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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Arseholes in the pub this afternoon.

I went outside for a ciggie,leaving my drink on the table(Were my mates were standing) and I came back and some arse was standing there,I asked him if he would move and he said no,so I push past him and got a torrent of abuse. :angry:( I told him that I had been standing there for most of the afternoon and that my drink was on the table.)

Leave your space, lose your place, nae luck! :lol: :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix

I stood under the Eiffel Tower two years ago and when I went back the following year, some American tosser wouldn't believe me when I told him he was in my space. :angry:

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I've just redecorated half the (rented) house I'm in to make it nice for Ms Kiwififer to live in. The landlord's son who is a complete arsewipe with the limpist handshake on the planet, has now given me 8 weeks notice, as he is moving in. The landlord is not happy, as he knows it's all going to go tits up, as the son is a total waste of space, but it's family and all that :angry:

Saying that, I've found a nice place with hot tub and swimming pool for the same price...

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Feel like a good rant cos I'm having a bad day plus I'm a cantankerous old c*nt <_<

1) I bought those new sugar-coated cornflakes yesterday and forgot how annoying it is when you get wee bits of flakes stuck in your teeth and you spend all morning with your finger in your mouth trying to pick them out.

2) My watch strap broke and I keep involuntarily looking at my wrist like a total spazz.

3) I'm wondering why I continually buy suits from M&S when they always bunch your bits up, especially when sitting down. The worst is when you're driving and it looks like you've got a space hopper down your pants. I nearly crashed this morning trying to rearrange myself.

4) I have a new plook which either people will be staring at or I will be thinking they are so I wont be able to look them in the face and will instead by examining the ceiling for cobwebs in every conversation I have today.

5) My boss has just given me my workload for the day. :(

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