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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm having one of those days where I feel brain dead and simply can't be arsed. To make things worse, I've got an extended essay to sit in History tomorrow, and I need to learn about 10 historians quotes, as well as going over the essay to make sure I know what I'm writing about.

As the essay is all about the Liberal social reforms between 1906 and 1914 and how successfully they tackled poverty, I'm sure you can appreciate my night is not going to be fun! It's bad at the best of times, but I seriously can't be arsed tonight....

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The way most of the commentaries on Match of the Day nowadays are added in afterwards.

It's petty, but it gets on my nerves.

It doesn't happen as much as you'd think, but I know what you mean and it definetly gets on my nerves.

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Cheer up - that's only about £40 in real money. :lol:

Yeah but it is nearly a whole months wages :( (atleast the amount i get after taxes, car loan repayment, health insurance, retirement funds etc etc)

To be fair though, that is the first time i have needed to put anything into the car in terms of the yearly service i give it. It is just pissy that everything needed done at once <_< (as well as 4 new tires)

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I left London Kings Cross at 10.30 this morning, and I won't get into Dundee until 20.30 tonight. 10 hours for a journey that is meant to take 5.75 hours.

Another thing that gets on my nerves is "customer service" staff who have fúck all idea what customer service is, and think they can take the moral high ground whenever they want because they don't come to work to get "abused".

I was at Waverley this evening, and FirstScotrail had refused to accept my NXEC ticket, despite me being told twice at Doncaster and once at London that it would be accepted, so I went to see NXEC. I was as polite as I normlly am (which is quite polite in case you were wondering), and informed the woman that the FirstScotrail train was leaving in 3 minutes so I had a bit of a deadline. She shouted back that if I would stop asking her questions (I wasn't, I was merely informing her of my situation)then she would find out what the situation was. She came back to me 4 minutes later, after I had watched the train depart, to let me know that FirstScotrail weren't accepting NXEC tickets. I then asked when the next train was that I could get to Dundee, and was told I had to wait for the next NXEC train, which was another 80 minutes. I asked if ther was somewhere I could go to get out of the cold and maybe get a cup of tea, bearing in mind that my 135 minute delay was being increased to at least 215 minutes, and was told no, I can wait in the concourse.

At this point I said (and I quote) "so basically, I'm delayed by at least 3.5 hours and you can do fúck all to help?"

She then refused to speak to me, citing the case "If you're going to swear at me then I'm not going to bother speaking to you."

Response; "Listen pal, I used a swear word as part of my sentence structure, if I was swearing at you then I would have called you a fúcking pig-faced cúnt you sanctimonious cow."

Anyway, just left Inverkeithing, fúcking pissed off.

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The 'at' sign seems to have disappeared from my keyboard since my dad had to put the laptop back to factory settings. :( It comes up with " instead.

Anybody know what could fix it?

Hold ALT and press 64

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The 'at' sign seems to have disappeared from my keyboard since my dad had to put the laptop back to factory settings. :( It comes up with " instead.

Anybody know what could fix it?

Go to:


Control Panel

Regions and Language

make sure it's UK and NOT USA

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Hold ALT and press 64
I can't remember how to fix it, but in the mean time, SHIFT + 2 will give you your @ sign back.

I don't think i trust you two - just been told to go into control panel and regional settings....

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