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What is the point of labour ?


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4 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Any answers on any of the other questions? No? Also, fair enough.

So, in one policy area (immigration) Labour appears to be heading in a Tory direction, therefore they are the same/indistinguishable from the Tories.=critical thinking

Meanwhile the SNP propose a term of austerity as do the Tories, but this= completely different from the Tories. Again=critical thinking.

Whataboutery is Stormzy levels of desperation but if you must, ask those questions on the appropriate threads.

This thread is about labour and the question de jour is their disgusting pandering to horrible racists.


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1 hour ago, Jedi said:

Meanwhile the SNP propose a term of austerity as do the Tories, but this= completely different from the Tories. Again=critical thinking.

I'm genuinely not sure what your point is?

The vast majority of Scotland's budget is Westminster derived indeed they only give us an estimation of income tax receipts and adjust it later, if the Tories say austerity then the SNP or any Scottish government pretty much have to follow suit and even still spend a ridiculous % of their budget making Scotland not as shit as England.

Bedroom tax is the obvious example but it's been mitigated for so long that I think people forget how fucking dreadful a policy it was and what it must be doing to the very poorest in England and Wales at these times.


Naturally if I were a Labour supporter, there is no chance in hell I would want to remain in a political union (lol) with the most successful political party in western democracies whos political ideals were or at least should be at odds with Labour values. 

I would instead look at a small, progressive country with extraordinary resources and a strong left/ center left stance and think, that's the country for me

Chaining yourself to your arch enemy with occasional chances to undo a tiny bit of their horrific policies seems completely mad.

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34 minutes ago, Clown Job said:



The only funny thing about the Tories winning the next election would be the excuses of the Starmer apologists.



Even then it wouldn’t be particularly funny.


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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The only funny thing about the Tories winning the next election would be the excuses of the Starmer apologists.

Even then it wouldn’t be particularly funny.

Corbyn, Momentum, and the Winter of Discontent put another generation off voting Labour. Not a single thing Keef could do about it. Even his grovelling election night apology for Labour's past connections with disgraced socialists like Kier Hardie couldn't stop the Conservative landslide.

Time to consider folding the party for the sake of national unity. It's what the Great British Public want.

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On 26/10/2022 at 18:35, BFTD said:

Corbyn, Momentum, and the Winter of Discontent put another generation off voting Labour. Not a single thing Keef could do about it. Even his grovelling election night apology for Labour's past connections with disgraced socialists like Kier Hardie couldn't stop the Conservative landslide.

Time to consider folding the party for the sake of national unity. It's what the Great British Public want.

As the thread title says ‘what is the point of Labour’?

Sunak will probably bring in a windfall tax next month on oil, gas companies. What does that leave Sir Manofthepeople? He has made his party pro Brexit, anti immigration and anti democracy in Scotland/Wales. What does Labour actually stand for these days? Struggling to see why the huge numbers of young pro Europe voters, who put their crosses next to Labour at the last 2 General Elections, would do so now, despite the polls

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Sunak will tax his own compadres in the big energy business? Don't think so.

Standing for a Green New Deal...(seem to have heard the SNP talk about that rather a lot in the recent Scotland's future paper funnily enough), now that the Tories have given up on any pretence of net zero, (Sunak doesn't even need to go to Cop 27).

Cracking down on big business tax avoidance, and in the process raking in a lot of extra money for the treasury (again, something the Tories are keen to avoid, (the clamping down on offshore tax havens part).

Raising the minimum wage to a much more acceptable level.

Improving tenants rights

Proper funding of the NHS (and a National Care Service) and education

Nationalising rail

We still don't know what 'Make Brexit Work' means, at the moment its just a phrase....could well be a push to rejoin the Customs Union.

Not much 'point' to a party consistently holding a poll lead of around 30% though....



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27 minutes ago, Jedi said:


We still don't know what 'Make Brexit Work' means, at the moment its just a phrase....could well be a push to rejoin the Customs Union.




A fair number of us don’t give a red f**k what it means, even if Labour do deign to ever tell us. I have no interest in forcing a backwards, regressive, harmful, visibly damaging, unrewarding move to “work”.


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2 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Have the SNP answered when they will be back in the EU yet? But on the other hand, Labour need to have a fleshed out European plan.

That is quite the most fatuous offering I have read on here for quite some time.

If labour were unequivocal we most probably wouldn't be out in the first place.

From there labour lost it.

If you want to retain credibility, you don't pander to racists.


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7 minutes ago, Jedi said:

And yet the concept of irony bypass with any questioning of the SNP met by 'but....but.....Labour.....but Brexit.....but......immigration'

Aye, bizarre that people might expect discussion about Labour’s repellant policies in a thread all about questioning Labour; I can see why you’d assume it should be about the SNP.

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7 minutes ago, sophia said:

That is quite the most fatuous offering I have read on here for quite some time.

If labour were unequivocal we most probably wouldn't be out in the first place.

From there labour lost it.

If you want to retain credibility, you don't pander to racists.


*Ahem* pay attention to the thread title, please. We’re not supposed to be discussing Labour’s pandering to racists, its meaningless promises to “make Brexit work”, or it’s manky approach to immigration. We’re supposed to be talking about the evil SNP. The clue’s in the title, for the love of Starmer.

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In fairness I think the Simpsons GIF is actually the most detailed analysis we have had of SNP policy on here for some time.

Its a lazy assumption that everyone who voted for Brexit is a racist as well...while many no doubt did so out of racist motivation, can hardly apply that to nearly 17 million people.

And er, yeah in 'paying attention to the thread title' about 90% of my comment is about Labour policy and maybe 10% questioning the SNP

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7 minutes ago, Jedi said:

In fairness I think the Simpsons GIF is actually the most detailed analysis we have had of SNP policy on here for some time.


No one’s stopping you producing your own, if you care to create a relevant thread. It’s as easy as using the “quote” button, and you’ve mastered that (sometimes).

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20 minutes ago, Jedi said:

In fairness I think the Simpsons GIF is actually the most detailed analysis we have had of SNP policy on here for some time.

Its a lazy assumption that everyone who voted for Brexit is a racist as well...while many no doubt did so out of racist motivation, can hardly apply that to nearly 17 million people.

And er, yeah in 'paying attention to the thread title' about 90% of my comment is about Labour policy and maybe 10% questioning the SNP

Not everyone who voted for Brexit is a racist, but every racist voted for Brexit.

Whqt do you have to say about Keefs assertion that there is very little policy difference on immigration between the blue & red Tories? 

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