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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Aye, p&b was good for me the first summer that particular problem affected me.

I think it's more than I'm just not tired as I went to bed late last night and slept til about 1pm today. I haven't been able to go to the gym in about a week because of all the stuff I've been doing over the last few days.

At least I can snore, sleeptalk ans sleepwalk with no complaints tonight!

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till people in shops talking to customers whilst you wait in line with a shitload of stuff in your hand.

I'd agree with this. except that the boot has been on the other foot and to some extent these poor souls are contractually required by way of random assessment to dish out some conversation -in my time I only ever did basic pleasantries/information/help when forced into this role as part of my retail gig but you do get those who unnessesarily 'enthuse' in the conversation side of the gig.

this is one of the reasons I can see the benefits of the self service modules. of course that a whole other -previously discussed- bloody iritating thing when they dont work.

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The trains from Glasgow Central have been off for a couple of days, forcing me onto the bus to get into/home from work.

The morning isn't too bad, but getting home last night was a nightmare. The buses were packed and took forever to get through town, then the loons started their display. Firstly a girl started an argument on her phone "I'm going to go f*cking mental" she bawled at the top of her voice as her face contorted in outrage at some trivial matter. Then a steamer gets on and blocks the passageway at the door, and when people try and get off he starts pushing them, including the girl arguing on the phone who gives him a mouthful of abuse. Eventually another passenger steps in to tell him to behave, while all this time the driver is having an ongoing argument with his depot over the radio because he's behind schedule due to the traffic.

Our trains are far from perfect, but thank f*ck they're back on today.

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Scotrail are appalling.

Saturday - Aberdeen to Irvine involved the Aberdeen train being diverted through Fife and over the Forth Rail Bridge,

which is a bit confusing when you wake up and think where is this train taking me - followed by th joy of the bus transfer from Glasgow Cent to Pailsey GS.

Abd for the SJC 4th Rd I have the joy of a bus from Aberdeen to Dundee as a 'replacement service' as that end of the line is closed around 17/01/09.

AND they couldn't even run the Aberdeen-Dyce service on time this morning, it's only an 11 minute trip.

SCOTRAIL - I only pay you money to do one thing - run trains on time !!!!!!!!!!

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Dear Alex, u r a cnt lol x


Just sent him that. Fully expect a sweary, threatening rant. :lol:

Edit, very disapointing result!

When i received that last night i thought it was you who was trying to wind me up :lol::lol:

Eventually got to the bottom of it though with a little bit of detective work ( i should be a copper)

It turns out it was this person



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The trains from Glasgow Central have been off for a couple of days, forcing me onto the bus to get into/home from work.

The morning isn't too bad, but getting home last night was a nightmare. The buses were packed and took forever to get through town, then the loons started their display. Firstly a girl started an argument on her phone "I'm going to go f*cking mental" she bawled at the top of her voice as her face contorted in outrage at some trivial matter. Then a steamer gets on and blocks the passageway at the door, and when people try and get off he starts pushing them, including the girl arguing on the phone who gives him a mouthful of abuse. Eventually another passenger steps in to tell him to behave, while all this time the driver is having an ongoing argument with his depot over the radio because he's behind schedule due to the traffic.

Our trains are far from perfect, but thank f*ck they're back on today.

Scotrail really are geniuses. How they thought up their policy of one 50 seater bus per train cancelled is beyond me.

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Watching the cricket on Sky Sports 1 from Queenstown and thinking how much I'd love to be back in that town for New Year, probably my favourite place in the world with the combination of scenery and nightlife....

.... whereas I was in Greenock watching us get roundly pumped 2-0.

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