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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Folk who are in possesion of a drivers license, yet clearly don't have scooby how to drive. For this, see the majority of Taxi Drivers, Bus Drivers and White Van Men. See in your driving test? Know those lights on either side of your car that let you indicate to others when you plan to turn? They weren't there as an optional thing, they are fucking standard issue so use them you c***s. Also the red light normally means STOP, it doesn't mean canter on through from 30 yards back when I have a fucking right of way light indicating to me that it is safe to make a right turn, then give me the finger as if it's my fault that you are a c**t, knowing fine I'm in no position to give chase. (Which I wanted to and would have done in a heartbeat)

Also, boy racers. Look mate, a Clio is a Clio is a Clio. No amount of alloys, blacked out windows, removal of the renault badges and replacing with cheap go-faster stripes or blue lights under your shitey £300 car, draws from the fact that you are in denial about owning a hairdressers motor. Your 6 different versions of Peugot that you rotate between you is also of no consequence. Yes I drive a Renault Kangoo, yes it does look suspiciosly like the Popemobile, I am well aware that it is not cool, but I didn't spend £4000 trying to make what is essentially scrap metal on wheels, look respectable, and only serving to make myself look like a jumped up wee fanny in the process. If I ever want a respectable looking car with good performance, I'll buy one. Not try and build one from an old rust bucket, kit it out with a £500 stereo system, roll both windows down and belt out happy hardcore at a red light cos I think it sounds good.

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Mates who fart in pubs and clubs when you're tryin to talk to a girl then walk away, bring back smoking i say. Random neds who try to start on you on a night out. When you accidently buy something which is low fat or diet, they'd be as well writing 'tastes like shit' on it. People who pick their nose when I'm tryin to eat. Glasgow High students with stupid accents and acne who sit near me on the train.

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People who moan at you for doing something which they then go and do themselves, like my dad, he moans at me for slamming the door, but he does it as well sometimes. Also when you are walking behind someone at the shops and they stop and you nearly walk into them

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Driving from Elgin to Inverness, getting picked up by the team bus and driven down to Denny, getting horsed 3-0 by Falkirk in your first game of the season and having to do the journey home again. :angry: We were keech.

Edit: And what's even worse is that they were a really average side too. :( Just better than us.

Edited by Debbie
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Folk who are in possesion of a drivers license, yet clearly don't have scooby how to drive. For this, see the majority of Taxi Drivers, Bus Drivers and White Van Men. See in your driving test? Know those lights on either side of your car that let you indicate to others when you plan to turn? They weren't there as an optional thing, they are fucking standard issue so use them you c***s. Also the red light normally means STOP, it doesn't mean canter on through from 30 yards back when I have a fucking right of way light indicating to me that it is safe to make a right turn, then give me the finger as if it's my fault that you are a c**t, knowing fine I'm in no position to give chase. (Which I wanted to and would have done in a heartbeat)

Also, boy racers. Look mate, a Clio is a Clio is a Clio. No amount of alloys, blacked out windows, removal of the renault badges and replacing with cheap go-faster stripes or blue lights under your shitey £300 car, draws from the fact that you are in denial about owning a hairdressers motor. Your 6 different versions of Peugot that you rotate between you is also of no consequence. Yes I drive a Renault Kangoo, yes it does look suspiciosly like the Popemobile, I am well aware that it is not cool, but I didn't spend £4000 trying to make what is essentially scrap metal on wheels, look respectable, and only serving to make myself look like a jumped up wee fanny in the process. If I ever want a respectable looking car with good performance, I'll buy one. Not try and build one from an old rust bucket, kit it out with a £500 stereo system, roll both windows down and belt out happy hardcore at a red light cos I think it sounds good.


The petty thing getting on my nerves is.....why can't i rant this brilliantly?

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People who don't say "I'm going to check my email" but say "I'm going to check my emails" or, worse, in written form, "e-mails."

When you wake up in the morning, do you say "I'll just have a look and check if the mails are here" or "Are the posts here yet?" When you check your email you are checking a mail account, singular, for any conceptual mail, singular. You are not checking on mails as you would check a chicken coop in the morning for chickens and eggs.

Actually, I'll extend this: I really, really dislike people who cannot use a language correctly. It's unfair of me, and snobbish, but that's the way it is. People who cannot communicate in either one of written or spoken word (as I understand that some people who suffer from, say, dyslexia, are actually very structured and eloquent when speaking in person, and vice versa for some with speech troubles) are a source of constant annoyance to me.

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Driving from Elgin to Inverness, getting picked up by the team bus and driven down to Denny, getting horsed 3-0 by Falkirk in your first game of the season and having to do the journey home again. :angry: We were keech.

Edit: And what's even worse is that they were a really average side too. :( Just better than us.

Do Shelly and Suzanne play for Caley now?

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