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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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So you got a dog, without knowing what it was like, and when you found out that it has problems, you basically packed it off to a place where one of two things will happen.

1) The dog gets picked up by new owners, who then decide they dont like it and send it back to the dog trust, or worse, the glue factory.

2) The dog gets killed because its not been trained properly.

I dont like that attitude to animals, Ive seen it in quite a few people I know. If you're not going to follow it through then dont bother. Youve had the dog for what, all of a week? In that time its been moved to a new house, got new owners, had its name changed...and you expect it to be healthy, happy and well adjusted? :unsure:

If you want a dog that wont give you any problems, why not raise one from puppyhood? Or get a pet rock.

Spot on.

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I think I already know what the defence for this is going to be.

If you take on a rescue dog, you know it could be a lot of work, but if you're patient enough you will get there. Giving up after a couple of weeks is just poor form.

We had a rescue dog, who was so frightened of being brushed and having her hair cut. She'd been beaten as a puppy and never got over that fear. There were real trust issues at the start, but she soon began to realise that we weren't going to hurt her, calmed down and became a great family pet for twelve years.

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Guest xbasslichtie

We had a dog that was mistreated by previous owners and so was a real handful at first. He changed over time though as he got looked after, and became an important part of the family. He's much missed. :(

My aunty on the other hand has had several dogs down the years, and only one was really looked after (a doberman, although it was later shot by a farmer). Since then she's had 3 more dogs, all who have been mistreated, ignored, and untrained. They were all eventually packed off to other owners. Its not right to treat animals like that, she shouldnt be allowed near a dog. :angry:

Edited to add(because Im annoyed now): By mistreated I mean that despite having a large - nay massive - garden, the dogs were kept cooped up in a tiny concrete area. Never taken out for walks anywhere, but never allowed in the house or given any attention. In fact, their sole exersize consisted of my cousin driving round the garden on her quad while the dogs were let out to chase her for a bit. Its just not right to treat animals like that. :angry: :angry:

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Fair enough if Rowan had children to worry about, but she doesn't. It's her and her husband, poor form.

All dogs can be trained, if you are willing to make the effort. If not, you shouldn't be buying them in the first place.

I cant be bothered with dogs at all. I think they are pains in the arse to be honest. They dont deserve to have stupid folk lifting and laying them as if they are a lifestyle accessory accessory though.

Both our cats were rescue cats and one is just a big daft lump that would be happy anywhere but the other one was a b*****d when we got her and she took a long long time to settle down. She is a nice wee cat now that she has got her confidence back and feels safe but she had to be worked with.

Anyone taking on a pet should have a fucking think first. They can be expensive, demanding, time consuming and all the rest of it. They are not toys.

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Guest xbasslichtie
Anyone taking on a pet should have a fucking think first. They can be expensive, demanding, time consuming and all the rest of it. They are not toys.

Totally agree with this bit!

However, I love dogs, but I would never keep one as a pet unless I had the time to look after it properly. Therefore I would never have a dog in a town (no room to roam), and I wouldnt leave one at home all day on its own. When I get a family though - a family dog will be a must have! :D

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When I get a family though - a family dog will be a must have! :D

dogs stink :lol:

as soon as you walk into a dog occupied house you get that vile sour sort of smell.

Mind you at least you can blame your farting on it.

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You've just reminded me of my petty nag.

I was in a pub last year with my good lady of the time, and when we went to the bar somebody had let rip with the most foul-smell, acrid fart either of us had ever had the misfortune to smell. It was so bad, that had the culprit made himself known, the only course of action would have been to congratulate him on the smell he had given birth to.

How does this link in? Well, I suspect a relative of his must have been on my bus home tonight, and the b*****d let rip with at least 4 such farts, the first of which was WORSE than the one described above.

Is it wrong that I decided the blame lay with a man wearing a Celtic scarf?

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Guest The Phoenix
Aye! We can't just have anyone joining!

Seconded - and thereby carried under the terms of the proposal from Mr Bowie (Baldie Clique Co-ordinator) :D

(PS I cannae believe that dugs are getting more bloody attention than us baldies :angry: )

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After careful consideration (and Fudge turning spy on us after gaining access to the clique) i'd like to end my totalitarian rule and bring back a democratic voting system for the clique.

I would like to introduce a voting system for all new members who will have to have at least 2 votes from clique members.

What say you, Baldies?

I vote to do whatever you say, oh exulted one ;)

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Totally agree with all that has been said. I feel like total shite and we would have persisted but we had a long chat with our dog trainer last night who has years of experience in field.

Amy is a great dog and she came from the rescue home, said trainer couldn't praise her highly enough and when she is 2 our trainer would like to home one of her pups here.

As a family we have had a number of rescue dogs over the years. Most have been successful but we have had too put 2 back as they weren't trainable.

Yeah fine I messed up, I bought a dog (from an owner not a rescue place) who turned out not to be suitable. We may not have children yet but as they are fairly immenet that had to be taken into account along with the fact most of our friends have children.

No post on here can make me feel any more shite than I already do.

She isn't going to dog trust, she is going to a cairn rescue place. :(

Edited by Rowan
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Guest The Phoenix
No post on here can make me feel any more shite than I already do.

Not even one from Bluenose5? ;)

Don't beat yourself up Rowan. Everyone makes mistakes and seldom do we set out to make them deliberately. :D

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Seconded - and thereby carried under the terms of the proposal from Mr Bowie (Baldie Clique Co-ordinator) :D

(PS I cannae believe that dugs are getting more bloody attention than us baldies :angry: )


I vote to do whatever you say, oh exulted one

Aye and don't you forget...... :unsure: ........eh?!? i mean the vote was carried with comrades, The Phoenix and BDV, i had nothing to do with it :ph34r:

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Guest xbasslichtie
Seconded - and thereby carried under the terms of the proposal from Mr Bowie (Baldie Clique Co-ordinator) :D

(PS I cannae believe that dugs are getting more bloody attention than us baldies :angry: )

This is one seriously beurocratic clique! What are you, civil servants? :o

If it ever came down to clique warfare on the field of battle, the two resilient beardie members (that would be me and Gaz) would charge you, crush you all, and be away to the pub while you baldie buggers were organising yourselves and filing paperwork!

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This is one seriously beurocratic clique! What are you, civil servants? :o

If it ever came down to clique warfare on the field of battle, the two resilient beardie members (that would be me and Gaz) would charge you, crush you all, and be away to the pub while you baldie buggers were organising yourselves and filing paperwork!


I think you'd find like the Vogons we're a ruthless bunch


Did you kick Fudge out too?

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This is one seriously beurocratic clique! What are you, civil servants? :o

If it ever came down to clique warfare on the field of battle, the two resilient beardie members (that would be me and Gaz) would charge you, crush you all, and be away to the pub while you baldie buggers were organising yourselves and filing paperwork!

Amen to that, brother!


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The f**k are you doing, Gaz? Only the e-chat clique - and certain sanctioned "associate members" with temporary status such as Thundermonkey - get to use the high-five image.

And don't try to weasel out of it by saying it's a high-ten - we have all the "high" rights.

Your beardie clique has shown a lack of respect that we of the e-chat clique just cannot tolerate. It's on now, bitch. This means war.

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Guest xbasslichtie

I think you'd find like the Vogons we're a ruthless bunch


Did you kick Fudge out too?

Secret Clique Weapons - The paper cut of doom, the neverending application form with associated sub forms? :blink: And just for the record, we dont have anyone called Ruth in our clique either.

Is Fudge one of us as well?

Beardie High Five (according to google)!


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