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Seagull Appreciation/ Condemnation Thread

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After >10 years of living in a seagull-free area, they've inevitably ventured inland to the point my neighbour has installed those spikes all over his house.

What's your experience with seagulls / scorries / sh1tehawks / skyrats / skyswans (call them what you want)?  How large do they get in your area? How many sausage rolls or fish suppers have you lost to them?  Do you even find them quite elegant?  How many people have you heard claiming they blew one up by feeding them baking powder?  Does seeing a flattened one on the road (bonus points for the solitary feather standing upright) fill you with sadness or joy? Have you ever identified as a seagull? Would you condone a complete seagull genocide, removing them from all existence? 

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I've got to give credit to the ones around here for eye and arse co-ordination when they realise my car's just been washed and are able to shite on it from height.

Actually, naw, 



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I'm pro gull.

We have herring and lesser black-blacked gulls nesting on the neighbours roof and aside from doing a wee show of swooping at us when their chicks are wee they're not any bother. We also get the wee black headed gulls too but I never see where they nest.

Sure both species are red/amber listed so always sad to see folk calling for culls.

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As you'd guess they are abundant here.

Aggressive AF also.

Nothing worse than getting woken up at 5am or whatever with them going mental.

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I hate them. They occasionally try to make their presence felt at home and I've had a few run ins. There's a special place in Hell for the gang that live around Gordon Street. Although I do partially blame The Blue Lagoon chippy for selling food that is only fit for seagull consumption.

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There's a hotspot at Aberdeen Uni where even I've fallen victim to a seagull attack. 

They sit on this lamppost above a narrow lane of no escape that connects an open area to the local bakery, and then swoop on you from behind.  I have to admit that this has happened to me twice, and I'm in the "fool me once, shame on them; fool me twice, shame on me" camp.  I don't think people quite appreciate the size of the Urban Aberdeen Herring Gull, and if you tell somebody from elsewhere they always give it the "pfff, aye right 🙄" treatment.


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5 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I hate them. They occasionally try to make their presence felt at home and I've had a few run ins. There's a special place in Hell for the gang that live around Gordon Street. Although I do partially blame The Blue Lagoon chippy for selling food that is only fit for seagull consumption.

I've watched a seagull eat a pigeon at George Square.  That was deeply un-nerving.

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9 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

There's a hotspot at Aberdeen Uni where even I've fallen victim to a seagull attack. 

Even you?

What makes you think you're immune from attack, are you Doctor fucking Doolitle or King of the Seagulls or what?

Edited by Cappiecat1.2
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19 minutes ago, Cappiecat1.2 said:

Even you?

What makes you think you're immune from attack, are you Doctor fucking Doolitle or King of the Seugulls or what?

I was fully expecting this tbf 😄.

I meant it in the "it's so common even the OP has fallen victim" sense.

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had seagulls nest on roof last year, 2 babies. 1 fell off early and got squished by a car. 2nd one pottered around garden, leading to the other big seagulls swooping down whenever someone tried to get in the front door.

nightmare if it was you, hilarious if it was someone else.

but still a big NO from me

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The man who works at the park told me that the gulls take ducklings , goslings and assorted other waterfowl chicks high into the air and drop them on the path. Competition for food see. 

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7 minutes ago, bobbydazzler said:

had seagulls nest on roof last year, 2 babies. 1 fell off early and got squished by a car.

How diplomatic of you.

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They tend to nest on top of a building at the school where I work. Every May/June time there's little baby ones pottering about, which seem quite cute for about 5 mins until one kid gets too close and the mother swoops down.

They are a menace, there's times even walking past the building where they are and you'll have 3 or 4 swooping down on you. You can imagine how some of the kids react.

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