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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Women. The fact of the matter is, they steal your money, the say shit is wrong with them but in fact, they know f**k all about anything.

I wish I lived in Iran, the c***s don't get any rights.

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I have the most stupid shift at work ever tonight, 9pm until 3am. I'll also probably get sent home at around 1am because there will be a shitload of staff on. Means I cant even drink today while watching the rugby <_<

However, any P&Bers who fancy a drink come to Bar Buddha Sauchiehall St (*looks at the likes of LM, Adam & Shakey*) to relieve me of my boredom.

I used to go there with my friend a good few years ago but didn't like it much.

Is it any better now?

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I found it was full of hoddlers. A guy kept chatting up my friend and she made me pretend to be her husband. So he believed us but kept trying to chat her up when I went to the toilet.

Nothing makes me angrier than people chatting up my fake wife.

Well, some things do.

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Guest The Phoenix
Nothing makes me angrier than people chatting up my fake wife.

It's probably her runny nose that makes her so darn irresistable.

Time you emptied her? :unsure:

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My mate is going down South, so we'd arranged a night out to watch the rugby and stuff yesterday- unfortunately I got loaded with the cold but decided that wasn't going to stop me. I was absolutely streaming so ended up taking 4 "one-a-day" antihistamines and 2 "one-a-day" lemsips (plus an Immodium in case I sharted) before I headed out.

To last until the end of the rugby (6am here) I drank shedloads of vodka red bull (I hate red bull but it had to be done), celebrated the result after the game finished with some champagne and got home at 7.30am- i have the worst kind of woozy hangover all day today and it's driving me mental. Plus I've got to clean my room as the landlord is doing a flat inspection tomorrow. Aargh...

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Remember the half-time draw we had earlier this season?

1st prize: 0001

2nd prize: 0002

3rd prize: 0004

Directors did well for prizes that day (as if they don't screw enough out of the club) :rolleyes:

Remember it? I had 0003 that day!! :P

I did hear a story though, whether its true or not I don't know, that it was a young disabled kid that made the draw and he didn't mix the tickets in the time honoured fashion before he pulled out the winners.

I reckon that was just a smokescreen mind ye :ph34r:

Edited by Pit Bits Bits
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Guest The Phoenix
I came to this realisation while sitting in my office. :(

Ooh - my office. You sound very important. :D

The shoes are matching - they match the other matching pair you have at home.

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Ooh - my office. You sound very important. :D

The shoes are matching - they match the other matching pair you have at home.

My mate isnt in this morning, so until he shows up, its my office! :lol:

And I love that justification, Im going to cling to it and use it....its just a shame that one shoe is a couple months old and still in one piece, while the other is 3 years old, full of holes, and half the sole is flapping loose. How in gods name did I make this mistake? :ph34r:

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Guest The Phoenix
My mate isnt in this morning, so until he shows up, its my office! :lol:

And I love that justification, Im going to cling to it and use it....its just a shame that one shoe is a couple months old and still in one piece, while the other is 3 years old, full of holes, and half the sole is flapping loose. How in gods name did I make this mistake? :ph34r:

Lord knows!

I've done it with socks before and once with what I thought was a suit only the jacket was navy and the trousers were dark grey.

My excuse was I got dressed in the dark.

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My mate isnt in this morning, so until he shows up, its my office! :lol:

And I love that justification, Im going to cling to it and use it....its just a shame that one shoe is a couple months old and still in one piece, while the other is 3 years old, full of holes, and half the sole is flapping loose. How in gods name did I make this mistake? :ph34r:

Remember Kids, a large stomach & slip on shoes don't go together.

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My mate isnt in this morning, so until he shows up, its my office! :lol:

And I love that justification, Im going to cling to it and use it....its just a shame that one shoe is a couple months old and still in one piece, while the other is 3 years old, full of holes, and half the sole is flapping loose. How in gods name did I make this mistake? :ph34r:

You were drunk when you got dressed? I've done that before.

I have an insane amount of tidying up and cleaning to do, but I'm sat here with my coat on because it's too effing cold. I've put the heating on, but it's going to take ages before it's warm enough to do anything.

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Lord knows!

I've done it with socks before and once with what I thought was a suit only the jacket was navy and the trousers were dark grey.

My excuse was I got dressed in the dark.

At least you can also claim the onset of senility! :D

Remember Kids, a large stomach & slip on shoes don't go together.

No comment. :P

You were drunk when you got dressed? I've done that before.

I have an insane amount of tidying up and cleaning to do, but I'm sat here with my coat on because it's too effing cold. I've put the heating on, but it's going to take ages before it's warm enough to do anything.

I cant even claim that excuse, Im just a clown. :(

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