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What is the point of labour ?


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I just witnessed Ian Murray MP fob off Jenny Marra in a Dundee cafe when she asked if he had her number.

Went something like:

JM : Have you got my number? Just for discussions

IM (with his PA I’d imagine hurrying out with other Labour hanger ons): Oh sorry, can’t hear you. Have to go, I’ll see you in the Caird Hall.

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10 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

I just witnessed Ian Murray MP fob off Jenny Marra in a Dundee cafe when she asked if he had her number.

Went something like:

JM : Have you got my number? Just for discussions

IM (with his PA I’d imagine hurrying out with other Labour hanger ons): Oh sorry, can’t hear you. Have to go, I’ll see you in the Caird Hall.

She's a complete and utter cretin. I believe she and either her brother or partner (I forgot which) were chucked out of the Counting House a while back for being arsey to the staff. She apparently threw in the "Do you know who I am?" line to a bemused waitress who had absolutely no fucking idea who she was :lol:

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Comrade Jezza promised free bus travel( see wales) full federalism (again) and is abolishing the House of Lords (again) :lol:

And Monica Lennon took the credit for ending the pay dispute for the Ladies for equal pay :lol:

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If Scottish Labour ever actually stood on a pro-Scotland ticket again they'd be dangerous.

I don't mean pro-independence but pro-Scotland.  

It's actually incredible that they have not managed to find a rational, left of centre standing up for Scotland position.  It's clear as day the winning formula for elections in this country.

The problem is they don't have people that believe the above.  They might be leftist but Scotland doesn't mean anything to them.  They have no talent either and don't have anything coming through.  

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33 minutes ago, Detournement said:

What do you suggest?

An unambiguous belief in Scotland's right to decide it's constitutional future via the Scottish parliament.

Highlighting SNP failure in devolved policy but more importantly having three or four key policies which will improve lives here.  (the 2020 version of free tuition fees, and  prescription charges).

Highlighting distinctive Scottish points of view in comparison to the rest of the UK and making sure its voice is heard.  Falling out with the UK party when necessary and being proud of it. For example they should have been all over that Defence shipyards story.  In fact, they were frightened of demeaning a Better Together campaign point.  Jack McConnell and Dewar were, on occasion able to fall out when necessary.  Cathy Jamieson and Pauline McNeill similarly.

A true commitment to Devo Max.  An assumption in favour of control rather than vice versa.

Strong solidarity positions with English workers.  We'll show them what can work.

A rational argument for maintaining Scotland in the UK on economic grounds.


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2 hours ago, tirso said:

An unambiguous belief in Scotland's right to decide it's constitutional future via the Scottish parliament.

Highlighting SNP failure in devolved policy but more importantly having three or four key policies which will improve lives here.  (the 2020 version of free tuition fees, and  prescription charges).

Highlighting distinctive Scottish points of view in comparison to the rest of the UK and making sure its voice is heard.  Falling out with the UK party when necessary and being proud of it. For example they should have been all over that Defence shipyards story.  In fact, they were frightened of demeaning a Better Together campaign point.  Jack McConnell and Dewar were, on occasion able to fall out when necessary.  Cathy Jamieson and Pauline McNeill similarly.

A true commitment to Devo Max.  An assumption in favour of control rather than vice versa.

Strong solidarity positions with English workers.  We'll show them what can work.

A rational argument for maintaining Scotland in the UK on economic grounds.


Scottish Labour is not a political party. It is a registered accounting unit of one and will do nothing to question or disagree with the actual party. They are in no position and have no power to do any of the things above - and if they pretended they did they’d be rightly mocked for it. 

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29 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Scottish Labour is not a political party. It is a registered accounting unit of one and will do nothing to question or disagree with the actual party. They are in no position and have no power to do any of the things above - and if they pretended they did they’d be rightly mocked for it. 

Uh huh.  Well my point is they should.  Dewar met plenty opposition.  It was carried.

I'm not interested in what wings over Scotland has got to say about accounting units.  I'm saying they should be unambiguously Scottish.  A party of Chisolm and McLeish.  

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14 minutes ago, tirso said:

Uh huh.  Well my point is they should.  Dewar met plenty opposition.  It was carried.

I'm not interested in what wings over Scotland has got to say about accounting units.  I'm saying they should be unambiguously Scottish.  A party of Chisolm and McLeish.  

It’s not wings over Scotland - it’s their legal position with regard to registry with the electoral commission. You seem to want them to declare that they are “for” things (and against things) that they have no power to provide. They can’t go into elections promising things that their party hasn’t approved and that they can’t therefore legally deliver*. It would be a bit like a Tory candidate running with the promise that she’ll abolish the monarchy, despite the Tory manifesto having no such commitment.

The most the Scottish candidates and elected representatives can do (which they aren’t apparently minded to) is to form a block and argue from a minority position within the Labour Party about what they want for Scotland. No reason Labour should listen to one branch of malcontents or dissidents, of course; the Scottish Labour members have less influence on their party than the ERG do on the Tories.

*I wouldn’t put it past them to try; but I’m sure to them being “unambiguously Scottish” is agreeing with everything the boss down south says. 

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39 minutes ago, tirso said:

Uh huh.  Well my point is they should.  Dewar met plenty opposition.  It was carried.

I'm not interested in what wings over Scotland has got to say about accounting units.  I'm saying they should be unambiguously Scottish.  A party of Chisolm and McLeish.  

It's not what people say, it's what actually is. Scottish Labour quite literally has to do as it's told from London, it's an extention of the same party. UK Labour policy is Scottish Labour policy, even if it's not in Scotlands interests. Scottish Labour can promise anything in their manifesto, safe in the knowledge that it will never be approved by the official party. As long as they can dupe people in Scotland for voting for them, they'll promise anything.

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Scottish Labour is not a political party. It is a registered accounting unit of one and will do nothing to question or disagree with the actual party. They are in no position and have no power to do any of the things above - and if they pretended they did they’d be rightly mocked for it. 

I’m fairly sure Leonard’s just broke with Corbyn RE a second referendum. The Welsh and Scottish parties are apparently at their most decentralised in years which is partially why the Welsh mob are so shite.

Whenever I feel my enthusiasm for independence waning all it takes is one look at Tom Watson and all the other “social democrat” bellends trying to operate as a party within the party to realise that breaking free from them will be so fucking class. On top of breaking away from the inbred Tory nonces as well.
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22 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I’m fairly sure Leonard’s just broke with Corbyn RE a second referendum. The Welsh and Scottish parties are apparently at their most decentralised in years which is partially why the Welsh mob are so shite.

Whenever I feel my enthusiasm for independence waning all it takes is one look at Tom Watson and all the other “social democrat” bellends trying to operate as a party within the party to realise that breaking free from them will be so fucking class. On top of breaking away from the inbred Tory nonces as well.


How so?

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38 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

How so?


I'm talking shite. It's free movement after Brexit. Leonard appears to support it.


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14 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I'm talking shite. It's free movement after Brexit. Leonard appears to support it.


Ah, had missed that actually. Not that it means anything but good on him nonetheless.

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If May’s Brexit deal gets past I can see many Labour Party members letting their memberships lapse and many Labour voters staying home at the next election.  Such people will feel let badly down by Corbyn.


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