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What are you like at the football?

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1) Colours or no colours? I'm a no-colours man except cup finals when I will deign to wear a Hearts scarf. Mainly for twirling purposes.

Mainly no colours, but I do bring my scarf about 30% of the time. It often doesnt even move from my coat pocket. 

2) Are you a shouter? I was as a younger man, but now that I've firmly entered middle-age I can rarely be arsed beyond the odd "Boot that c**t up in the air" etc.

Not really a shouter as I sit in the auld gits section, but I do tend to get a bit vocal at times. 

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? I maybe join in with a song once per away game and then feel I've got carried away quite enough, thank you. I don't believe I've ever started the singing in my life.

I never start the singing, but happy to join in when it filters across to my section.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I don't think I've left a football stadium actually in a state of anger or upset for about 20 years. Disappointed, of course. But I can genuinely say that by the time I'm walking down the stairs to leave a ground I'm ready to rejoin the real world and get on with my day regardless of the result. Some of my mates are like me, but some let the result really affect their day. What about you? Do you take it home with you? Does it ruin your evening at the pub? Also, within the game itself; are you raging and frothing at the mouth at the ref and/or your team or do you just let it wash off? I'm more of a quiet resignation "Oh, they've done that again..." kind of observer.

I occasionally get irritated by errors made by referees, especially if that impacts the flow/result of the game, but I do believe that they generally they try their best and we're all human. A poor result can affect my general mood for a few days. probably because following football is such an integral part of my free time. I find it easier to ignore all football related social media for a few days following a poor result.

5) How do you travel? I was a supporters' bus member for years until I got to the age where I no longer wished to return straight home after the game and am now mostly a train-goer with very occasional driving. Perhaps some lucky ones among us walk to games?

I mainly drive. Take the train/bus on the rare occasions that I'm in hospitality.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? If you attend sober I will keep you in my prayers.

I attend sober 90% of the time.

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1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

So far I'm seeing a lot of people watching Scottish football sober.

This is concerning.

Aha, you cunningly didnt frame the question in the context of cooncil snuff though. 

Edited by Melanius Mullarkey
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1) no colours. I don't even own a scarf, and wouldn't be seen dead in a football shirt.

2) Nope. Might let out the odd exasperated "aww for f**ks sake", but I keep it at respectable levels because there are usually bairns aboot.

3) Nope, not unless I'm screaming pished, and I honestly can't remember the last time. Maybe 25 years ago.

4) No. I don't live vicariously through the fortunes of sports teams, I find people who do to be completely bizarre, and negative results don't bother me any more than "och well.. 3 points would have been nice..."

5) Depends on venue. I'm hardly ever in Dundee these days so trips to Dens are rare. I can walk to Easter Road, and sometimes my buddy will drive to an away game because his work pays for his petrol and mileage on the car, so he doesn't GAF aboot wear and tear or cost.

6) As pished as is realistic. I've never been steaming enough to be refused entry, and I don't want to have to get out of my seat every 20 minutes for a pish, so I try to keep it to 3 or 4 beforehand and pee before going into the ground. Afterwards is a free-for-all though, and it's not uncommon to arrive home from matchday at 4 or 5am.

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1. Occasionally.

2. Yes

3. Occasionally. Would need to be a late winner or late on when we are winning a big game.

4. Seething. Calm down on the stroll home to the car.

5. Car. Easier to take four kids there.

6. Sober. I intend on keeping my licence.


EDIT: Plus the kids would definitely grass me in to their ma.

Edited by DukDukGoose
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1 - Wear my scarf or a wooly Killie hat when it’s cold.

2 - Mostly pretty calm but when I do shout it’s because something/someone has infuriated me so much that I explode (for example when Joe Wright got the red against St Johnstone).

3 - Only when it’s the atmosphere when everyone is singing.

4 - Yes. Kilmarnock results will make or break my overall feelings about life for the next day or two afterwards. 

5- Live within walking distance of the ground and for away games I drive.

6 - Very rarely ever drink anyway, with the exception of our European trip (to Wales) in 2019 I don’t think I’ve had alcohol at the football since the 2012 league cup final.

Edited by Sortmeout
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An awful lot of VLs on this thread who just sit and silently watch games while wearing their midweek claes. 

1. Don't currently have a Jags scarf, but wear my top under my jacket if it's cold. For Scotland games I wear a Scotland top, a kilt and paint a saltire on my face. I'd wear a big gay headdress like a drag queen at pride if there was going to be nobody sitting behind me. Love getting dolled up for a Scotland game.

2. I treat the football like a cathartic trauma release therapy session. I f**king love yelling at my players, their players, the referee and their physio if he dawdles. 

3. I never start it, but love joining in. 

4. I get upset at Scotland results and they can bother me for days and weeks afterwards.  Jags games are less impactful. I was more or less fine after the County Playoff a couple of seasons back.

5. Public transport everytime. I tend to cover up my colours though and i bury my nose in a book in case anycunt tries to talk to me. 

6. Sober as a judge for both. Never been into day drinking and Pater Army never drank before either, so I never had that association. 

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It would be interesting to know what people who sit around us at games think about our answers.

I said I was pretty calm for question 2 but I bet the guy who sits in front of me would be thinking “f**k off mate” if he read that.

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1) Colours or no colours? Always. Some people say it's pathetic for a man in his 30s to wear football shirts, shorts, scarfs, hats etc when watching football, but when else would you actually wear them? Anyone who takes issue with this needs to take a serious look at themselves

2) Are you a shouter? I can be pretty vocal when it comes down to it. Have been given a dressing down by those sitting next to me on numerous occasions.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Singing is one of the best parts of the communal experience. More than happy to get a chant going.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I have been known to get emotional at times, but I'm usually over it after a day or two

5) How do you travel? I only watch games in the house, or occasionally will go to the pub so not really relevant

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? 50/50, I'd say. Can't beat a good drink sometimes.

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1- Wear colours at most home games. Never wear them to away games.

2-If I have had a few drinks I do shout but not very often. 

3-Again depends on my alcohol intake. Never start a song but do join in.

4-Don't get angry as there are far more important things in life. Can get a bit upset at times but not for long as in the big picture it doesn't really affect my life.

5-Car, supporters coach or train.

6-A bit of both but mostly sober.

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1) Colours or no colours? Usually I have a hat, scarf and jacket with the club badge. 

2) Are you a shouter? I am a firm believer in positive reinforcement. Not one for booing or getting on the back of players. I will lament to the guy next to me from time to time about a misplaced pass or the like. 

3) Do you sing? Occasionally.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I can get angry - that PAOK home game last year we threw away after Barry’s triple sub - I was fizzing after that.

5) How do you travel? Home games mostly, used to go on supporters bus to away games but not anymore. 

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? Sober, usually have the car. 

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1) Colours or no colours? Last time I wore a top was to the 2013 League Cup final. When I followed Scotland (stopped in Prague when Levein played without a striker), I tended to dress up a bit more. I doubt I’ll ever wear a top again though. @Barry Ferguson's Hat, do folk really have a n issue with grown men wearing tops to the actual fitba? I have a problem with folk wearing them to the supermarket or on holiday, but not to the actual fitba. 

2) Are you a shouter? I’m reasonably shouty I’d say. My brother in law who I mostly attend games with is very quiet and restrained, so I feel I have to do his shouting for him too. 😄

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? I love the singing. At 58 years old I reckon I must be one of the oldest singers in the stadium. I don’t start songs though. Used to when I was younger. Also not sure about the modern phenomenon for having so many songs. It’s hard to know aw the lyrics 🤣. I preferred the days when there was about half a dozen songs max. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Nothing like I used to when I was younger. I could go days of depression due to St. Mirren/Scotland results. Case in point was the 2010 League Cup final when we lost to 9 man Rangers in the last couple of minutes. I was f**king furious in the stadium but was over it by the time I got on the train. In the past that would’ve floored me for days.

5) How do you travel? I try to get up for about 10 games a season from Jersey, so I guess my first form of travel is plane! 🤣. I used to try to mix up my visits between home and away games, but I bought a season ticket this season so have been concentrating on home games. 

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? We religiously meet in the pub at 1pm. 2 or 3 pints before the game (depending on how up for it I’m feeling). This can have its downsides in terms of the number of pish visits needed. Last season when we beat Hearts thanks to a very early Ryan Strain goal, I missed the goal as I was busy breaking my seal before taking my seat 🤦‍♂️

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Does anyone else talk through the game a lot as well.

During the game I’m usually going “good pass Davie”, “good tackle Stu” “oh come on Vass” etc for almost every action during the game.

I don’t think I do this too loud it’s just at your normal speaking levels and I’m really just sort of half talking to myself or with the people I am with but I definitely do talk a lot interspersed with “Ohh FFS”.

I’m also quite good at appreciating when I’m completely wrong and saying to the people I’m with that X player made me look like an idiot there.

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Just now, Sortmeout said:

Does anyone else talk through the game a lot as well.

During the game I’m usually going “good pass Davie”, “good tackle Stu” “oh come on Vass” etc for almost every action during the game.

I don’t think I do this too loud it’s just at your normal speaking levels and I’m really just sort of half talking to myself or with the people I am with but I definitely do talk a lot interspersed with “Ohh FFS”.

I’m also quite good at appreciating when I’m completely wrong and saying to the people I’m with that X player made me look like an idiot there.

Yup. That is me to a T. 

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16 minutes ago, TPAFKA Jersey 2 said:

Yup. That is me to a T. 

At our last home game Lewis Mayo turned into a position that I didn’t think he should have and I went “oh f**king hell Lewis where are you going” and as the words were leaving my lips he played a good pass forward and I just carried on with “great pass Lewis” and the guys in front of me all burst out laughing. 

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1) Colours or no colours? Normally wear a strip under my jacket/hoodie, occasionally bring a scarf.

2) Are you a shouter? Aye, especially at the opposition, referee etc. our own players get it occasionally, too, but not too much. I frequently come home hoarse after a match from it. Been known to go somewhat purple at points, too.

3) Do you sing? On the odd occasion but we moved down the stand away from the "Singing sections" a few years ago. Tend to join in with the bigger chants when we're playing well/winning etc.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? See #2; definitely at the referee/other team, occasionally at our lot when they're playing dugshite. One I can vividly remember was a few seasons ago under Alexander when Nathan McGinley was playing left wing back and just stood watching Tavernier deliver ball after ball into the box and didn't even think to press him. Got very shouty.

5) How do you travel? Pick the odd away trip e.g. Montrose for the LC this season, pretty much always drive.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? Depends, but most of the time sober; I live an hour's drive from Fir Park. If I've brought the family through and we're staying at my parents' place I'll have a few before if we get there in time.

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No colours (except away games in Europe). Unpopular opinion but I think the only reason anyone over the age of 17 should be wearing a football top is to play football. 

I shout and swear loudly at the opposition and officials.  I’m contractually obliged to shout “ Do your job lino” at least once per game. 

I’m contractually obliged not to sing (except at away games in Europe).

Good or bad, results no longer have an impact on my weekend. 

I live a couple of hours from my home ground and normally travel by bus/train. Need to drive for those pesky midweek games. 

Except for those pesky midweek games I’ll typically have a couple before and a couple after. 



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I try not to get too animated at the football, but I will occasionally chuck a random OAP over a few rows of seats if I don't deem them to be celebrating a goal with enough vigour on an away day at Motherwell or St Johnstone or something. 

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1 hour ago, Sortmeout said:

Does anyone else talk through the game a lot as well.

During the game I’m usually going “good pass Davie”, “good tackle Stu” “oh come on Vass” etc for almost every action during the game.

I don’t think I do this too loud it’s just at your normal speaking levels and I’m really just sort of half talking to myself or with the people I am with but I definitely do talk a lot interspersed with “Ohh FFS”.

I’m also quite good at appreciating when I’m completely wrong and saying to the people I’m with that X player made me look like an idiot there.

100% this. I actually love how absorbed I get in it, even when watching in telly. 

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