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What is the point of labour ?


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3 hours ago, StellarHibee said:

She really wasn't. She could have just called it out and shown herself to at least have some backbone. She continues to do as she's told instead.

She's not a Dame for nothing. I loathe her.


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7 hours ago, scottsdad said:

She was in an impossible situation, defending the indispensable. 

Rotten policy


4 hours ago, StellarHibee said:

She really wasn't. She could have just called it out and shown herself to at least have some backbone. She continues to do as she's told instead.

Exactly this. Rather than just trotting out some party lines, she could've been honest and said that she disagrees with the labour party and kier starmer and would try and change the policy.

Instead, she's just happy to defend the indefensible and happy being UK labours bitch. It's why I hate 'Scottish' labour. They're a joke.

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47 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Exactly this. Rather than just trotting out some party lines, she could've been honest and said that she disagrees with the labour party and kier starmer and would try and change the policy.

Instead, she's just happy to defend the indefensible and happy being UK labours bitch. It's why I hate 'Scottish' labour. They're a joke.

"look" and "let me be very clear" - two phrases beloved of politicians when contradictions and utter vacuous waffle is set to follow. Step forward Jackie Baillie:

1. removing it was a Labour 2019 manifesto commitment ✅

2. JB/Scottish Labour oppose the two child benefit cap ✅

3. if JB/SLAB had your way it would be removed immediately and SLAB committed to removing a policy akin to "Chinese communism" ✅

4. The Tories will leave economic ruin and therefore Labour do not wish to make pledges on benefits that could add to that dire economic mismanagement ✅

5. Therefore Starmer's position is correct that the two child benefit cap should remain ✅

All very clear indeed. Much like Scottish Labour's position on Brexit, immigration, nuclear weapons etc etc 



Edited by KingRocketman II
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13 hours ago, TONTROOPER said:

Reporting Scotland there trying to push the Labour " we have to be pragmatic" narrative regarding the 2 child cap.

They then follow it up with 3 SNP BAD stories:-

1) A beetroot faced Fergus Ewing spewing his bile about the A9.

2) They invite him to have a second bite at the cherry and he duly obliges by telling the Minister to go.

3) Nae NHS dentists in Dunoon.....bad SNP.

Need tae calm doon....... TV sets are expensive.

Aye, this is the kind of stuff I was posting about on the BBC bias thread.

I have no issue with BBC Scotland having a pop at politicians, but they dont seem to deal with all of the parties in an even handed manner - and are always "super keen" to bring on SNP politicians with a certain view of their party - like Ewing and McNeill - whereas the analysis of nonsense like Jackie Baillie yesterday is glossed over.

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Anas Sarwar is being fairly stout in contesting the second child policy. However, Smuggy Smugface Jackie 'I Love a Bit of Trident, Me' Baillie in her interview managed to say 1) The policy is kinda a bad thing, but also 2) Sir Peter Butterworth is pure dead courageous and pragmatic and brilliant for taking the TUFF DECISION and we should all support him for that.

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5 hours ago, orfc said:

Surprised at the lib Dems, but this isn't the misstep you lot think it is

I think we can safely say that the 60% are (a) not impacted and (b) dont understand it said "aye, just keep it".

We should probably remove benefits from disabled people as well, or at least try and prove that they can work (oh, I forgot, thats already the tories policy.........)

Also, we appoint politicians to govern, and to cut through the crap that  "mike down the golf club in peterborough" thinks.

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5 hours ago, orfc said:

Surprised at the lib Dems, but this isn't the misstep you lot think it is

So it's ok to do the immoral, as long as enough of the idiot public can be duped into believing that it's ok?

Perhaps they can do a poll on whether corrupt politicians should be hung by the neck or not. Do you think they would go with the results of that poll?

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I'd like to see the other questions that built up to that response, Yougov are often sneaky about it, to set up a newsworthy result. So like 'Do you think unemployed people should be rewarded for having as many children as they can, paid for out of your taxes?'. I've seen similar before. Instead of maybe 'Do you think taking children out of poverty should be an important fiscal priority?' 



Edited by welshbairn
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