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What is the point of labour ?


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1 hour ago, StellarHibee said:

Yep, Labour are strong favourites unfortunately (despite having nothing legitimate to campaign on). It will be an absolutely horrendous failure for them if they don't take the seat.

If Labour take the seat  then I totally despair of the Scottish electorate.

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Nice to get some clarity on this issue:


They are, "an optional identity mark".

Lenny also has been sacked. Poor Lenny. He was too nice for them anyway.


“Labour Party are registered to contest elections in England, Scotland and Wales.”

The Electoral Commission then shared a link to Labour’s register entry – which lists “Scottish Labour Party”, “Scottish Labour Party Candidate”, “Glasgow Labour”, and “Aberdeen Labour” as descriptions used by the central UK party.

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5 minutes ago, Zern said:

Nice to get some clarity on this issue:


They are, "an optional identity mark".

Lenny also has been sacked. Poor Lenny. He was too nice for them anyway.

“Scottish Labour Party" also appears under the list of "accounting units" of the wider UK party.


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9 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

“Scottish Labour Party" also appears under the list of "accounting units" of the wider UK party.


Accounting Unit to replace Branch Office in the P&B lexicon!

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

Labour would still use barges to house asylum seekers.


Meet the new boss…



I've been listening to LBC today. Fascinating to hear Labour supporters kicking the keech out of Starmer, effectively saying that he will agree with just about anything the Tories say so as not to scare the horses.  The tragic thing is that the supporters of Very Northern Accounting Unit of the Labour Party still seem to buy into it.

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14 hours ago, Zern said:

Nice to get some clarity on this issue:


They are, "an optional identity mark".

Lenny also has been sacked. Poor Lenny. He was too nice for them anyway.

Saw that! 😄

Who's voting for the Optional Identiy Marks?

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At this point I think Scottish unionists only vote for Labour as its seen as bad form to vote for the Tories.  Even though they agree with their policies.

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12 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

At this point I think Scottish unionists only vote for Labour as its seen as bad form to vote for the Tories.  Even though they agree with their policies.

They agree with their policies on the "yoonyin". But if you were to pull up a random unionist in the street and ask them what other policies of the joint force they like, they wouldn't be able to tell you any of them.

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5 hours ago, TheScarf said:

At this point I think Scottish unionists only vote for Labour as its seen as bad form to vote for the Tories.  Even though they agree with their policies.

See also Edinburgh West/South Lib Dems. Utterly Tory to the core, but they live in a city where there are still enough human beings around that openly admitting to voting Tory would go down the same way as admitting you strangle kittens.

They are, in a round-about way, almost akin to Tory Corbynistas and self-professed 'lefty hipsters'. The are undoubtedly Tory, but regard themselves as 'progressive', or 'trendy', 'open minded', so self-soothe by voting Lib Dem. It's like Croatians/Hungarians/Romanians excusing themselves for participating in WWII fascism because "well I didn't fucking vote for the NSDAP!".

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38 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

See also Edinburgh West/South Lib Dems. Utterly Tory to the core, but they live in a city where there are still enough human beings around that openly admitting to voting Tory would go down the same way as admitting you strangle kittens.

They are, in a round-about way, almost akin to Tory Corbynistas and self-professed 'lefty hipsters'. The are undoubtedly Tory, but regard themselves as 'progressive', or 'trendy', 'open minded', so self-soothe by voting Lib Dem. It's like Croatians/Hungarians/Romanians excusing themselves for participating in WWII fascism because "well I didn't fucking vote for the NSDAP!".

I’ve always contended that LibDem voters are people who are too guilty to vote Conservative themselves but are privately glad other folk do.


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3 minutes ago, orfc said:

Pah you've seen through me 🙂

So, lads, basically your definition of tories in Scotland is anyone who votes Tory, or labour, or lib dem, and don't forget half the SNP who back Forbes/Ewing

Which is saying 70% of Scotland is Tory.

Do you not think you've over loosened the definition somewhat? 😄

Aye if you want to just make up things that we’re saying then yes, that’s correct. 

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2 minutes ago, orfc said:

It's mostly in the last 5/6 posts if you care to read them

The Forbes/Ewing bit is from other threads though, remember when she was declared a right wing religious bigot and he was a Tory in disguise, ahh, good times 🙂

Lib Dems combine right wing economics with social liberalism. Tories combine right wing economics with social conservatism. So they are different overall but agree on economics which is how they were able to enact austerity together while in their governing coalition, 2010-2015.

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3 hours ago, orfc said:

It's mostly in the last 5/6 posts if you care to read them

The Forbes/Ewing bit is from other threads though, remember when she was declared a right wing religious bigot and he was a Tory in disguise, ahh, good times 🙂

Fergus Ewing is quite obviously an independence supporting Tory. He doesn’t even try to hide it, it’s why he appeals to farmers.

When the Tories go right, it gives parties like Labour and the Lib Dem’s the opportunity to shift further right without people noticing as much; as long as they stay left of the Tories then most folk won’t notice.

I really don’t see much appeal in voting for a Labour party that will just keep peddling Tory policies.

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I can definitely recall saying that I was unconvinced Forbes was not a religious bigot, but I don't recall ever describing her as Right Wing.

Plenty of folk were calling her a 'tory in disguise' and whatnot, but maybe it wasn't so far from the truth given the amount of actual Tories and other assorted unionists who turned out to cheerlead for her.

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Scottish politics is clearly skewed by the constitutional question, and there’s loads of people in, or voting for, parties that they don’t really fit in with. 

I don’t think that everyone who votes Labour is a Tory, but the current leadership of the Labour Party are undoubtedly pushing Tory policies. They’re attacking the Tories from the right on a lot of issues. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why so many on the left fucking hate Starmer. 

I don’t think actually think that everyone who votes Lib Dem is actually a Tory (a fair number of them are though). I do believe that a lot of them disagree with the Tories on stuff, especially socially. However, they’d all definitely side with the Tories over someone like Corbyn (as indeed would all centrists).

There are some within the SNP who clearly fit right in in the Conservatives. Fergus Ewing, for example, would be a through and through Tory had he been born in Gloucester instead of Glasgow.

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The point about the Lib Dems shifting in the Tories' wake is absolutely spot on.

Once upon a time I was a Lib Dem myself, so I'm well aware of the diaspora of outlooks and opinions within that party. I met a lot of Lib Dem students and suchlike who it would be perfectly reasonable to describe as 'left-leaning', given their predominantly socially liberal views and attitudes to tax/spending, but I wouldn't say there were many Lib Dems of the type who own an enormous house in Murrayfield, Corstorphine, Barnton or the likes, have three cars parked on the drive, and send their kids to private schools, who you could describe as lefties. 

In that respect, they really are the only people who align with a mainstream party in any sort of numbers who are to the right of centre aside from actual Tories, so to an extent, they are standing shoulder to shoulder with Tories, and if it looks like a Tory, acts like a Tory, and thinks like a Tory...

You could say UKIP/Brexit Party or whatever these things call themselves, but while they are invariably Right, they are not 'mainstream' because they are largely single-issue, fleeting, and/or pop up and disappear just as quickly as they arrived, and they all seem to have terrible bother actually getting anyone elected.

I accept there are factions and divergent views in most parties, the difference is, Labour, the Greens, SNP and so on are, or formerly were, considered to be Left or Centre left, so the right-leaners tend to be fewer and not as far to the right as those in a 'Centrist' party to begin with, although I will accept that the SNP and Labour could rightfully be described as Centrist now, but again, I think that's in part down to the entirety of UK politics having shifted.

I think it's also relevant that a lot of the politicians who are viewed as aberrant or out of place are Highlands & Islands types. It's clearly a different world, with different outlooks, and different priorities than most of mainland, central, and lowland Scotland. Not surprising in the slightest.

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