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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I would actually quote HGG but its really long.Firstly i'm not an alias.I don't know anything about you other than you put across a very well balanced point.I read it all and found it extremely interesting some of the things there.I came in from work ready for an argument but really have nothing to say.Your absolutely right.I guess i am one of the many people who are critical of it (not really in general public) but in such a close proximity.I feel very sheepish now and realise that what could the mother actually have done in a crowded train.If she had asked if i minded i personally would have said no go ahead but it is maybe a poor reflection on society (myself included) that she should have to.

I still won't concede that i will feel comfartable in that situation but i certainly will concede that it is not something that should annoy me and rather that it something outwith the control of both myself and the mother.I was angry when i wrote that email through just being a little shocked and realise that the language used was inappropriate (think i already apologised for that) and is not a true reflection of my character.

I did realise you probably weren't an alias. I'm our resident breastfeeding expert it would seem :D. I try to avoid being confrontational on this and more challenge statements appropriately to provoke thought and not reaction. I have no wish to induce a negative response in discussions about such a sensitive and important subject. I don't expect everyone to understand all the issues at hand. It's taken me six years to get where I am just now. I don't ask people to feel comfortable in situations where they just don't - that would be unreasonable of me - but do ask that both sides of the coin be considered. You've done that rather graciously here. :cheers:

As for your stepmum story - :lol: :lol: :lol:

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*HGG Quote here*

Everyone I've mentioned that I'd like to breastfeed the baby has told me I'm off my head <_< Indicitive of society.

Me, me. You mentioned it to me and I didn't tell you you're off your head!


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Everyone I've mentioned that I'd like to breastfeed the baby has told me I'm off my head <_< Indicitive of society.

Really?! That's ridiculous! Why would anyone choose bottle over breast unless there was some medical/psychological reason? Breast is free for a start!!!

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Really?! That's ridiculous! Why would anyone choose bottle over breast unless there was some medical/psychological reason? Breast is free for a start!!!

Yup, we llas HCG rightly points out she hasn't. I've see all my friends bottle feed, what a pain in the arse. Boil water, add formula, but no too much or too little, cool bottle down, warm bottle up, steralise bottle afterwards. And the cost of formula. That all seems like a lot of hastle compared to breastfeeding. Whilst I understand breastfeeding can take time surley the antibodies and goodness that is well known has to be better for baby, not to mention the health benefits to mums. Not to mention the bonding. People say but you'll have no help with the nightfeeds, as my GP pointed out there is nothing nicer than it being 2am and you and baby are wrapped up in a blaket and he is feeding, she fed her wee boy herself.

According to my mother in law breastfeeding means you don't know exactly how many ounces a baby is getting :rolleyes: one of the more intresting reasons I've heard to bottle feed. A baby will soon tell you if it needs more!

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According to my mother in law breastfeeding means you don't know exactly how many ounces a baby is getting :rolleyes: one of the more intresting reasons I've heard to bottle feed. A baby will soon tell you if it needs more!

I really should mind my own business more, but I'm not going to just now :D.

That's one of the reasons why formula feeding is known to lead to obesity in later life. There are physical reasons, obviously, but a baby is often "taught" (I use the word loosely speaking as tiny babies can't really learn like that - maybe "encouraged" would be a better word) to finish what's in the bottle. I've seen babies roused from a sleepy state, bottles jiggled, encouraging words spoken - all in the name of getting the baby to "finish". This helps the baby's stomach to distend further than it would with formula feeding anyway and also begins the habit of eating everything that's in front of you whether you're hungry or not.

Not regulating/knowing what your baby is having can be a great thing. We trust a woman's body for anywhere between 8-10 months to grow a baby from scratch, nourish it and do what's best for it. Why can we suddenly not trust it when we can see the baby with our bare eyes?

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I really should mind my own business more, but I'm not going to just now :D.

That's one of the reasons why formula feeding is known to lead to obesity in later life. There are physical reasons, obviously, but a baby is often "taught" (I use the word loosely speaking as tiny babies can't really learn like that - maybe "encouraged" would be a better word) to finish what's in the bottle. I've seen babies roused from a sleepy state, bottles jiggled, encouraging words spoken - all in the name of getting the baby to "finish". This helps the baby's stomach to distend further than it would with formula feeding anyway and also begins the habit of eating everything that's in front of you whether you're hungry or not.

Not regulating/knowing what your baby is having can be a great thing. We trust a woman's body for anywhere between 8-10 months to grow a baby from scratch, nourish it and do what's best for it. Why can we suddenly not trust it when we can see the baby with our bare eyes?

They were doing it in caves and the human population survived and that was without the knowledge we have now............

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I don't know if this is controversial or not but breastfeeding in public f****n berates me. Its just uncalled for.I was quite happily minding my own business on the train even though there was a screaming baby sitting across from me (just fired the tunes up on my iPod...problem solved).

Next minute i look out the window and when i look back the wifey has whapped one of her sweatercows out for the baby to go about its business.Im not generally upset at seein a nice girl flash a nice boob but this was unreal (plus it was a case of if there hadn't been a table the bairn would have been gettin its lunch off the floor). :(

So then i was caught in the horrific position of not knowing where to look, where not to look, should i act upset or jus smile politely.Then after its done the tart gets off at the next stop....f**k it.done now.selfish bint...put the udders away. :angry:

Sorry for any offence caused to public milk factories...In fact i'm not!!!

And the small fact that it is against the law in Scotland to ask a woman who is brestfeeding in public to stop it.

If you where that upset maybe you shouldn't have looked in the first place or maybe moved.... :rolleyes:

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I would actually quote HGG but its really long.Firstly i'm not an alias.I don't know anything about you other than you put across a very well balanced point.I read it all and found it extremely interesting some of the things there.I came in from work ready for an argument but really have nothing to say.Your absolutely right.I guess i am one of the many people who are critical of it (not really in general public) but in such a close proximity.I feel very sheepish now and realise that what could the mother actually have done in a crowded train.If she had asked if i minded i personally would have said no go ahead but it is maybe a poor reflection on society (myself included) that she should have to.

I still won't concede that i will feel comfartable in that situation but i certainly will concede that it is not something that should annoy me and rather that it something outwith the control of both myself and the mother.I was angry when i wrote that email through just being a little shocked and realise that the language used was inappropriate (think i already apologised for that) and is not a true reflection of my character.


Anyway maybe something that does fit in more with this thread and less controversial is flatmates sending messages from your phone when your drunk.

Mary:What are you doing tomorrow?

My phone: Touching myself.what are you up to.

Mary: is this [insert my name]?

My phone: Yes do you want to have sexy time?

All very funny if Mary wasn't what i had saved my stepmum under.Guess who hasn't been round for dinner this week? <_<

Well said. That's much better.

:lol::lol::lol: at your story

*HGG Quote here*

Everyone I've mentioned that I'd like to breastfeed the baby has told me I'm off my head <_< Indicitive of society.

I was the same. I breastfed Callum and wouldn't have had it any other way. Surprisingly my sister-in-law has since breast-fed her two.

And the small fact that it is against the law in Scotland to ask a woman who is brestfeeding in public to stop it.

If you where that upset maybe you shouldn't have looked in the first place or maybe moved.... :rolleyes:

I think he's learnt his lesson.

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Well said. That's much better.

:lol::lol::lol: at your story

I was the same. I breastfed Callum and wouldn't have had it any other way. Surprisingly my sister-in-law has since breast-fed her two.

I think he's learnt his lesson.

Maybe we should all bookmark this and save it for the next time someone post a moan about it in here. :lol:

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And the small fact that it is against the law in Scotland to ask a woman who is brestfeeding in public to stop it.

It's actually against the law up there for anyone to prevent an infant from being fed. Breastfeeding isn't stipulated.

Our crappy English version puts a time limit of six months to that. How pants are we?! :angry: Sod it, I'm moving north. B)

Maybe we should all bookmark this and save it for the next time someone post a moan about it in here. :lol:

:lol: No need. I'll still be around. ;)

I think he has. :lol:

:lol: Think of it more as developing an understanding and compassion for those unable to care for themselves and caring for their future. B) :D

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Really?! That's ridiculous! Why would anyone choose bottle over breast unless there was some medical/psychological reason? Breast is free for a start!!!

- Because they are well aware of the attitudes like those of the poster who started this subject off and don't want to be subjected to them.

- Because they themselves are uncomfortable with the prospect of breastfeeding in public no matter how accepting the public might be.

- Because their mothers belong to the generation with the lowest uptake of breastfeeding and have passed on the attitudes of 20-30 years ago.

- Because breastfeeding is more problematic than bottlefeeding - a point proved if they are fortunate enough to find out about breastfeeding support (well, you don't get bottlefeeding support do you?)

- Because they have partners who are repulsed by the idea of "sharing" the breasts with a baby.

- Because they have partners who would not let them feed in public, or even in their own house in company.

- Because formula milk is now "closer than ever" to breast milk.

There's a variety of reasons for starters. Dismissing the validity of a choice to bottlefeed as "ridiculous" is lowering yourself to the level of the people who have imparted their "wisdom" on Rowan.

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My grandad has been in hospital for 2 weeks, and is very poorly. I left work at ten to go and see him as i was convinced he was going to go today, i sat with him till 6 pm. He's still hanging in there but the doctors and nurses have said he doesnt have long left, i've got a gut feeling he will go tonight, i am in fuckin bits at the moment.

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My grandad has been in hospital for 2 weeks, and is very poorly. I left work at ten to go and see him as i was convinced he was going to go today, i sat with him till 6 pm. He's still hanging in there but the doctors and nurses have said he doesnt have long left, i've got a gut feeling he will go tonight, i am in fuckin bits at the moment.

Chin up boyo. My Gran has been given the last rites twice, the last time about 5 years ago, and she's still on the go. The old folk are stronger willed than people give them credit for.

Hoping for the best. ;)

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Hope your Grandad is Ok Neilly.

When my girl was pregnant with Coley the nurses and midwives were more or less guilt tripping her into breast feeding. I resented them a lot for that. We were also told that the kid could grow up obese and a bit slower if not breastfed.

Cole has been bottlefed from week one, counts up to ten and strings coherent sentences together. He can also distinguish plurals, all at 2 years, 2 months.

There may well be health benefits to breast feeding mothers but I'd love to see the evidence concerning bottle feeding making kids a bit slower.

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Hope your Grandad is Ok Neilly.

When my girl was pregnant with Coley the nurses and midwives were more or less guilt tripping her into breast feeding. I resented them a lot for that. We were also told that the kid could grow up obese and a bit slower if not breastfed.

Cole has been bottlefed from week one, counts up to ten and strings coherent sentences together. He can also distinguish plurals, all at 2 years, 2 months.

There may well be health benefits to breast feeding mothers but I'd love to see the evidence concerning bottle feeding making kids a bit slower.

I have heard many, many things about the benefits of breastfeeding and bottle feeding being "bad" but that is certainly not one of them.

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