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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My condolences mate. Be strong for Anne.

Also, did you say she has a beard? :unsure:

Yep. I think it's wrong, what with her being a pillar of the community and all that. We're trying our best otherwise though, we all sat and had a wee drink last night and anne's sister regailed some of the funny stories about her mum. I've been asked to be on coffin duties on friday, i was a wee bit unsure about it at first, but one of the undertakers gave me a bit of guidance and support. Those people do a great job in difficult circumstances and they sometimes dont get the recognition they deserve.

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Sparkling water.

the stuff is absolute rank.

It isnt water its absolutely disgusting aswell.

Tastes as though it's been flitered through pig shit then through the digestive system of an aadvark.

Mon the normal water !!

I drink at last two litres of sparkling water a day.

It really depends on the brand and how chilled it is as to how it tastes.

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Yep. I think it's wrong, what with her being a pillar of the community and all that. We're trying our best otherwise though, we all sat and had a wee drink last night and anne's sister regailed some of the funny stories about her mum. I've been asked to be on coffin duties on friday, i was a wee bit unsure about it at first, but one of the undertakers gave me a bit of guidance and support. Those people do a great job in difficult circumstances and they sometimes dont get the recognition they deserve.

Anne will need your support and she'll be forever grateful to you if you take a cord, believe me. The only thing that will help Anne now is time, and you. All the best bud, text me if there's anything I can do.

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Get your Mrs to eat curry,go for long walks,have sex.....I'm sure one of those will work. Good luck. :D

Long walks ? she can hardly walk the length of her self.

Fook with missing the football....Try a D.I.Y casarean section,

canny be that difficult.

Its all about priorities.

DIY caesarean will happen next week, if there's the slightest chance I will miss the cup game against Threave Rovers.

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Long walks ? she can hardly walk the length of her self.

That's the point though, isn't it? Do something you think is far too energetic - get her to walk further than she thinks is possible until she can barely put one foot in front of the other. No way of knowing whether it's coincidence or not, but being over-active seemed to start me off first and second time round.

The natural prostaglandins option is more fun though ;)

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Guest The Phoenix
My 'H' drive has just crashed, and all the work I've done this evening has been lost.

This is almost worse than death.

It's after ten o'clock - shouldn't you be cheering yourself up with a little light relief? :ph34r::unsure: B)

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My 'H' drive has just crashed, and all the work I've done this evening has been lost.

This is almost worse than death.

Have you been working in MS Word?

Assuming that it's not autorecovered it, try checking the Temp folder on whatever computer you're working at, just on the offchance that it's in there (although if you're talking Glasgow Uni H: drive this is very unlikely.)

Poke around C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Local Settings\Temp if you can (but, again, it's very unlikely.)

Worth a shot, at least...

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It's after ten o'clock - shouldn't you be cheering yourself up with a little light relief? :ph34r::unsure: B)

The essay I'm writing is meant to be in for midnight tonight, but it's just a fairly meaningless one for a tutorial where other students disect my work and give constructive comments on it.

The turtorial isn't until monday, but our tutor wanted them in by Thursday so he could read through them himself first. He's fairly lenient so I' hoping he'll not have any problem if I hand it in tomorrow (I have nothing written due to that technical f**k up).

I could work on til the close of the library, but I need to be home for 11.10pm for A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex

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Guest The Phoenix
The essay I'm writing is meant to be in for midnight tonight, but it's just a fairly meaningless one for a tutorial where other students disect my work and give constructive comments on it.

The turtorial isn't until monday, but our tutor wanted them in by Thursday so he could read through them himself first. He's fairly lenient so I' hoping he'll not have any problem if I hand it in tomorrow (I have nothing written due to that technical f**k up).

I could work on til the close of the library, but I need to be home for 11.10pm for A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex

That's the spirit - who gives a toss anyway. :ph34r:

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On the way home from work tonight got stopped by the police for doing 44mph in a 30mph zone.

Three points on the licence and a £60 fine.

Bollocks :(

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Oh, and the girl at the door of Glasgow Union sneered at me when I showed my Strathclyde student card and said "That's not a proper uni". Not even in a jokey way. Snobbish bint - ah well, at least I didn't go to Glasgow to do their snobbish, unaccredited mickey mouse computer science course :)

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