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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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F***ing bus drivers. Why do they feel they have the right to pull out from a bus-stop at any moment they choose. If I'm parked beside the road waiting to join the main carriageway I don't just pull out into the middle of a line of passing cars and expect everyone to stop while I complete the maneouvre. C***s. :angry:

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People who can do no wrong in the eyes of their parents. Like my mate. Always acts the arse, always making a tit of himself, but its always somebody elses fault. He gets a lickin for being a cheeky c**t and then goes and takes the lad who punched him to court and wins money for it.

Then this Saturday gets mortal, shouts a load of abuse at a girl and keeps on going on at her all night. She eventually smacks him one and he rolls around the floor like a tit and calls the police. But his girlfriend blames us for getting him drunk!! :angry: Didn't realise he was any different from us and needs us to look after him. He acts like a tit because he can get away with it, and he always does.

Another one. Watching Sky Sports News waiting for something to come on and when it does my mam starts talking to me. Tell her im trying to listen to it then she starts an arguement. So I miss the whole thing.

Plus, when my mam is speaking to someone and she gets me to turn the TV down so far that I can't hear it. I want to listen to the TV, not her conversation. :angry:

Shit loads more things annoy me but I wont list them all or I will be here all day :D

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People who can do no wrong in the eyes of their parents. Like my mate. Always acts the arse, always making a tit of himself, but its always somebody elses fault. He gets a lickin for being a cheeky c**t and then goes and takes the lad who punched him to court and wins money for it.

Then this Saturday gets mortal, shouts a load of abuse at a girl and keeps on going on at her all night. She eventually smacks him one and he rolls around the floor like a tit and calls the police. But his girlfriend blames us for getting him drunk!! :angry: Didn't realise he was any different from us and needs us to look after him. He acts like a tit because he can get away with it, and he always does.

Do I get three guesses as to who this is?! :whistle:ph34r::lol:

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People who, in all probability, you will only meet once in your life, saying 'See you later' (i.e. petrol station attendants in Cornwall, bus conductresses in Outer Mongolia) Let's think about this. It is f***ing highly unlikely that I will see you later so don't get your f***ing hopes up. Twat.

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F***ing bus drivers. Why do they feel they have the right to pull out from a bus-stop at any moment they choose. If I'm parked beside the road waiting to join the main carriageway I don't just pull out into the middle of a line of passing cars and expect everyone to stop while I complete the maneouvre. C***s. :angry:

Err..because they do have the right?

Rule 198: Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road.

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Err..because they do have the right?

Rule 198: Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road.

They always try to pull out in front of me without even seeming to notice I am behind them. Annoys me and no way would I be letting them out just to sit behind them going along at 20mph for the next 5 mins.

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They always try to pull out in front of me without even seeming to notice I am behind them. Annoys me and no way would I be letting them out just to sit behind them going along at 20mph for the next 5 mins.

There is a clear difference between approaching a bus at a bus stop with it's right indicator on to re-join traffic on the main road, and you slowing down to let them out. That's fine, I do that. What annoys me is when I'm closer and can't really slow down for them, and they put their right indicator on then pull out, and I have to brake sharply to avoid hitting them.

They should wait for the car on the main road to give a signal that they're allowing the bus to pull out, rather than to just think that the indicator makes it alright for them to pull out regardless of what's happening on the main road.

Cars on main roads always have priority.

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I go to away games ;) And he is a permacrock and not very good when he does play.

Why so catty?

It's a valid question, I rarely see you participate in depth in any Ross County related discussions. No point in mistaking it for being catty, it won't get you very far in life if you think everyone who is just asking a question is being horrible to you! :huh:

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Err..because they do have the right?

Rule 198: Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road.

You've missed the point. How can I make the decision whether it's safe to give priority when they pull out 'at any moment they choose?' So I end up having to brake suddenly risking getting hit from behind or drive into the back of the f***ing thing. As I said, c***s.

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I can't participate in in depth Ross County related topics due to my dad's role at the Highland Football Acadamy. Therefore I am very careful what I post.

You can't comment on how a game between Ross County and St.Johnstone at McDiarmid Park last week went because of that? I find that quite hard to believe. :blink:

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