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What is the point of labour ?


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On 28/07/2024 at 13:21, Arthur Orton said:

Three immediate things they should do but won't. 

1. Scrap the two child benefit cap 

2. Rejoin the customs union

3. Be smart and look to change the awful FPTP system.


1) Nothing to sort out the completely overwhelmed and collapsed system of social care.

2) Nothing to help the NHS get on top of its enormous waiting lists and perennial winter emergency status.

..with all the knock-on benefits that reducing the impact of these pressing issues would have on the economy and society as a whole. 

3) Nothing to sort out the collapse of local authorities into bankruptcy and removal of services (also linked to point 1 above). 

Instead your priorities are chucking money at large families because the poor weans and reforming the voting system. 


I'd hoped the Ming Vase strategy was just that and they would have some big ideas upon coming to power...

Let us know when you have some of those to share, as opposed to the frankly deranged priorities you have set. 

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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m not opposed to that, but it could create a precedent regarding means testing.

People with private pensions not getting full state pension?

Which id agree with if i got a significant cut in my national insurance payments. But the idea of paying more tax and already having had my private pension changed to a far lower value one and then being told ill still pay full NI and not receive state pension is highly pish. 

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I'm not completely dismayed by today!


For one, I'm not as against the removal of the universal winter heating allowance as much as you'd imagine.

I do have some issues though.  There seems to be a significant number of people eligible for pension credit, that don't claim it.  Hopefully, this will prompt them to apply/look into it.  That said, I'm sure many are just completely unaware that they'd qualify, so that needs addressing.

But removing it from those that don't need it, isn't that bad a policy IMHO.

I am of course furious that Labour still haven't grasped the nettle of wealth inequality, and are proposing some tinkering around capital gains, rather than a wider view of the tax system.


I'm also quite pleased by the announcement of improved offers for public sector workers and junior doctors.


So far I give them a D.  Which is an improvement on the C, they were at prviously*.





*C stood for c**ts


Edited by aDONisSheep
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Generally, Means Testing is bad.

The effect on the amount of people who may not need a benefit doesn't really compare to the effect on the people that really do. And also it costs money to implement means tests as well.

This is just a political choice from Reeves and will probably be a theme of the decisions she will make as Chancellor.

Hopefully one day someone comes along who realises that Britain is in desperate need of investment rather than further austerity.

As an aside I really hope people stop comparing the economic situation of a country to a household budget l.

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56 minutes ago, Lukovic said:

Generally, Means Testing is bad.

The effect on the amount of people who may not need a benefit doesn't really compare to the effect on the people that really do. And also it costs money to implement means tests as well.

This is just a political choice from Reeves and will probably be a theme of the decisions she will make as Chancellor.

Hopefully one day someone comes along who realises that Britain is in desperate need of investment rather than further austerity.

As an aside I really hope people stop comparing the economic situation of a country to a household budget l.

They do come along but they get hounded and ridiculed by the media to the point that they are unelectable to the general public.

Sadly, I don't see this changing anytime soon.

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9 hours ago, Lukovic said:

Generally, Means Testing is bad.

The effect on the amount of people who may not need a benefit doesn't really compare to the effect on the people that really do. And also it costs money to implement means tests as well.

This is just a political choice from Reeves and will probably be a theme of the decisions she will make as Chancellor.

Hopefully one day someone comes along who realises that Britain is in desperate need of investment rather than further austerity.

As an aside I really hope people stop comparing the economic situation of a country to a household budget l.

I don't think this is true. 

I think it's sometimes true at the margins. If we're talking about something targeted like the heating allowance or child benefit then that's probably more true, because of economies of scale. 

I think there are some benefits where there's a moral argument against means testing, like free healthcare. 

But if housing benefit, for example, was available to everyone you'd be able to count on your fingers the number of people who declined it. 

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Oh, and they've put out proposals for VAT on private school fees and removing rate relief as well as something on carried interest. Small but significant measures and undeniably left of centre. Maybe not left enough to shift the average... 

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13 hours ago, sophia said:

I regard that as pathetic and not just due to the use of the words "has went for enough". Four words and two of them flat out wrong. 

For what it's worth I found the back and forth rather entertaining and that is my subjective view. Others are obviously entitled their own. 

The mods clearly have forgotten the ignore function.

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Sister in law is a Labour voter and  slightly older than me. She is now firmly of the view that in the forthcoming budget Labour will means test the state pension.

Until yesterday's announcement about the winter fuel allowance I'd have thought she was nuts but now I'm not so sure. 

They couldn't, could they?

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14 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Sister in law is a Labour voter and  slightly older than me. She is now firmly of the view that in the forthcoming budget Labour will means test the state pension.

Until yesterday's announcement about the winter fuel allowance I'd have thought she was nuts but now I'm not so sure. 

They couldn't, could they?


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On 24/07/2024 at 16:29, Buzz Killington said:

Also a big shout out to the "ThEIr JUst aCtiNg rIghT wINg UntLL tHEy GeT eLecTEd" crew.  Your visit from the wallet inspector is scheduled for next week.

I feel like I should just repost this every week.

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