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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Who heads to the pub in the early evening? I haven't noticed pubs being mobbed Monday to Friday in your average town.

I'd be interested to know how many retail type employers pay increased wages for staff working evenings. I would have thought retailers were the kind of employers who would see non-standard shifts as unworthy of additional payments. Probably dress it up as providing choice to employees, like with zero hours contracts.

They pretty much don't, it's just part of retail now. Personally I think people should get unsociable hours pay as whilst I'm sure a lot of people are happy doing evenings and weekends most probably aren't.
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1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

This applies to barbers.

I'm here to get my hair cut. I don't want to have a conversation.

I disagree. If you get yourself a barber/hairdresser who moves past the usual weather, holidays and weekend patter and actually has something decent to talk about it's much better than sitting in an awkward silence for 20 minutes. 

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1 minute ago, Jmothecat2 said:

I generally do my own chips but I'm feeling lazy. 30 minutes the pack said, been on for 50 so far and the chips still aren't cooked. Pie is sitting ready to be served. The rare occasions I use frozen chips this often seems to happen. Stupid things.

Were they in the same oven as the pie?

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1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

This applies to barbers.

I'm here to get my hair cut. I don't want to have a conversation.

I usually get the same guy I've had for years in my barbers so when he's cutting my hair we talk away about what we've been up to etc. and it's fine but I was in a few weeks ago and the shop was quite busy so I just went to the first guy available.  He starts talking about the latest terrorist attack - "Awful, isn't it?" he says. "Aye" I reply, in the hope that he'll get the hint that I have no interest in discussing this with him but he doesn't and wades in with "I'd just get them aw tae f**k mate. Deport the lot of them. If you wurnae born here and yer no workin' here get tae f**k". I just mumbled in agreement in the hope he'd shut up but he spent the entire haircut being racist and illogical - "just round the b*****ds up in a field and send the firing squad in, BOOM, aw deid, problem solved". It's like Kevin Bridges says, scumbags automatically assume that you are also a scumbag then preach their views to you and wait for approval. Total nightmare.

And he didn't even cut my hair that well, the c**t.

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28 minutes ago, whiskychimp said:

My missus slices the cheese down the large cross section. I slice it the other way. Every time she eats some my slices get thinner. 

This sort of thing always brings out the worst in P&B. Who is correct?


15 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The way I am reading it is that here slice of cheese if laid down, would be the full area of the biggest side of a block of cheese.

If this is in fact the case, lock your fridge and tell her she gets what food you provide for her until she can behave like a fucking human, and get her pie severely booted

Pie, get it kicked now

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