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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I assumed a mate had been a complete arse towards me (like ususal) when supposedly he was actually being quite helpful. At the moment he won't accept my quite difficult and humble apologies. How can I convince him that I'm genuinely sorry and haven't tried to provoke an argument with him (long story)??? :(

I refer this to the greater wisdom of the community, as I fail.

Are you always this socially awkward? Buy the guy a pint.

Thought I'd won £600 on a scratch-card earlier, just for a split second. :(

Stupid minus temperatures ;)

:lol: I'm not having that "maths" business.

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I don't know if this could really be classed as petty, but here goes.

I went onto my Youtube profile and noticed I had 4 new subscribers. "Yay!", I thought. One of said subscribers was a chap called JustProud, and his profile picture was a big Union flag. "Maybe it's Makolunas" I said to myself. So I go onto his page to be greeted by the sight of -

*BNP member

*British Nationalist

*White working class

*Hate Gordon traitor Brown and the Communist Labour Party

*Hate Multiculturalism

(Oppose cultural suicide)

*Hate the EU

*Love British history

Now, I'm not a racist, and there is absolutely nothing in my videos that could possibly even hint at me being some sort of supremist. But there we go, this waste of space loves me. Horrah. I can't even remove him from my profile page either. So people might think "Oh, that Toma's some guy. Fucking genius, infact. I'm going to look at his profile.... oh. Down with the blacks, eh?".

I don't want people thinking I'm associated with this bufter.

Anyway, another thing that gets on my nerves;

I was at a 21st last week and upon noticing the bouncy castle, I decided to give my mate a running powerslam. Well, I bounced back up and his head connected with my jaw. Horrible, horrible pain it was. It was worse on the Saturday, but by Sunday it had gone.

Then I woke up yesterday with the right side of my face absolutely banging and now swollen. I can't sleep because of the bugger either.

Happy, happy days.

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I got up at exactly 8.45am, went for a piss then through to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I heard the postman putting something through the letterbox but only went to check 5 minutes later.

It was a card from the Royal Mail saying they had tried to deliver a package at 8.55am when the b*****d never even chapped the door.

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I got up at exactly 8.45am, went for a piss then through to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I heard the postman putting something through the letterbox but only went to check 5 minutes later.

It was a card from the Royal Mail saying they had tried to deliver a package at 8.55am when the b*****d never even chapped the door.

Aw that's the worst Fudge. Why can't they just not be lazy b*****ds? If you do feel that strongly about it you can always grass him up. Go on.....you know you want to :P

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I was in Mr News at the back of 6, and this girl says hello, so being a friendly sort, i said it back, next thing i knew, i was being pinned up against a wall by psycho boyfriend "Where u get off chatting up ma burd". anyways they buggered off, and i left Mr News, walking up sauchiehall street, and nutjob appears again, and lamps me....now my cheeks all swollen, because i said hello to someone. Only in glasgow.

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I got up at exactly 8.45am, went for a piss then through to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I heard the postman putting something through the letterbox but only went to check 5 minutes later.

It was a card from the Royal Mail saying they had tried to deliver a package at 8.55am when the b*****d never even chapped the door.

Bloody hell!

A couple of days ago my phone rang so I answered it. Pure silence on the other end of the phone so I hung up and dialled the number back and got an automated message saying that BT had tried to call, didn't get an answer and would call back later! :huh:

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Make sure you complain Fudge.

I never normally complain about trivial things like this, but it's the fact that where I was standing in the kitchen was literally about 1 m from the front door at the time the note came through that has pissed me off most.

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I'd be on the phone going mental. :lol:

Would the guy who would deliver a jiffy bag type package with standard delivery (a book bought 2nd hand from a seller on Amazon) be the regular postman, because our regular postman is an idiot?

He constantly puts the mail for the woman across the hall through my letter box and vice versa, which lead to the woman across the hall sticking up a piece of A4 paper on her door with 'THIS IS FLAT 2/2. FLAT 2/1 IS BEHIND YOU!!!'

The most annoying thing of all is that I thought I had lost my textbook, so ordered a new one. " hours later I discovered the original tectbook in my room meaning I had wated £20. :(

Edited by Fudge
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It'd probably be your regular postie - although sometimes round here there's a postie that goes around in a van doing all the parcel deliveries. The sorting office will know what postie it was that should have delivered it though.

You could maybe try selling the spare textbook?

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Just read on the beeb that the CPS in London were giving a one-off payment to staff that had managed to go into work when it was snowing.

Do nurses/gritters/other public servants get a payment?

Sorry, but the place is now going to hell in a handcart...

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