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What is the point of labour ?


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At least when Blair moved Labour further right he was still presiding over a more left-wing government than every government since the last Labour one.

Starmer is in every respect proposing a government to the right of Cameron. Putting Streeting in charge of the NHS is going to make Jeremy Hunt look like Thomas Sankara in comparison.

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32 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

At this point he has to be a Tory plant. 


28 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

No, just a Tory by instinct.



4 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Like Tony Fucking Blair.?


He is just a politician - Tony Blair might have been a Tory PM  had circumstances been different he was deffo one for reading the tea leaves - just like Truss was a Lib Dem in her younger days.

Lots of the current breed of politicians will say and do anything thats expedient for their careers.

Probably the last party leader who was vaguely true to their core beliefs was Corbyn, and we all see how that ended......................

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I look at people like Blair and Starmer and wonder why would they join the Labour Party.  Don’t say it’s to get power as there are too many invariables between jointing and getting to where the were/are.

Of course this applies to so many Labour MPs/MSPs who would recoil at the word ‘Socialism’.

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So the SNP discuss private investment/intervention in the NHS as an option=good/to be commended/right decision 

Starmer mentions private partnership in the NHS as an option=far right/Tory stooge/snake/can't be trusted on anything


Do you see any pattern emerging yet?

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17 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I look at people like Blair and Starmer and wonder why would they join the Labour Party.  Don’t say it’s to get power as there are too many invariables between jointing and getting to where the were/are.

Of course this applies to so many Labour MPs/MSPs who would recoil at the word ‘Socialism’.

There probably isn't as many invariables as you think. Many of these people are "prepped" to be PM from a young age. They likely already know who the next 5 to 10 PM's are going to be.

3 minutes ago, Jedi said:

So the SNP discuss private investment/intervention in the NHS as an option=good/to be commended/right decision 

Starmer mentions private partnership in the NHS as an option=far right/Tory stooge/snake/can't be trusted on anything


Do you see any pattern emerging yet?

Nobody is saying that the SNP discussing private investment/intervention in the NHS is a good thing. But consider this. If such discussions weren't occurring with the English NHS, would these same discussions still be occurring in the Scottish NHS if our budget wasn't directly linked to public spending in the English NHS?

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So, the SNP considering private investment/intervention in the NHS...... even that is Westminster's fault.. (rather than a political choice by a party which is naturally right if centre)..help ma boab 

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I'm maybe missing something but what private investment are the SNP considering for the NHS? 

The last thing I can see on this is Nicola Sturgeon saying:

"She added her pledge for continued support for the service and said: “Let me be unequivocally clear, we will do that within those long established, well accepted and, I think, almost universally supported principles of a public service free at the point of use and need.”"

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27 minutes ago, Dink said:

I'm maybe missing something but what private investment are the SNP considering for the NHS? 

The last thing I can see on this is Nicola Sturgeon saying:

"She added her pledge for continued support for the service and said: “Let me be unequivocally clear, we will do that within those long established, well accepted and, I think, almost universally supported principles of a public service free at the point of use and need.”"

Yeah, some NHS chiefs (not SG) have discussed it, I also found a fluff piece in the Daily Record from Jackie Baillie asserting the SNP are discussing it, of course all statements from the SNP deny it & there is absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise. Whereas Sir Keith has discussed it publicly. Another red herring from @Jedi

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58 minutes ago, Jedi said:

So the SNP discuss private investment/intervention in the NHS as an option=good/to be commended/right decision 

Are you meaning the discussion document leaked from meetings of the regional health boards in November?

The one where no member of the SNP government was in the room?

The one that precipitated the questioning of Youssaf and Sturgeon, both of whom confirmed that this was not happening?

That discussion?

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6 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Yeah, some NHS chiefs (not SG) have discussed it, I also found a fluff piece in the Daily Record from Jackie Baillie asserting the SNP are discussing it, of course all statements from the SNP deny it & there is absolutely no evidence to suggest otherwise. Whereas Sir Keith has discussed it publicly. Another red herring from @Jedi

I was trying not to jump straight to the conclusion that's Jedi was referring to the NHS Chief Exec discussions, as I'm sure he's well aware of the difference between that discussion and SNP policy.

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52 minutes ago, Guest Jedi said:

So, the SNP considering private investment/intervention in the NHS...... even that is Westminster's fault.. (rather than a political choice by a party which is naturally right if centre)..help ma boab 

The SNP are not "considering it". It will however ultimately be forced to occur if Scottish NHS funding remains directly linked to English NHS funding and the privatisation agenda of the English NHS (committed to by the tories and Keir Starmer) continues to go ahead. Leaving Scotland with only one other option. Can you figure out what that option is?

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29 minutes ago, Dink said:

I'm maybe missing something but what private investment are the SNP considering for the NHS? 

Given the usual lack of a link to anything to support his far-fetched claims, I suspect that @Jedi is referring to this non-story


The minutes of a meeting in September betwee Scottish Health Board Chief Executives disclose that they had some discussion about making the wealthy pay for treatment, thus setting up a "two-tier" service.

As always, Jedi seems happy to confuse "Health Board Chief Executives" with "The Scottish Government" or "the snp"

He has form for similar "mistakes", having previously suggested that a poll by a reputable polling firm had polled "snp members", when he should have said "snp voters"

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