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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When uve got a 10am lecture and it takes you 35 minutes to find a parking space...then you have to weave your way through the various leaflet distributors for the trendy nightclubs in the city centre...only to find your lecture has been cancelled an you have to consider sicide on the Kincardine Bridge before travelling back through to Dunfermline...

...also...£1.20 for a can of Irn Bru at Cluny Clays driving range...

wtf is that about?!?!?!?!?

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I have done nothing of any use today, and am as a result feeling crotchety and futile. :angry:

Aye, I'm the same. It's good to get a wee break from a screaming infant, but I'm at a bit of a loose end, and earlier my mate has informed me he's now not going out for beer after work, so another dull night in potentially awaits. :(

Still, there's the fitba the morra.

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Setting the scene here...

relief agency staff member was called in to cover a shift yesterday, and I was giving the handover just before I was going off shift for the weekend. She was on with John, who's a good workmate of mine, and he's Maori.

So anyway, I'm going 'your on with John, your allowed to hit him round the head when he misbehaves, he smells a bit, and he has bad taste in music...', he's replying 'away and piss off for the weekend' - just two blokes taking the piss out of each other and having a laugh about it.

The agency staff member turned round and said 'I don't like your attitude, your being racist'.


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Setting the scene here...

relief agency staff member was called in to cover a shift yesterday, and I was giving the handover just before I was going off shift for the weekend. She was on with John, who's a good workmate of mine, and he's Maori.

So anyway, I'm going 'your on with John, your allowed to hit him round the head when he misbehaves, he smells a bit, and he has bad taste in music...', he's replying 'away and piss off for the weekend' - just two blokes taking the piss out of each other and having a laugh about it.

The agency staff member turned round and said 'I don't like your attitude, your being racist'.


I can't understand people who do that. Tell other people that they're being racist.

If someone who I didn't know was blatantly racist in front of me, I'd probably be a bit embarrassed and say "heh... yeh" and then try to change the subject.

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forgot to add the agency member was Maori as well. <_<

I've worked a hell of a lot of shifts with John, we've shared food, he brings his guitar into work for the lads, he takes the piss out of my singing when he's playing Hendrix (he's in rock and blues bands), I do most of the paperwork for him like monthly reports, it's just two blokes in a scary situation (we've both been assualted in the last month) trying to have a bit of a laugh and get through the shift.

The fact that he's Maori has no bearing on it. I'm actually pretty pissed about it now, when I stop to think about it.

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George Foreman has died.

Not the boxer - my Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine. :( RIP

I didn't read your post properly. I read the first bit, said aloud "Oh no" and went straight to the BBC news website to find out how he carked it.

I came back to this thread to find your post so I could ask your sauce.


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What did John have to say about all this? Did he not tell the agency worker to get tae?

haven't a scoob, I'm off for the weekend.

I actually take a lot of racist flack at work, I've bitten my tongue when the boss has went on about the evil of colonialisation, then went on to criticise how 'white people' working in mental health agencies are hoovering up Maori mental health contracts... I'm actually the only non-Maori worker at the place, and I'm sure it's not a topic that's even raised if I'm not on. That's just in the last few days BTW, and I'm pretty sure I'm not being paranoid.

I just let it wash over me, there's no point in getting upset about it, very little I can do, plus I will be off ASAP.

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Fucking man flu. Or real flu, whichever it is that has rendered me completely bloody useless the past few days and reached a heady pinnacle today requiring me to stay in bed all day.

Anyone else out there ill? :(

just recovered from a cold then developed TWO huge mouth ulcers. They're fading now but f**k me they hurt :(

On the deaf babies thing. My mum and dad were telling me they thought I was deaf because I wouldn't react to rattles etc :lol:

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I didn't read your post properly. I read the first bit, said aloud "Oh no" and went straight to the BBC news website to find out how he carked it.

I came back to this thread to find your post so I could ask your sauce.


I did wonder if anyone would do that. Might have known it would be an inbred fecker from Dingers. :P

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Been restricted to the toilet seat for most of the morning.

Think I'll have a couple weeks off the booze...

Mmmmmm. That will last till you feel better then it will be back to the bottle.

I speak from a degree of experience. ;)

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Really bad stomach pains all morning and projectile vomiting . :( I couldn't move for the pain and nothing I did made the pain go away.

Edited by saints1884
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