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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Thankfully, Hays are already lining up an interview for me for something permanent, so I might be joining you in this thread, myself!

I love my job at Sky, it's just that I need a dayshift and there are never any dayshifts available in the small dept that I'm in.

Anyway, good luck with the permanent position interview and hopefully you wont be in this thread with a job related nag. ;)

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Telephone interviews are a piece of pish,Tell them what they want to hear.I will bet you have been through one before and you will be fine mate.

I got my current job partly through a telephone interview but all others that I've had since then I've just crumbled.

I get pissed off as I feel if an interview was face to face my natural confidence would prevail but over the telephone I dont really feel that people can gauge what you're like.

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Fucking Parcelforce :angry:

They were supposed to be picking up a parcel from me yesterday afternoon, but didn't turn up. Today I'm in Uni so I phoned to say I had taken it to my Gran's, could they pick it up from there. Spoke to some condascending Geordie boot who told me no they can't, as they've agreed a contract with me to pick it up from my house.

My only option is to cancel the collection and book another one, which probably won't be able to get picked up until Saturday, meanwhile I've got to pay for a collection twice as it takes 5 working days to get a refund back on my card. Why's this, I ask, as my Gran's is only 2minutes away, but apparently they can't break that contract. So I say to her that they've already broken the contract, as they'd agreed to pick it up yesterday afternoon but didn't turn up, and she's stumped. She gives me the number for the Edinburgh depot, who tell me to phone back at 11am and their delivery manager will be able to sort out an alternative collection venue, so it's sorted, thankfully. Still, what a piece of piss.

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In college all day.

Came in, sat down and the 2 complete retards in the class came and say beside me. There both 18, and spend the whole time playing gameboys, discussing ps2/ xbox and shouting out when they dont understand, hitting the table etc.

Currently being laughed at by my mates accross the room. :(

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Guest XaaronPrimus
I had a very questionable sausage roll this morning and now I feel awful.

Where from :S not one of the places down Market street I hope...

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I can't mind the name of it. The guy comes from some baker on Dee Street I think to our work.

I've had sausage softies from Chalmers on Market Street which have been fine but their sausage rolls are putrid.

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I really, REALLY don't want to be here. I want to go to the pub now. Or home. Either is good.
I aslo wanna go home!!!! :bairn

I'm home.

I'm also sober, and have been for four entire days.

I'm so incredible. Everyone sucks but me. B)

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