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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm comparing two of Seamus Heaney's poems: "Death of a Naturalist" and "Blackberry Picking".

I don't usually mind doing essays, but this one's taking the piss.

I remember having to compare two of Shakespeare's sonnets. I hated that part of the course.

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English was class.

The best book to write about is, "Cal"!

I quite enjoy English, but it's this aspect of the course that I'm not liking. It's too long and really frustrating if you can't undertsand what you're being asked to do. Finished for tonight, though. I'll just tell him that it was too much to do in one night.

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I quite enjoy English, but it's this aspect of the course that I'm not liking. It's too long and really frustrating if you can't undertsand what you're being asked to do. Finished for tonight, though. I'll just tell him that it was too much to do in one night.

It is a bit unpredictable in an exam when you have no clue what the question will be, and just hope to God, that there is one specific to your poems/novel/play. If not, then you're in trouble.

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It is a bit unpredictable in an exam when you have no clue what the question will be, and just hope to God, that there is one specific to your poems/novel/play. If not, then you're in trouble.

In most instances you can find a question that can be made to fit around your novel/play/poem if you know the text well enough.

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In most instances you can find a question that can be made to fit around your novel/play/poem if you know the text well enough.

Yeah, there will always be one. But you want one that fits in to an extent. I remember in my Prelim getting a question that hardly worked, and trying to fit it into the text was very difficult.

To be honest though, once you pick up the technique, English is fairly simple. As as long as you make reference to the question all the time, and talk about the imagery, themes, vocabulary, connotations, blah blah, then you'll do fine.

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Yeah, there will always be one. But you want one that fits in to an extent. I remember in my Prelim getting a question that hardly worked, and trying to fit it into the text was very difficult.

To be honest though, once you pick up the technique, English is fairly simple. As as long as you make reference to the question all the time, and talk about the imagery, themes, vocabulary, connotations, blah blah, then you'll do fine.

That's pretty bang on. I found my marks rocketed when I stopped micromanaging texts, and focussed on central ideas and themes.

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I was walking along Battlefield Road at around 25 to 9, with a steady stream of them heading along the same road, away from Hampden. I figured they must have been 3-0 down or something, but it transpires they're 2-0 up.

What sort of fuckwit leaves a national semi final when it's 2-0 to their own team at half time?

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Think the answer's in the question.

There were hundreds of aforementioned fuckwits though. When there's a sold out game on, I'll usually see similar numbers making a break for it with 5 minutes to go.

I really don't understand why an element of the huunish support bother with the football.

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MarvMarvSuperMarv fucking scudded with the with the ball on the outside of the thigh tonight at fives from about 5 yards. It's quite easily the sorest thing i've ever, ever experienced. It's left the imprint of the pentagon shape of the patches on my leg.

I was about doing backflips cause there was absolutely nothing i could do about the pain. Got some Sudacrem on it just now and it's soothed a bit, still burning though.

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It is a bit unpredictable in an exam when you have no clue what the question will be, and just hope to God, that there is one specific to your poems/novel/play. If not, then you're in trouble.

Aye, had that problem last year.

My teacher was saying how the texts she picked matched the previous year to mine's questions perfectly. She didn't think to change the texts as it would be doubtful they would match so well again and what do you know, they didn't. Needless to say I was not amused :P

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didnt work monday....no work yesterday......falkirk got beat.

my phones broken so i dont know if theres anything on tomorrow.

wiper motors are broken on the van so have to hold one of the wipers out the window and wipe it myself.

not really petty. fairly major things that get on my nerves

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Argh! Im gold!

As one of the first platinum members, its just run out on me, and for the first time, I can see the cruel world that I left behind. Full mailbox, limited numbers of forums, adverts everywhere, its not pretty.

Time to renew methinks. To escape this horrible world, a tenner is cheap!

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