck to the Covid wall now doing duty as a skimpy wee fig leaf which can't come close to covering up the Brexit fúck-ups, the corruption, the impending employment crisis, the ongoing ACOBA shenanigans, the sub-postmasters Miscarriage of justice, and the rest of the crap that's rolling towards a government with no idea of how to use trheir powers in any way that benefits anyone who isn't a relative or party donor. 

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