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What is the point of labour ?


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29 minutes ago, Gaz said:

What a shambles of a party Labour are. Almost embarrassed that I used to be a member.


18 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Exactly the same here. I went to the SLAB party conference as the CLP delegate in 2001, and they were a serious party then. Probably the heyday. I met people like John Reid (who was a cantankerous wee bugger), Helen Liddell (who was a bit nuts) and quite a few more. There was genuine discussion about what we were doing as a party in Scotland and in the UK.

I left in 2003 because of Iraq. The term gaslighting didn't exist then but that's what Tony Blair did when he told parliament that the WMD's were ready to deploy at 45 minutes notice. Nobody believed it, people marched. Everyone in the country knew it was a lie and that we were being pressured by Bush to join the invasion. I wrote to my MP Martin O'Neill (who I had campaigned with in the 2001 election, for him to win back his seat). He didn't even reply to me. Just voted with Blair for the invasion. 

So I cancelled my subscription and told the branch and the CLP that I wasn't coming back. In 18 years I have never been tempted to go back.

I don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about; it was a different time and Labour when a different party.

It must also be remembered that the SNP were very right wing back in those days.  SNP leader Gordon Wilson was, and probably still is, very conservative as well as being a god botherer.

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2 hours ago, btb said:


Society is fragmenting, the Public Sector aside the big unionised workplaces which provided Labour's core support for generations have gone and those in the gig economy don't seem to see the potential benefit in voting for Labour. As you've have pointed out it's becoming the  of the well educated, socially liberal middle class - that's looking unlikely to be enough to win elections in the near future.

I can't see Starmer repeating the Blair trick of winning from the right on a "more competet/no sleaze" ticket (baffles  me) - New Labour also had two policies which chimed with people back in 97 - Educatiom x3 and Tough on Crime Tough on the Causes of Crime - Starmer has nothing yet.

To recover Labour has to forge alliances of workers/supporters who will vote for it - that means supporting public services and appealing to younger voters who are finding it hard to get on the housing ladder and tapping into green politics which NIMBYs aside is left of centre, some form of Green/Red alliance - they're not gonna win by playing it safe.

I say this as someone who hopes to view a Labour recovery down South from a newly independent Scotland.

1st bold bit - one pretty fucking big benefit would be that there wouldn't be a fucking gig economy. 

2nd bold bit - evidently not - the Corbyn project was the most pro-public service manifesto I've ever seen, and brought young voters into the Party as members like a tsunami. Starmer ansd his cronies have taken all that and pissed it up the wall.

You don't win elections by being a Tory tribute act - you win them by offering a choice. And if the likes of Watson, Phillips, Hodge and Kinnock Junior had pushed the policies instead of briefing against the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED (TWICE) Leader of the Party, we'd have a Labour Government now. It might not have been a land of milk and honey, but it could not possibly have been worse than what we have now. If the best Starmer and his acolytes have to offer is a tory tribute act, then the GBP will just vote for the real scum. 

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  Labour Co-op Tracy Brabin 22,594  
  Conservative Mark Brooks 19,069    
  Heavy Woollen District Independents Paul Halloran 6,432






Labour was crushed in 2019 with the middle class, radical left in charge. It was crushed again last night with the middle class, liberal left in charge.

What each side & their deluded supporters refuse to believe is that it’s either of their faults.

Their woke policies, condescending views & appeasement from both sides is alien to the regular man & woman in the street.



The constituency voted nearly 60% pro Brexit. 

Labours chances are pretty terrible unless the intendent's retain their 2019 vote. Lets face it, the independents are not going to break Labour in the by-election.

Now all of those loudly slamming Labour for not being left wing and "woke" enough could put up their own candidate in the constituency and show the world how popular a far left platform would be in the old heartlands in the North, by-elections are classic territory for political insurgency wins. They will not. They know it has little to zero traction outside of large urban centres and student towns. If challenged they will pile lies upon lies to try to excuse that they will not put up candidates in by elections and local elections. 

Cowards. 😁

Liars. :thumsup2

Put up a candidate or shut up. 🐔


(Edited Batley and Spen will shortly be having a by election to replace Tracy Barbin, she will have to take the Chiltern Hundreds or whatever in a few weeks due to being elected Police Commissioner [and Mayor])

Edited by dorlomin
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15 minutes ago, dorlomin said:
  Labour Co-op Tracy Brabin 22,594  
  Conservative Mark Brooks 19,069    
  Heavy Woollen District Independents Paul Halloran 6,432






The constituency voted nearly 60% pro Brexit. 

Labours chances are pretty terrible unless the intendent's retain their 2019 vote. Lets face it, the independents are not going to break Labour in the by-election.

Now all of those loudly slamming Labour for not being left wing and "woke" enough could put up their own candidate in the constituency and show the world how popular a far left platform would be in the old heartlands in the North, by-elections are classic territory for political insurgency wins. They will not. They know it has little to zero traction outside of large urban centres and student towns. If challenged they will pile lies upon lies to try to excuse that they will not put up candidates in by elections and local elections. 

Cowards. 😁

Liars. :thumsup2

Put up a candidate or shut up. 🐔


(Edited Batley and Spen will shortly be having a by election to replace Tracy Barbin, she will have to take the Chiltern Hundreds or whatever in a few weeks due to being elected Police Commissioner [and Mayor])


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I don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about; it was a different time and Labour when a different party.
It must also be remembered that the SNP were very right wing back in those days.  SNP leader Gordon Wilson was, and probably still is, very conservative as well as being a god botherer.
He died in 2017.
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19 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
I don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about; it was a different time and Labour when a different party.
It must also be remembered that the SNP were very right wing back in those days.  SNP leader Gordon Wilson was, and probably still is, very conservative as well as being a god botherer.

He died in 2017.

He’ll be bothering god in the afterlife then.


Oh, no, wait...

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5 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

What's your beef with Burgon? I hear nothing but good things from his constituents (even some who don't vote for him), and on a more personal note he's always been a big supporter of the POA, and public servants in general. I cerainly wouldn't mind him representing me in WM. 

I have no idea what he's like on a local level and I do think that's fundamental so hats off to him if he is valued locally, you'd probably disagree with some of the media tactics but everytime I've seen him on a TV appearance he's been utterly out of his depths and comes across very foolish and generally someone that can't play the WM game which I thinks important. The above clip posted is a good example of what I mean and so is the interview he had with Andrew Neil. 

As I said he might be good on a local level and be a decent bloke but he is an open goal and extremely meme worthy when it comes to petty political arguments. 

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On 07/05/2021 at 00:02, GordonS said:

Singapore were expelled from Malaysia, they didn't want independence and were made independent by default. 

Singapore gained it’s own independence from the UK, which they wanted. It was never part of Malaya and during that time they were relatively successful.

The whole debacle of joining the new Federation of Malaysia then being kicked out was messy from start to finish due to political and racial issues.

Kind of worked out okay in the end.


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17 minutes ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:

Singapore gained it’s own independence from the UK, which they wanted. It was never part of Malaya and during that time they were relatively successful.

The whole debacle of joining the new Federation of Malaysia then being kicked out was messy from start to finish due to political and racial issues.

Kind of worked out okay in the end.


Of course it worked out extremely well, especially for its ethnic Chinese citizens and apart from one thing everything you say is obviously right. But Singapore really was one of the 14 states of Malaysia 1963-65, it was never fully independent before 1965 as Britain relinquished it to Malaysia and when they gained their independence it wasn't their decision.

From what I know the wiki page on it is a good summary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_in_Malaysia

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22 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


I don’t think there’s anything to be embarrassed about; it was a different time and Labour when a different party.

It must also be remembered that the SNP were very right wing back in those days.  SNP leader Gordon Wilson was, and probably still is, very conservative as well as being a god botherer.

Not to worry, one of the SNP’s biggest backers/donors is a massive god bothering homophobe so you’ve still got that area well covered.102B6675-09B1-444C-AAD2-4509D8009B27.png.1023e8b3477c6f2c917461c88cd11bc3.png

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I thought that Starmer was at least an intelligent bloke, even if he is trying to lead an unelectable shower, but no. 

After over a year of the biggest worldwide health disaster for over a century, he points out in his Commons speech that life expectancy as stalled. Really? I mean how could that possibly have happened? What could possibly have resulted in more people shrugging off their mortal coils earlier than usual? 

He should have run that bit past a 10 year old with a basic grasp of "doing sums". 


Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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I thought that Starmer was at least an intelligent bloke, even if he is trying to lead an unelectable shower, but no. 
After over a year of the biggest worldwide health disaster for over a century, he points out in his Commons speech that life expectancy as stalled. Really? I mean how could that possibly have happened? What could possibly have resulted in more people shrugging off their mortal coils earlier than usual? 
He should have run that bit past a 10 year old with a basic grasp of "doing sums". 
To be fair, life expectancy in the UK had stalled before the pandemic and had started falling in some areas. Nothing to do with Covid.
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14 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I thought that Starmer was at least an intelligent bloke, even if he is trying to lead an unelectable shower, but no. 

After over a year of the biggest worldwide health disaster for over a century, he points out in his Commons speech that life expectancy as stalled. Really? I mean how could that possibly have happened? What could possibly have resulted in more people shrugging off their mortal coils earlier than usual? 

He should have run that bit past a 10 year old with a basic grasp of "doing sums". 


It was happening prior to the pandemic. 

Starmer is a clown but you have managed to one up him. 

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2 hours ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

Not to worry, one of the SNP’s biggest backers/donors is a massive god bothering homophobe so you’ve still got that area well covered.102B6675-09B1-444C-AAD2-4509D8009B27.png.1023e8b3477c6f2c917461c88cd11bc3.png

I take some comfort in the fact that the policies of successive SNP governments have not been influenced by the homophobic god botherer.  Quite the reverse in fact.

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