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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I have 6 points on my licence at the moment, both garnered inside one week, one for doing 66mph, one for 62mph both at exactly the same place on the A77.

The speed limit? 60mph. Fuckers. :angry:

It wasnt on the roadworks north of Kilmarnock was it about 18 months ago. That's where I got my 3 points.

That said, I was over the speed limit and changing limits over a stretch of road is no excuse.

Edited by Garrowhillclyde
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No one actually obeys the speed limits anyway, on the way down to Middlesbrough there was not one speed camera. People were overtaking me at about 110mph.

Bascially everyone I know speeds when it is 'safe' to do so. On a motorway on a clear day you can be driving at about 90,ph and still be fully in control of the car. You just have to have a keen eye for speed cameras.

When you have to be at work for 6am and up at 5am-5:20am, it is the LAW as far as i am concerned to speed! Get every extra minute you can in bed

What I get annoyed at is, when you are down a 60 road, people drive 50, so you overtake them and they start flashing and put there full beam on. w**kers!

Edited by DJP
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It wasnt on the roadworks north of Kilmarnock was it about 18 months ago. That's where I got my 3 points.

That said, I was over the speed limit and changing limits over a stretch of road is no excuse.

No, it was before the upgrade even took place. There was a van sitting in a bit of waste ground near Fenwick. Nobody knew it was even there. They did about a thousand people in three days, all by letter. Revenue raising i think they call it. :rolleyes:

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Glad I don't drive in Perth! What do you drive a Micra

I'm not sure what your point is.

I never go over 60 on a 60, I never go over 30 on a 30, I never go over 70 on a 70. That's not to say I sit at 5-10mph under the speed limits either, I always drive at the limits. That doesn't make me a f'cking micra driver.

Idiot. :lol:

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No, it was before the upgrade even took place. There was a van sitting in a bit of waste ground near Fenwick. Nobody knew it was even there. They did about a thousand people in three days, all by letter. Revenue raising i think they call it. :rolleyes:

Aye the feckers got me there too, that got me up to 9 points :blink:

Should be done to 3 by the time th company car goes back and I have to insure my own.

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Walking into the office and getting 8 people all wanting something done right away, 26 emails waiting to be answered and another four phone calls before I'd got my coat off! :angry:

Anyone know the number of the Roslyn Institute so I can see about cloning myself?! <_<:(

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Walking into the office and getting 8 people all wanting something done right away, 26 emails waiting to be answered and another four phone calls before I'd got my coat off! :angry:

Anyone know the number of the Roslyn Institute so I can see about cloning myself?! <_<:(

The local procurator fiscal would run out of restraining orders if that happened...... :P

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I'm not sure what your point is.

I never go over 60 on a 60, I never go over 30 on a 30, I never go over 70 on a 70. That's not to say I sit at 5-10mph under the speed limits either, I always drive at the limits. That doesn't make me a f'cking micra driver.

Idiot. :lol:

It does in my eyes :P

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People that 'overtake' a half mile queue on one lane of a dual carriageway and then edge in near the top of the queue, usually when coming up to road works or when approaching traffic lights*.

Also - people that let them in

* I, myself, have managed to block two drivers trying to edge in at the Claypotts lights in Dundee, forcing them to turn off towards Sainsburys :D

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This is possibly pretty dangerous, but does anyone else deliberately put themselves into situations where they may crash due to the other driver's idiocy?

For example, at a roundabout. You're in the right lane waiting to go right, they're in the left lane waiting to go straight ahead. A gap comes and you both move, and they go onto the roundabout but do as so many other f'ckers do and don't actually go round the roundabout lane but just cut straight across it, coming quite close to your car, leaving you in a prime position to peep and flash at them and (hopefully) cause the ignorant c'nt to rethink the way he/she navigates roundabouts in the future.

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