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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I think you - as usual - have blown the situation out of proportion.

I would agree that if I just rolled up in a disabled/parent and child bay regardless of other options then it would show a lack of respect but parking in a disabled bay at night when they are all empty is not showing a lack of respect towards anything or anyone, nor is parking in a parent and child bay on the rare occasion there aren't staff bays and P&C around the staff entrance are in plentiful supply.

You're entitled to your opinion of course as I am entitled to disagree with it.

So, tell me, the times that you park in these spots, are there NO other parking places available at all? anywhere in the parking lot? :unsure: as surely they are other options available that you could park there (atleast until your break) that you wouldnt show a lack of respect towards the mothers/ disabled people.

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So, tell me, the times that you park in these spots, are there NO other parking places available at all? anywhere in the parking lot? :unsure: as surely they are other options available that you could park there (atleast until your break) that you wouldnt show a lack of respect towards the mothers/ disabled people.

Of course there are, but I've explained the reasons why I don't park in the regular customer areas whilst I'm at work for nine hours and I'm hardly going to change my views on that because you disapprove. You are entitled to think that it is pathetic but in the same vein I'm entitled to think it's not really an issue of the gigantic proportions you have made it out to be!

It's not something I'm going to repeat to you over and over again. You think it's pathetic, I don't.

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A guy in my work swore at me under his breath today. It was my fault, I thought a meeting was at 3pm but it was actually at 2pm. Still, not nice to be sworn at so even though I was speaking to him later on quite amicably he goes on the 'revenge list'. Edited highlights of this list:

Craig Brewster

My uncle

Edinburgh City Council

The Turkish nation

Living TV


My ex boss

My other ex boss

Another ex boss

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I never suggested it was crime of the century, but as i said before i feel it shows a lack of respect. That is something that can grow to a much larger problem than parking in handicapped/other spots.

What's the big deal! I'm hardly one to jump to the defence of Sam (but someone mentioned recently she's hot, so now i'm gonna ;) ), but come on. I never park in disabled spaces (then again my car is a wreck and I don't really give a f'ck about it) but I know TONS of people who do. There are always plenty of disabled spots left in case someone who is in need of one enters the car park; there are far worse crimes being committed out there. I'm sure you're not a stringent obeyer of the law ;):P

Edited by Gazzo
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Even though there are 19 other spaces? ;):lol:

Yes. Incidentally, would you park in the closest space to the door? I used to work with a disabled lady who would always park closest to the door so it was easier for her to get in. She used a wee scooter/buggy type thing and didn't like to use it outside too much so always tried to get closest. So sometimes even when there are plenty of spaces you still need to tghink and be considerate.

No doubt Sam just skids into place right next to the door, stealing the space from a starving African orphan with one leg, just so she doesn't have to get her ballet shoes wet when she trots in to mix with the hoi polloi in Tescos. You make me so sick Sam, I just vommitted all over the keyboard and have lost faith in humanity to such an extent I have formed a suicide pact with my strange upstairs neighbour. I bet you don't even care do you? Eh? Eh? <_<

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Guest bairnbabe

On the topic of parking spaces, can I just say that Tescos in Falkirk (Retail Park) and the one in Stirling, will announce for the owner of a car to return to their car if it is parked in a parent and child/disabled bay without a sticker or permit to park there.

I have saw this in both Tescos on many occasions. Personally if I had a child and someone was parked in a parent and child bay, then I would give the customer service desk the registration number of the said car.

I have an elderly grandparent who has a disabled pass that sits in my mums car. I will agree that it is very annoying to go to Tesco or any other car park and not get a disabled car parking space as some idiot who does not require one decides he/she will park there.

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No doubt Sam just skids into place right next to the door, stealing the space from a starving African orphan with one leg, just so she doesn't have to get her ballet shoes wet when she trots in to mix with the hoi polloi in Tescos.


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On the topic of parking spaces, can I just say that Tescos in Falkirk (Retail Park) and the one in Stirling, will announce for the owner of a car to return to their car if it is parked in a parent and child/disabled bay without a sticker or permit to park there.

I have saw this in both Tescos on many occasions. Personally if I had a child and someone was parked in a parent and child bay, then I would give the customer service desk the registration number of the said car.

I have an elderly grandparent who has a disabled pass that sits in my mums car. I will agree that it is very annoying to go to Tesco or any other car park and not get a disabled car parking space as some idiot who does not require one decides he/she will park there.

I used to live on the street next to Tesco's in Stirling. I once got drunk or stoned, can't remember, and did several kamikaze runs jumping over the wall to get munchies from the garage, startling the unsuspecting motorists filling up. I can't remember if they were old or disabled or had kids or all three. I feel quite bad now.

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Yes. Incidentally, would you park in the closest space to the door? I used to work with a disabled lady who would always park closest to the door so it was easier for her to get in. She used a wee scooter/buggy type thing and didn't like to use it outside too much so always tried to get closest. So sometimes even when there are plenty of spaces you still need to tghink and be considerate.

No doubt Sam just skids into place right next to the door, stealing the space from a starving African orphan with one leg, just so she doesn't have to get her ballet shoes wet when she trots in to mix with the hoi polloi in Tescos. You make me so sick Sam, I just vommitted all over the keyboard and have lost faith in humanity to such an extent I have formed a suicide pact with my strange upstairs neighbour. I bet you don't even care do you? Eh? Eh? <_<

Will my soul ever be saved? :(

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Guest bairnbabe

I used to live on the street next to Tesco's in Stirling. I once got drunk or stoned, can't remember, and did several kamikaze runs jumping over the wall to get munchies from the garage, startling the unsuspecting motorists filling up. I can't remember if they were old or disabled or had kids or all three. I feel quite bad now.

:lol::lol: You lived in the Raploch then? Were you insane?

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:lol::lol: You lived in the Raploch then? Were you insane?

I wouldn't class the street next to Tesco in Stirling as the Raploch. Infact, i'm pretty certain that isn't the Raploch, admittedly i could be wrong but like i say i am fairly certain...

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Guest bairnbabe

Maybe im wrong then. I just thought that around that area was the Raploch.

Its Sainsburys that is near the Raploch, coming to think about it.

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Maybe im wrong then. I just thought that around that area was the Raploch.

Its Sainsburys that is near the Raploch, coming to think about it.

Obviously some town planner had a wee joke putting the 'posh' supermarket next to Mage Haney-ville.

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The car cost me over £6000 and it already has a f'ck off big scratch on the passenger side door that the garage have assured me was most likely caused by another door banging into mine. Yeah, probably pathetic in your eyes but it's the unadulterated truth!

Congratulations, you are a saint and I a sinner!

Which I hope was caused by some mother struggling to get her child strapped into it's child seat in limited space because all the mother & toddler spaces were taken up by some equally inconsiderate driver as yourself!

There is NO excuse for any able bodied driver using a Disabled or mother & toddler space, no matter what time of day or night!!.

If I had my way, cars doing this would be clamped, with a really hefty fine attached!

As BT says this type of attitude is just typical of the lack of respect and consideration for others which is all too prevalent in this society of ours today _ really sad!

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