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What is the point of labour ?


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26 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Would certainly help if Labour took this opportunity to actually put some policy proposals on the table, on say the economy. health and crime. This is their chance to make a 'big' offer, not in 2 years time. They could also be taking about how they will 'clean up' politics. All they are asking for at the moment is VAT to be scrapped on energy bills (albeit it should be)

You can only think that they're waiting for the Tories to implode before risking advocating spending plans and policies that a percentage of focus groups might not like, and financial journalists might pick apart. It's what you get when you put a cautious lawyer in charge of a political party.

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Agree...but think they need to really start outlining what they will do differently...big chance for them build momentum while Johnson stays on..they have to start controlling the narrative on policy.

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What is clear is that now Starmer has a chance to be "heard" by the electorate. Rolling out policies would be a good idea and allow him to seize the agenda. Johnson is planning to do a policy blitz soon - he gets it - and Starmer needs to get in first. 

"Green new deal" isn't enough. It was around when Corbyn was in charge but doesn't have the same impact with the public as crime/NHS/schools does. He needs something on one of these. Something substantial.

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Those with long memories may remember John Smith as Labour leader. He took over after Kinnock's defeat to Major in 1992 and followed a cautious path immediately after the election- Starmer is reminiscent of that.

Major's government eventually got embroiled in sleaze and splits and Smith's untimely death meant that it was Blair who enjoyed electoral success. 

To my mind if Labour announced policies now then the mainly Tory supporting UK press would tear into them (or Boris nick them). I would guess there is a manifesto ready for a snap election in a locked safe somewhere but meanwhile as another election could be a few years away it's better to sit and watch Boris make an arse of things meanwhile. 

Oh, and Smith who was seen as a Labour centrist, if not slightly to the right of the party, would probably now be seen as some kind of dangerous left winger...

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1 hour ago, Clown Job said:

Winning the argument makes no difference if you can never be in power because of the way the system is set up 

Governments in Holyrood can be held to account

Looks like the dozy arsehole has scored a bit of an own goal there: claiming that independence from Westminster is a weak solution to Westminster arbitrarily doing bad things is … odd.

A bit like saying “ugh - imprisoning serial killers so they can’t stab people is weak. Locking people up is so lazy!”


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I'd expect this kind of talk from Starmer, plus the salty tears of the Corbyn mob swiftly following. 

The reaction to this is interesting, so many folk who had their heart set on her somehow toppling Starmer and taking Labour back to the nutjob wing now being disappointed. 


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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

I'd expect this kind of talk from Starmer, plus the salty tears of the Corbyn mob swiftly following. 

The reaction to this is interesting, so many folk who had their heart set on her somehow toppling Starmer and taking Labour back to the nutjob wing now being disappointed. 


Labour does not need to oscillate between the so-called nutjob wing and the craven right-wing populist shitebagerry of Starmer.  There are millions of voters out there who would be amenable to policies which would ease their burden like clamping down on tax evasion, taxing excessive corporate profits, and yes, looking critically afresh at the unfolding economic disaster that is Brexit - if that requires facing down reactionary voters in Grimsby and elsewhere so be it, and as time goes on we may all be surprised at the result.  All it requires is political courage and conviction, and a spine for Starmer. 

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