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What is the point of labour ?


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15 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I can see why people say that but Corbyn got 40% in 2017 despite the best efforts of half the parliamentary party, the press and the broadcast media.  I think that a genuine alternative could mobilise apathetic voters.  We just need a charismatic frontman to sell it. 


And there is the problem. Where are the charismatic figures?

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13 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I can see why people say that but Corbyn got 40% in 2017 despite the best efforts of half the parliamentary party, the press and the broadcast media.  I think that a genuine alternative could mobilise apathetic voters.  We just need a charismatic frontman to sell it. 


2017 was an utter outlier of an election. A year after the Brexit referendum but before the negotiations, it was still the main issue, the Tories changed leader, UKIP vanished overnight, Trump came to power...it was a strange time to call an election. Add to that Theresa May was by a country mile the worst campaigner I have ever seen. 

The right wing press being no chums of Labour leaders is not new, nor was it unique to Jezza. Remember the disgusting stuff they wrote about Ed Miliband's family, and endlessly recycling the picture of him gagging on a sandwich. Starmer's not having it easy at the moment either.  

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24 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

2017 was an utter outlier of an election. A year after the Brexit referendum but before the negotiations, it was still the main issue, the Tories changed leader, UKIP vanished overnight, Trump came to power...it was a strange time to call an election. Add to that Theresa May was by a country mile the worst campaigner I have ever seen. 

The right wing press being no chums of Labour leaders is not new, nor was it unique to Jezza. Remember the disgusting stuff they wrote about Ed Miliband's family, and endlessly recycling the picture of him gagging on a sandwich. Starmer's not having it easy at the moment either.  

There was also genuine enthusiasm and engagement for slightly left of centre policies. 


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35 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

2017 was an utter outlier of an election. A year after the Brexit referendum but before the negotiations, it was still the main issue, the Tories changed leader, UKIP vanished overnight, Trump came to power...it was a strange time to call an election. Add to that Theresa May was by a country mile the worst campaigner I have ever seen. 

The right wing press being no chums of Labour leaders is not new, nor was it unique to Jezza. Remember the disgusting stuff they wrote about Ed Miliband's family, and endlessly recycling the picture of him gagging on a sandwich. Starmer's not having it easy at the moment either.  

That might all be true but doesn’t change the fact that Corbyn engaged with and enthused sections of the electorate that had not been for a long time.

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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

That might all be true but doesn’t change the fact that Corbyn engaged with and enthused sections of the electorate that had not been for a long time.

Here's what I don't get. The media had the knives out for Corbyn in 2017. But people were enthused by his left-wing policies. In 2019 the press still had the knives out for him. He still had left-wing policies. So...what changed? 

My thinking is that 2017 was just an oddity/outlier following the carnage of the referendum and 2019 was back to normal. Happy to be proven wrong though. 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

That’s the sort of principles I’d like to see for the governing party in Scotland post Independence.  More realistic than a U.K. Labour Party.

Shame for you that the Scottish electorate doesn't share those principles. Is it not roughly about 50% of the vote goes towards centre right type parties, don't see why Indy would change that? 

If what you want was a likely outcome surely we would already have a party or parties with such principles winning votes right now. 

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4 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Here's what I don't get. The media had the knives out for Corbyn in 2017. But people were enthused by his left-wing policies. In 2019 the press still had the knives out for him. He still had left-wing policies. So...what changed? 

My thinking is that 2017 was just an oddity/outlier following the carnage of the referendum and 2019 was back to normal. Happy to be proven wrong though. 

He had another 2 years of vilification from outside and inside the party, along with his unconvincing and constantly shifting position on Brexit.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

He had another 2 years of vilification from outside and inside the party, along with his unconvincing and constantly shifting position on Brexit.

He did himself no favours with that one - though what choice did he really have? Come out as a Remainer, get vilified and accused of being anti-democratic and working against his own beliefs? Come out as a Brexiter and abandon the 48% of the electorate who voted remain? In the end he chose neither which was worse than both other options as it made him seem indecisive. 

I don't think any labour leader would have done well there. 

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21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

He had another 2 years of vilification from outside and inside the party, along with his unconvincing and constantly shifting position on Brexit.

The attacks from inside was the defining point, the media were able to exploit attacks from unprincipled MPs who had no place in the party let alone in the Commons.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The attacks from inside was the defining point, the media were able to exploit attacks from unprincipled MPs who had no place in the party let alone in the Commons.

The Israeli Embassy did a first rate job too, it was understandable that they'd pull out all the stops to derail someone who's sympathetic to Palestinians becoming PM.

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36 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

2017 was a catastrophe. Corbyn lost to the worst PM (at the time) who fought the worst campaign in history. And rather than f**k off sheepishly into the sunset having failed to beat May, unbelievably he took this as a sign to keep going. 

I'm never quite sure how much of the division was down to the blairites/ change uk lot and how much due to Corbyn being unskilled at the politics bit and alienating people he needed onside. This seemed to get worse after 2017.

He really showed his ineptitude when he launched the free broadband for all policy. Good idea but clumsy and an absolute gift for the tories to paint as a "typical uncosted labour giveaway".

So, yeah, i agree that Corbyn being emboldened by 2017 was a major cause of the collapse in 2019.

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17 hours ago, Detective Jimmy McNulty said:


6 more weeks of this.

He's already been found out to have misled on the Rayner thing and that the event was preplanned, that's what the tories will focus on. You think Johnson is going to magically fall on his sword ?

Johnson will never fall on his sword, but by offering to resign, Starmer forces the tories to either demand the same of Johnson if Starmer resigns or be seen by their constituents to be allowing one rule for one etc. If, as is likely, starmer is not fined, then he can really go after Johnson and again, the Tory MP's will get it in the neck from constituents.

From a Labour party perspective, they can continue to regain some of the credibility over internal divisions that have plagued them surrounding Momentum and Corbyn for a long time. Starmer in or Starmer out probably matters not too much to the electability of Labour. Johnson in or Johnson out continues to harm the tories.

P.S, using the daily mail as any gauge on public mood regarding politics is as useful as asking an Eskimo about sandcastles. 

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

Here's what I don't get. The media had the knives out for Corbyn in 2017. But people were enthused by his left-wing policies. In 2019 the press still had the knives out for him. He still had left-wing policies. So...what changed? 

My thinking is that 2017 was just an oddity/outlier following the carnage of the referendum and 2019 was back to normal. Happy to be proven wrong though. 

The press coverage in 2019 was like nothing we had ever seen before. BBC1 was pretty much rolling news all year with stuff like Labour resignations and TIG, various Brexit votes in the Commons, the No Confidence votes, the Tory leadership election, court challenges, the summer People's Vote rallies, the Labour Conference going crazy about a second referendum, Parliament getting prorouged then the election. And all these events that had wall to wall coverage also inevitably featured anti semitism in the Labour Party accustaions.

The deliberate affect of it all was to delude Remain supporters (many victims on here), enrage Brexit  supporters and smear Corbyn so he was unable to put forward any positive message or control the Labour position on Brexit.

Then we had the crazily biased election coverage itself. 

The electoral results were inevitable. 



Edited by Detournement
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The media will always go after the Labour leader. The problem here is that Starmer has folded like a cheap deckchair when he hasn't yet received a fraction of the shite that was thrown at Brown and Miliband, never mind Corbyn.

At least those 3 pushed back a bit, Starmer's brought a knife to gun fight and threatened to stab himself.

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34 minutes ago, Detective Jimmy McNulty said:

The media will always go after the Labour leader. The problem here is that Starmer has folded like a cheap deckchair when he hasn't yet received a fraction of the shite that was thrown at Brown and Miliband, never mind Corbyn.

At least those 3 pushed back a bit, Starmer's brought a knife to gun fight and threatened to stab himself.

Some will see it like that; others will see it as a clever, tactically sound move.

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