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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Meeting folk you went to school with who feel the need to tell you all about how 'fabulous' their lives are, calling you 'mate', 'buddy' etc and parting with 'good to see you again, look me up on Bebo' or other such nonsense, even when they didn't give you the time of day at school.

I think what annoyed me more about the latest meeting with one of these folk was him using the line: "People at school didn't like me because I used to just clown about, getting into trouble yet still got straight A's"

No, 'mate', it was because you were a cunt.

Why did you bother going in the first place,if you think most of them are c***s. :rolleyes:

The EA website have a competition on just now to go to either London or Manchester to be the first person to play the sims 3. They never think of having these things in Scotland...Ever. :angry:

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I wasn't planning on, you may just have changed my mind, though...

Get going! It's a great day out.

On the topic of meeting people that you knew at school years after you've left.

I find it quite satisfying to see folk who thought they were better than you at the school, because you had quite a poor upbringing, doing shit.

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To be honest, I don't mind bumping into people I was at school with. Most of them do seem to be genuinely interested in what I'm doing these days, without trying to act like their my best friend or anything. If I don't want to talk to them, I make my excuses and leave.

That said, I do get a good laugh when I see people who were complete wankers doing absolutely nothing of note.

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I thought you where at a school reunion? :unsure:

Ah, I see. No, I meant I've bumped into several people in pubs, in town etc. I would never go to a school reunion, I'm still in touch with everyone from school that I wanted to be.

Get going! It's a great day out.

My general inability to play football/shyness tends to get in the way of things like that. :(

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My general inability to play football/shyness tends to get in the way of things like that. :(

The football is a mere sideshow to the evening session.

Come through with us and we can reminisce about playing for the supporters club football team and taking half time pens!

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I'm 6 months pregnant, ffs! :lol:

:eek::o No, No, No! For once I didn't mean anything 'naughty' like that - honestly woman, your mind! <_<:rolleyes:

No, I meant that our three combined ages will probably be around 150 so you'd feel much younger in comparison and would consequently not be so down about getting older yourself!

Ye gods, the thought of three middle aged men in a foursome with a pregger's burd! :o:ph34r: I'm surely going to burn in hell! :(

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Guest The Mentalist
:eek::o No, No, No! For once I didn't mean anything 'naughty' like that - honestly woman, your mind! <_<:rolleyes:

No, I meant that our three combined ages will probably be around 150 so you'd feel much younger in comparison and would consequently not be so down about getting older yourself!

Ye gods, the thought of three middle aged men in a foursome with a pregger's burd! :o:ph34r: I'm surely going to burn in hell! :(

There is no hell but it's likely you will die alone.

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Oh, here we go - a quick post slating me, or maybe xbl, then another insane anti-mod rant before he's banned yet again. :lol:

He's gone back to his original nemesis, Kilt. I think he's actually trying to weasel his way in subtly this time. He can't cope though, after a couple posts he just won't be able to help himself. It is gratifying (and a little amusing) to see how much he misses us though! :D

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