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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Getting drunk and requiring a full day to recover when you’ve got a child is pretty selfish behaviour.

I also know some people with children who do the “it’s my weekend to get drunk” thing, seems bizarre to me. If you have a child your life is going to change, you have responsibility for your child and that takes precedence. I can’t stand hearing parents talk with something approaching pride about how they fobbed their kid off onto s grandparent or aunt so they could go and drink.

It’s probably to do with the drink obsessed culture we have, or more accurately a drunk-obsesssed culture, where people in their 30s and 40s drink like 16 year olds and boast about getting drunk.

The only answer is to bring back hanging, the birch and cold showers in school IMO.

If you’re doing it regularly maybe then yeah, but I think the above is incredibly self-righteous if you’re saying parents having grandparents look after their child for a night so they can go out is something you “can’t stand”.

Once you have a child, should you never leave the house again unless it’s with your child to do a daytime activity?

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1 minute ago, throbber said:

Ah yes having a couple of beers on a Saturday afternoon, what a fucking wild fantasy that is.


Calm down, I said almost. 

Since you've come out swinging though then let it be known, if your stories of taking your baby out and drinking pints in the pub and tinnies in the park and abandoning her with strangers at public toilets are true then I sincerely hope for your daughters sake that social services get involved and you've a hard neck to complain about anyone's behaviour doing anything. 

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3 minutes ago, throbber said:

It was you who came out with your usual “didn’t happen” patter before wildly distorting my stories to try and make me out to be a Gerry McCann though. Involving social services because I had a couple of beers on a Saturday afternoon emoji23.pngemoji23.png


Again, it was you who quoted me. I replied to Elgin. I haven't 'distorted' your stories in the slightest and it can be seen by your posts, under your username, that all I've done is repeat what you said.

Strange that I never compared your behaviour to anyone but you instantly go to Gerry McCann as a starting point. 

I stand by the social services comment. One final time - if your stories are true (which to be fair, I highly doubt (and hope)) then you're an abhorrent individual and father.

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Yup, up go the deflector shields again. "Can't stay away from a forum" is another minter for you considering you come here with your fairytales to get some attention. Apparently in between your alcoholism and complaining about your unhealthy relationship with your partner. 

If you can't handle folk pulling you up for things you write on the forum, you probably shouldn't write them on the forum. Lord knows you roll around in it when it's something humorous and gets you praise. 

Consider my advice and this exchange at an end.

Your sincerely,

Sad little virgin from the Internet.

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11 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Getting drunk and requiring a full day to recover when you’ve got a child is pretty selfish behaviour.

I also know some people with children who do the “it’s my weekend to get drunk” thing, seems bizarre to me. If you have a child your life is going to change, you have responsibility for your child and that takes precedence. I can’t stand hearing parents talk with something approaching pride about how they fobbed their kid off onto s grandparent or aunt so they could go and drink.

It’s probably to do with the drink obsessed culture we have, or more accurately a drunk-obsesssed culture, where people in their 30s and 40s drink like 16 year olds and boast about getting drunk.

The only answer is to bring back hanging, the birch and cold showers in school IMO.

Whilst I somewhat agree with your opinion, you often come across as a massive bore.

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If you’re doing it regularly maybe then yeah, but I think the above is incredibly self-righteous if you’re saying parents having grandparents look after their child for a night so they can go out is something you “can’t stand”.
Once you have a child, should you never leave the house again unless it’s with your child to do a daytime activity?

I was speaking about people who have their family, friends etc look after their kid all the time so they can go and get drunk etc. Obviously once every so often is fine but I know quite a few people who have had children and used their families as a baby sitting service in Order to carry on the same way they did before children.

There is a distinct possibility that I just know some very selfish people or that I’m more likely to remember selfish behaviour than non-selfish behaviour.

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Whilst I somewhat agree with your opinion, you often come across as a massive bore.

I am pretty boring tbh. I like it though. The other week I had the house to myself all afternoon and I watched a documentary on the Punic Wars that I had recorded months ago, it was excellent.

We don’t want a world full of me.
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13 minutes ago, throbber said:


It’s like the debate on having cartoons on your phone for your kids when out in public and people shouldn’t be so quick to judge others because parents need a break as well and should still enjoy themselves.

As I said I was out with her for 4 hours yesterday and that was after having been up with her since 630, we went for a loop round Stockbridge then Broughton street and back down leith walk and stopped at 3 playparks on our day out as well as the botanical gardens and a picnic at the duck pond (where i had my first can of IPA). I hadn’t planned on stopping at a pub but one of my friends was there on a table outside Hectors so I couldn’t resist, the pint I had there barely touched the sides and I was out of there within 10 minutes whilst my daughter snacked on quavers. I then walked to leith walk and treated myself to one more there before buying another IPA tin which was consumed at pilrig park whilst my daughter charged about like a headless chicken before returning home to find the mrs in the exact same slumped position as she was when we left.

So to summarise, I was looking after her by myself for 9 hours, 4 of those hours were spent on our day out which we covered 14000 steps, visited 3x playpark, 1x botanical garden and 1x duck pond where we had a picnic. I consumed 4 beers in this period which averages at 1 beer an hour and spent maybe 20 minutes at most at 2 different pubs whilst she sat in her pram happily taking on the surroundings. Both of us got what we wanted from our day out and had a great time, but apparently that isn’t enough for sanctimonious little dele boy so let’s contact social services and let them know ASAP, I’m sure even the most hardened of employees there would be most horrified. I could have drank that much beer within 60 seconds and still be able to stand on my head and solve a Rubix cube behind my back FFS.


Can I just add that IPA is fucking shite and that is the only point at which I feel let down by you here. 

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Our next door neighbours have started chucking any cat poo they find in their garden out onto the road - it's a dead end so there's no through traffic to churn it up so it just sits there.

Bizarrely their grandchildren live opposite and play out on the street.

I've picked it up a couple of times but I'm leaving the latest additions 

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