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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I have my driving test in two hours and my complete lack of confidence is rather annoying.

Good Luck.

My reason for posting, hungover to hell

Waking up in your own sick is no how I wanted my Saturday to start <_<

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Perhaps, but they were using my phone line (which WAS in my name) to provide the service and I'd been telling them for 18 months that they weren't to do that. It was a BT Manager (friend of my mum's and neighbour of mine) who advised me to get OFCOM involved. Either way, it worked.

It's just a pet hate of mine when folk that are completely in the wrong think that shouting down the phone at someone doing there job by the book is going to make a difference.

I had this arse on the phone the other night who spent about 5 minutes slagging off the company and asking why he had to watch adverts on Sky Player. After explaining that Sky were a commercial company and made revenue from advertising he then eventually got around to his problem. He was sneering and generally condescending, just a complete pompous arse.

We got around to the DPA part of verification and he told me that the account holder wasn't available so I took great joy in telling him (Still being proffesional of course) that I couldn't speak to him about the account.

He called me a "Fucking c**t, a fucking Scottish c**t". I laughed at him and released him.

Folk who think they can get away with that type of abuse on the phone are seriously deluded. My TL asked if I had recorded the call as I could have taken it further.

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It's just a pet hate of mine when folk that are completely in the wrong think that shouting down the phone at someone doing there job by the book is going to make a difference.

I had this arse on the phone the other night who spent about 5 minutes slagging off the company and asking why he had to watch adverts on Sky Player. After explaining that Sky were a commercial company and made revenue from advertising he then eventually got around to his problem. He was sneering and generally condescending, just a complete pompous arse.

We got around to the DPA part of verification and he told me that the account holder wasn't available so I took great joy in telling him (Still being proffesional of course) that I couldn't speak to him about the account.

He called me a "Fucking c**t, a fucking Scottish c**t". I laughed at him and released him.

Folk who think they can get away with that type of abuse on the phone are seriously deluded. My TL asked if I had recorded the call as I could have taken it further.

Yep, you definetly could have taken it further. Some of the abuse (and personal threats) that are dished out to some agents I know is just horrendous.

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Soccer AM's skill school gets on my tits.

Most of the time they do a few keepy uppys and then some stupid show-offy type pish with their over excited team mates.

Do unique skills you spotty c***s!

Ive always wanted one of them to do this.

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I won £6 from Skybet by predicting that the first goal would come between 21-30 minutes so thought I'd be adventurous and stick a quid on Arjen Robben scoring the next goal as he was having some game.

Clicked 'confirm bet' literally 10 seconds before Van Persie popped up to head Hollands second.

Quickest pound I've ever spent. :lol:

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Soccer AM's skill school gets on my tits.

Most of the time they do a few keepy uppys and then some stupid show-offy type pish with their over excited team mates.

Do unique skills you spotty c***s!

It has f**k all to do with football.

If the latest superstar youth striker was given a chance in the first team, got put through on goal by a brilliant Chris Aitken pass (just while we're doing outrageous hypotheses, like :lol: ) and stopped to lift the ball onto the back of his neck then lie down on the turf and pretend to cycle, instead of scoring an easy goal, allowing the defenders to get back and clear, I think I'd run on the park and boot him in the stones. Not before catching an imaginary ball between my knees and flapping my arms like a puffin or something obviously, just to keep in with the general skill factor as I cripple the little chunt.

Edited by Monster
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It has f**k all to do with football.

If the latest superstar youth striker was given a chance in the first team, got put through on goal by a brilliant Chris Aitken pass (just while we're doing outrageous hypotheses, like :lol: ) and stopped to lift the ball onto the back of his neck then lie down on the turf and pretend to cycle, instead of scoring an easy goal, allowing the defenders to get back and clear, I think I'd run on the park and boot him in the stones. Not before catching an imaginary ball between my knees and flapping my arms like a puffin or something obviously, just to keep in with the general skill factor as I cripple the little chunt.


There aren't enough hard man players nowadays. Big Shauny Dennis wouldnae have stood for any of this stepover pish.

BANG! Up in the air and a snarled word of warning when fucking twinkletoes landed.

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He'd get a straight red nowadays. There's no contact allowed at all in the lower leagues these days.

Only today the ref at Stranraer gave a free-kick against Chris Aitken because he was alongside a Stranraer player, shoulder to shoulder. Brave Chris did absolutely everything he could to avoid having to get anywhere near challenging for the ball, but sadly for him his momentum took him into the opponent, and shoulders were rubbed, in the kind of slight brushing fashion that can only lead to a modern ultra-sensible referee into vehemently gesticulating in a sort of angry little wasp-like manner for a free-kick against the offending midfield maestro.

On the upside for the robust Aitken, that seemed to satisfy him that his days industry was at an end, and an immediate return to complete disinterest at the game around him that was threatening to descend into football (from windy hoofing) was quickly applied.

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There aren't enough hard man players nowadays. Big Shauny Dennis wouldnae have stood for any of this stepover pish.

BANG! Up in the air and a snarled word of warning when fucking twinkletoes landed.

Tam Forsyth.Bloody hell you feared for your players life when you saw him coming in for a tackle(kill)

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After a week of utter insanity, I thought I'd be glad to get back to my own bed and catch up on my missing sleep (so, so much of it), and actually be sober enough to get undressed before passing out (for the first time since Wednesday)...but come midnight, I'm actually really bored. :(

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No live football matches on a Sunday when the internationals are on. After Goals on Sunday I've had to contend with River City and Only Fools and Horses repeats on G.O.L.D. :(

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No live football matches on a Sunday when the internationals are on. After Goals on Sunday I've had to contend with River City and Only Fools and Horses repeats on G.O.L.D. :(

If only you had Setanta - I'm currently enjoying the spectacle that is Weymouth vs Barrow. :P

To be fair, it's no worse than what I've witnessed in the First Division this season.

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No live football matches on a Sunday when the internationals are on. After Goals on Sunday I've had to contend with River City and Only Fools and Horses repeats on G.O.L.D. :(

Ecuador-Brazil tonight.

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After a week of utter insanity, I thought I'd be glad to get back to my own bed and catch up on my missing sleep (so, so much of it), and actually be sober enough to get undressed before passing out (for the first time since Wednesday)...but come midnight, I'm actually really bored. :(

f**k sake, are you ever happy? :P

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