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What are you like at the football?

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1) Colours or no colours? Bring a Caley scarf but usually no replica top, unless I'm going to a game in the summer.

2) Are you a shouter? Not really, I'm too old to be shouting at football.  Perhaps in moments of stress or drama.

3) Do you sing? Join in if we score or win or something like that.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I get pretty annoyed at how shite we are usually, find it very frustrating at times.

5) How do you travel? I pretty much always drive to games now.  Back in the day we would take the train to away games, usually leaving before 9am.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober?  Sober - again back in the day we'd always have a big drink at games but I don't drink at all now and can't really set aside a whole day for bevvying etc.

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A few of my answers depend on whether it's a home or away game.

Dont tend to wear colours to home games, but have tried to do it more for Accies away games recently. I've always done it for Scotland away games and home games if the weather allows.

I don't tend to sing at Accies away games unless it gets exciting - same goes for Scotland home games. I tried to start a "f**k VAR" chant in Croatia which about two folk joined in with, so I will never try that again. 

Sober at all games now, but used to drink way more at Accies - home or away - than at Scotland. Never had a drink before a Scotland home game, and the thought of getting blitzed in a foreign country was the fear (albeit that's speaking from experiences). 

In terms of the others, I'm very boring. Don't shout unless one of my team's players has really annoyed me (usually Todorov), I now drive or get a lift to pretty much every away game in Scotland, and I don't really get angry - however football can definitely make me feel depressed in the aftermath.

I do probably talk too much shite during games, though it's usually about the game itself so I shouldn't be judged too harshly. 

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1) Colours or no colours? No, haven't really for years. Mainly as easier to get into pubs etc and just stopped wearing them. 

2) Are you a shouter? It has been known. Mellowed a bit. I think. 

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Aye, i love a good all sing song. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? Again i think i've ,mellowed. Still annoys me but not as much as it did as a kid/in my teens. 

5) How do you travel? Walk to home games. Aways i run a supporters bus but next week at Dingwall, squad of us staying overnight in Inverness so getting the train. 

Edited by Squirrelhumper
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6 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

The law of the internet is that all football fans must be fully committed, incredibly knowledgeable, and entirely unbothered about anything thrown at them by any other club or their supporters. But in real life there are obvious "types" at football matches. We've all seen them.

So, what type are you? I'll put my answers in, and feel free to add any more questions you feel are relevant.

1) Colours or no colours? I'm a no-colours man except cup finals when I will deign to wear a Hearts scarf. Mainly for twirling purposes.

2) Are you a shouter? I was as a younger man, but now that I've firmly entered middle-age I can rarely be arsed beyond the odd "Boot that c**t up in the air" etc.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? I maybe join in with a song once per away game and then feel I've got carried away quite enough, thank you. I don't believe I've ever started the singing in my life.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I don't think I've left a football stadium actually in a state of anger or upset for about 20 years. Disappointed, of course. But I can genuinely say that by the time I'm walking down the stairs to leave a ground I'm ready to rejoin the real world and get on with my day regardless of the result. Some of my mates are like me, but some let the result really affect their day. What about you? Do you take it home with you? Does it ruin your evening at the pub? Also, within the game itself; are you raging and frothing at the mouth at the ref and/or your team or do you just let it wash off? I'm more of a quiet resignation "Oh, they've done that again..." kind of observer.

5) How do you travel? I was a supporters' bus member for years until I got to the age where I no longer wished to return straight home after the game and am now mostly a train-goer with very occasional driving. Perhaps some lucky ones among us walk to games?

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? If you attend sober I will keep you in my prayers.


1. Generally no colours but scarf sometimes gets a wintry airing.

2. Not much, although I do like to hurl insults at linesmen occasionally.

3. Of course I don't sing for goodness sake.  I'm not there to enjoy myself.

4. Nah, not really.  It has happened before, but it's now more of a resignation thing.

5. I walk to home games.  It takes about ten times as long as it would if I didn't go to the pub first.

6. I usually have around 3 points before games, so not totally sober, but not pissed either.

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1) Colours

2) Are you a shouter? Yes, regularly. My tolerance of refereeing standards is declining with age, if anything

3) I join in with singing onb a "when i can be arsed" basis.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Momentarily, but don't take it home with me. Largely seething for much of the game tho'

5) How do you travel? My days of trachling down to the Annans and Stranraers regularly are probably behind me now, but when I do travel it's by car.

6) I'm never drunk at football. I like to watch the game and remember it at least until I get to the pub later in the evening. Would you spend £15-£25 on a book or an evening out at the cinema and be pished whilst reading / watching? Never understood the allure of being pished by kick off in all honesty

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1. No colours. 
2.  Not really.  Usually exasperated at another inability to do the basics, or at our own fans inability to grasp the concept of corners.  
3. County fans don’t sing.  It’s well known. 
4. I’m good at pretending it doesn’t bother me.  It used to ruin my week if County lost.  Now it just ruins my weekend. 
5. Drive, or for home games, the 28A if it shows up.  
6.  2 pints.  Not one, not three.  Two pints.  I find as I get older, two pints is a nice mellow spot.  Any more and I begin to get a buzz on, any less and what’s the point.  

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1) Colours or no colours? Normally have at least a scarf, hat if it's baltic, Top if it's warm enough to not need a jacket.

2) Are you a shouter? Shout way too much, Trying to tone it down to prepare for when my son is old enough to come along to games with me.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Definitely don't start the singing but will probably join in a couple times if we score or someone get's leathered.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Rage can occur when the team has either not shown up/tried, been pumped off a diddy team or if the ref has been a p***k or genuinely cost us the game. Never been upset at a game but a bit of emotion when we've won a big game/cup/promoted/qualified for europe.

5) How do you travel? Home games is a walk to the stadium. Used to go home and away in my early 20s but now i'm lucky if i go away once a season.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? majority of the time sober but big games i'll get a pint or 2.

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Generally don't have much to drink these daze as age/bladder issues combine to make me not want to go to the loo during play - not really bothered about being able to buy alcohol in the ground as I'm in the overpriced & probably tasteless camp.

I don't shout abuse at our players altho I often let out incoherent groans.

I like to abuse refs/linesmen even when I know their decision to be correct as I feel I have gained Saints 3/4 undeserved throw-ins over the years.

My main gripe is that games are stretching beyond 5pm these daze and eventually I'll miss the 5:11 to Ayr.

Edited by btb
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2 hours ago, Sortmeout said:

I’m also quite good at appreciating when I’m completely wrong and saying to the people I’m with that X player made me look like an idiot there.

If somebody near me at a Dons game is getting on the back of a player I like/think is playing well, I will often try to redress the balance by audibly praising everything they do for a while, even if that results in having to occasionally go a bit over the top by complimenting them for completing a basic, five-yard pass.

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6 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

The law of the internet is that all football fans must be fully committed, incredibly knowledgeable, and entirely unbothered about anything thrown at them by any other club or their supporters. But in real life there are obvious "types" at football matches. We've all seen them.

So, what type are you? I'll put my answers in, and feel free to add any more questions you feel are relevant.

1) Colours or no colours? I'm a no-colours man except cup finals when I will deign to wear a Hearts scarf. Mainly for twirling purposes.

2) Are you a shouter? I was as a younger man, but now that I've firmly entered middle-age I can rarely be arsed beyond the odd "Boot that c**t up in the air" etc.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? I maybe join in with a song once per away game and then feel I've got carried away quite enough, thank you. I don't believe I've ever started the singing in my life.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? I don't think I've left a football stadium actually in a state of anger or upset for about 20 years. Disappointed, of course. But I can genuinely say that by the time I'm walking down the stairs to leave a ground I'm ready to rejoin the real world and get on with my day regardless of the result. Some of my mates are like me, but some let the result really affect their day. What about you? Do you take it home with you? Does it ruin your evening at the pub? Also, within the game itself; are you raging and frothing at the mouth at the ref and/or your team or do you just let it wash off? I'm more of a quiet resignation "Oh, they've done that again..." kind of observer.

5) How do you travel? I was a supporters' bus member for years until I got to the age where I no longer wished to return straight home after the game and am now mostly a train-goer with very occasional driving. Perhaps some lucky ones among us walk to games?

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? If you attend sober I will keep you in my prayers.


1. No colours except Hampden and Tynecastle (need somewhere to wrap the coconut).

2.Similar to you, no shouting, it's more muttered "FFS" these days.

3. Singing? Only when winning - hence, No.

4. Much less so these days - just resigned to a football life of quiet desperation (with apologies to Thoreau)

5. Sometimes bus, sometimes car. Coach if it's a (rare) awayday.

6.Depends on 5 above, prefer the drinking days.


Christ, I don't know why I bother having written all that 😂

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24 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

4. I’m good at pretending it doesn’t bother me.  It used to ruin my week if County lost.  Now it just ruins my weekend. 

That bus from Inverness to Dingwall via Beauly is an utter b*****d.

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36 minutes ago, Squirrelhumper said:


4) Do you get angry/upset? Again i think i've ,mellowed. Still annoys me but not as much as it did as a kid/in my teens. 


I feel that since we came back from the Covid break in attending that the impact for me gets worse.

Although between 18 (15 really) to 25 years old I was usually wrecked with the drink on a Saturday night and dying on a Sunday so that probably took away some of the impact.

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1) Colours or no colours? 

No colours. Not bought a shirt in years, just never really been bothered enough. It's normally jacket weather anyway and I'm not a scarf guy.

2) Are you a shouter? 

No, not really. I'll mostly talk tactics and who is/isn't performing with my pals. Would say I'm pretty reasonable, although the occasional time I'll get frustrated if a ref/player makes the same mistake a few times. Tend to take the piss out of the shouters, they're normally absolutely mental. Shouting for offside from throw-ins, calling players lazy when they've ran about all game etc.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? 

If it's a big game and I'm in amongst the young team I'll sing. Or if we score an important goals. Only the classics though, I can't bring myself to sing along to do wah diddy about a specific player or anything like that. As I got past teenage years I stopped singing at all to the Rangers-y songs, being 'up to my knees in St Mirren blood' makes me cringe like f**k as an adult.

4) Do you get angry/upset? 

Absolutely. I'm very realistic, you get used to losing nearly 50% of your games as a Morton supporter pretty quickly but if there's a big game or a game I think we should have won then it will live with me, probably affect my weekend. Derbies or games where we get pumped can be particularly hard to get over.

To be clear, I'm not visibly angry, but I'm not myself for a bit

5) How do you travel? 

I live way out of town now so I'll normally drive in and then go to my mum's for dinner and maybe a beer or 2. If it's a big game or it's prearranged that I'm meeting pals at night I will get the train down and meet folk for a beer before the game.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? 

As above, mostly sober but occasionally go for a beer.

Always drink for away games, tend to go for the train rather than a supporters bus. Always like to try a pub pre-match than just getting dropped off at the stadium.

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23 minutes ago, Comrie said:

That bus from Inverness to Dingwall via Beauly is an utter b*****d.

It used to go via Kirkhill and KIltarlity - it took an hour to get from Beauly to Inverness.  Not quite that bad now, but prone to just not showing up.  I am reminded of the time County promised fans “travel for a fiver”, and the only valid bus on the route on a Saturday arrived in Dingwalll at 7.15pm.

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1) Colours or no colours? 
Scarf or, on the one warm day a year when it’s possible, a County top. 

2) Are you a shouter? 
Feel the need to bellow a few shouts of encouragement per game. Also a few muttered FFS’s too.

3) Do you sing? 
See @Savage Henry’s answer. Pity tho. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? 
Nah, life’s too short. 

5) How do you travel? 
Home games I go with kids (10 + 11) in the car, a wee scoot from Beauly.

Away games sans kids. Supporters bus or sometimes make a weekend of it. 

6) Do you go for a drink.

Never home games, occasionally for away games. Kids routine is a Toblerone before home games which is very civilised. 

Edited by Lanky Highlander
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Just now, Lanky Highlander said:


1) Colours or no colours? 
Scarf or, on the one warm day a year when it’s possible a County top. 

2) Are you a shouter? 
Feel the need to bellow a few shouts of encouragement per game. Also a few muttered FFS’s too.

3) Do you sing? 
See @Savage Henry’s answer. Pity tho. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? 
Nah, life’s too short. 

5) How do you travel? 
Home games I go with kids (10 + 11) in the car, a wee scoot from Beauly.

Away games sans kids. Supporters bus or sometimes make a weekend of it. 

6) Do you go for a drink.

Never home games, occasionally for away games. Kids routine is a Toblerone before home games which is very civilised. 

I’m trying to work out who you are now.  I probably know you.

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